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Wizards gives lifetime Ban for Rape Threat.

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  • Wizards gives lifetime Ban for Rape Threat.

    Since the late 90s I have been a member of the DCI an organization that organizes and runs tournaments for a game called Magic The Gathering. This game and organization is owned by Wizards of the Coast who make D&D another game I play. So I have been purchasing products from this company for over 10 years, and I have never had cause to question its integrity.

    Today I heard about a story that makes me proud of this fact and makes me want to support this company even more.

    The guys typing is terrible but the basic thread of the story is he is from France and on a French forum he posted a joke that he was going to rape an employee of Wizards of the Coast, a specific employee.

    Wizards saw this somehow and has banned him for life from all DCI events.

    his response:
    i clearly understand the difference between our cultures now, i m not saying any of them is the best, but in eurpoe we have president inviting girls to sexual parties on camera and this doesn t make much noise.

    I understand the post the the people who say it can never be a joke, that s how you grew up, i recently started working in an american company and we had a whole course on sexual harassing, something you dont even hear of in france.
    To this I say this isn't a cultural difference, this is you not understanding the difference between asking for sex and rape. I've never been there but I have a feeling Rape isn't a good thing in France.

    Further they are not banning you for making a joke but for breaking rules they've specifically put in a rulebook and you had access to this.(this is also in response to some of the commenters) Honestly if you had had any class you wouldn't have said that, but if you've gained any class you would make a full public apology with much better typing than I've seen here.

  • #2
    Reminds me in a way of a girl I used to know who mentioned once that guys she knew kept joking about raping her. I and a few others told her that she should slap them down when they started talking about raping her, cuz it wasn't funny and shouldn't even be joked about.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


    • #3
      "Oh, we rape people all the time in France..." Seriously? That's your defense?
      "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
      ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


      • #4
        *makes a note to make more Magic events*

        While I can almost see the idiot's point (In other parts of the world, there is less sensitivity over various things, and non-PC jokes are more common), I agree with Wizards in not showing any tolerance.
        Happiness is too rare in this world to actually lose it because someone wishes it upon you. -Flyndaran


        • #5
          see the thing is it's not just that the joke was about rape, people use rape to describe getting beaten very badly in a game, or if the cards don't favor you, "oh man I got raped in that last game" it's that he threatened someone.


          • #6
            From what I understand this guy threatens, on a pubic forum, to rape a specific person by name. As far as I am concerned he deserved it. I doubt the French people as a culture threaten to rape people as a joke. That might be a subculture but it can still have serious consequences if it was done publicly.

            Besides, didn't he do this on an American forum? Why did he assume that people there would understand his "culture"?
            "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

            "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


            • #7
              the problem is that the French seem to have a totally different defination of "rape". I am too tired to search but it seems that French males have up until this time been given a sort of "immunity" from rape charges.

              the recent case of the former head of the World Bank has stirred up more women in France to come forward with charges of rape against various high powered males.

              will search more when I have the time
              I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

              I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
              The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


              • #8
                A blog article from early 2010 on "rape culture" in France as experienced by a woman living in Paris.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

