I didn't drink coffee til I was 18; I just didn't fancy it. Just beer. XD
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Tom and Katie criticized again
lol all that stuff your supposed to want cuz you can't have until your an adult, beer, liquor, coffee etc. I have never liked any of it. Half of my friends didn't like it at first either but they kept drinking it cuz they weren't supposed to until they developed a taste for it.Jack Faire
I don't care for beer, either. I only drink it when I'm already drunk and running low on cash, since beer is cheaper than mixers.
Beer makes me burp, fart and bloat....not sexy when you're trying to have fun with friends or get busy with your sweetie.
I saw the shoes.
They were barely heels.
The press made a bigger deal out of it than they needed to.
I saw close to 20 pictures, and she, as well as her Mom, were wearing the same outfit in every one, so they were obviously all taken the same day.
There were maybe 2 others taken in other outfits, and only one other pair of shoes in a different colour or style.
Katie explains that they are a child's dance shoe.
It's not as if they were this style:
Last edited by Ree; 12-07-2009, 10:08 PM.Point to Ponder:
Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?
A valid point, Ree.
I, personally, dislike the idea of putting any type of heel on a young child like that. I guess dance shoes are kind of one thing...but I dunno. I've seen little heels made for children as young as 2. It weirds me out....not to mention makes me worry a bit about the kid tripping, slipping or falling.
Not my kid, not my problem, nor is it really any of my business.
From the photos, she seems to be handling them well enough, and they aren't skinny or lifted drastically in the back like most women's heels. *shrug*
I don't know what age the kids start wearing heels in dance class. I wasn't put in dance classes as a kid."Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
"And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter
Personally, I wouldn't put my child in any type of heel. However, if the shoes are made for dancing, I'm going to assume that they have sufficient support and traction. I wouldn't consider it child abuse in any way, shape, or form.
On a side note, Suri Cruise is one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen. She's just so freakin' adorable.
Originally posted by jackfaire View PostI used to go to Starbucks for italian sodas but they stopped carrying them and another coffee shop makes better hot chocolates (three kinds of chocolate mmmmmmm)
Back OT, the press is making a huge stink about nothing. My son took a long time to give up his sippy cup (I threw the bottles away when he was weaned, so I didn't have to worry about that). Some kids are slower in some areas than others. It's an individual thing. The coffee cup, sheesh, she probably grabbed Daddy's or Mommy's empty cup off a desk and just started playing with it. Kids do that too.
Originally posted by XCashier View PostSounds good, who carries that? :9
Yeah my daughter occasionally gets a sip of her grandma's coffee she is 8. But soda and coffee are both RARITIES for her. All of us (her mom, grandma, and me) agree on this hard and fast rule for her.Jack Faire
Originally posted by Ree View Post
Back on the topic, it's just the press making a big stink out of nothing, like they always do with celebrities' tykes."Never confuse the faith with the so-called faithful." -- Cartoonist R.K. Milholland's father.
A truer statement has never been spoken about any religion.
Re the shoes: they look (and remind me of) the cheap play fairy shoes you see in any $2 shop. low heels, but she handles them OK.
Re the bottle: A bit disturbing but as long as it doesn't have any alcohol in it, then STFU. (I remember a 5-year-old kid at my OSHC* still sucking his thumb)
*=OSHC stands for Out of School Hours Care. Basically, it's like a daycare centre in the school for kids between 5 and 14, but before and after school. They also usually run Vacation Care programs which are available to kids from other schools as well. I spent most of my child years at my school's OSHC. It was fun....in a way.Last edited by fireheart17; 12-30-2009, 01:50 PM.
Like I said, that was the only thing I'd even remotely take issue with, but as
A) it's not my kid
B) I don't know what kind of shoes/why she's wearing them at that time
C) There are TONS worse things kids can suffer than wearing little heel shoes
I don't particularly care. If I was a parent I'd be too paranoid of my kid breaking her ankle in ANY kind of heel at that age but that's my shortcoming