WTF is going on with him and his wife?
Is it drugs?
At time, she sounds like she's gone absolutely looney tunes, and he is supporting her, but then I read stories saying that he has come out with stuff that's just as whacked.
They were arrested in Vancouver, Canada, and are seeking asylum, because they claim their life is in danger from some plot to kill off actors.
They claim that the deaths of Heath Ledger and David Carradine were part of this secret murder plot.
They were wanted on warrants for felony damage to a guest house at a home they once owned, and recently, were charged with defrauding an innkeeper when they skipped out on a hotel bill.
Randy claims he wants to stay and work in Canada because he likes the country and feels he can advance his career here.
Oh, and she claims her father was a "Canadian" FBI agent!
I'm sorry, but we have enough idiots in this country, and people seeking asylum because of Canada's wishy-washy immigration policies.
I really hope they send these two back, and possibly find them a nice room somewhere with padded walls.
Background story