Wasn't it Adam Baldwin in Firefly?
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It's Always the Better Shows
Originally posted by AdminAssistant View PostWasn't it Adam Baldwin in Firefly?
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
Fox killed Dollhouse. Granted, I didn't see any episodes until last year when someone suggested it and I had literally nothing else to do. I was hooked. Loved the two seasons.
Futurama is another show that I love. I'm in the middle of re-watching the episodes.Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers
I started to watch V and Detroit 187. I think it helped that the were next to each other. I don't understand why V was killed because it was starting to get interesting and they left it on an unfinished note. Nor do I really understand why Detroit 187 was killed. The first couple of episodes, it felt like a generic cop show but as they made more episodes, it felt more like a cop show set in Detroit. And they left it on a cliffhanger as well.....bastards.
Although now that I think about it, Snyder not automatically renewing tax credits might have been the death knell for Detroit 187. But my understanding that a show can apply for them....so whatever.
And now that I'm hooked on REvolution, it's probably going to get the axe...but that doesn't surprise me....
I love Eureka and they cancelled that. Then they cancelled stargate Atlantis and stargate universe too.
I know they were on syfy which isn't really syfy anymore.
I starting watching dead like me and didn't realized that was cancelled too. I thought they were making more episodes until I went on imdb and found out that wasn't the case.
I also loved Lois and Clark and they cancelled that on a cliffhanger.
I wish they would have let us known what was up with the baby.
Well just remember NBC cancelled Star Trek back in the sixties and look how that has turned out for them. Lol
Originally posted by CaptainJaneway View PostWell just remember NBC cancelled Star Trek back in the sixties and look how that has turned out for them. LolI was going to say this same thing. They cancelled Star Trek due to low ratings, and here we are 50 years later and it's still a huge success and a part of our culture.
As for 666 Park Ave I didn't know it was being cancelledI don't watch it right at 10 pm sunday night but I dvr it so I can watch it at my convenience. So far it's been interesting and it's nice it's centered around one of the great old apartment houses of NYC.
Great YouTube channel check it out!
At least from what I've heard, Grimm's doing very well this season. Ratings wise, it is usually winning its slot, so another season pickup should be coming soon.
But yeah, canning seasons is getting frustrating.
I think part of the problem is US Networks always want a Never Ending Series, and won't even consider proper short series like the UK tends to have.
Alcatraz or Terra Nova could have been great as a 12 ep series with a definite end. Hell, Terra Nova could have been the US version/remake of Primeval (in spirit at least); but because networks want things to go on forever, they tend to cut early if it doesn't look like it has legs.
(666 Ave and Last Resort being the most recent ones; though I admit I haven't watched either of them)
Jetfire, American audiences love to watch a series drive itself into the ground. Any time a series leaves on a high note (MASH, Seinfeld), audiences bitch and whine to no end. No, what they want is for a series to peak, have at least one terrible season, jump the shark, then end disappointingly (Scrubs, LOST, Office US any moment now).
Network television makes a lot more sense when you remember that they're aiming for the lowest common denominator in American culture. I mean, they still make 3 camera sitcoms with laugh tracks for heaven's sake.
Lie to Me was a show I really enjoyed watching that got an abrupt cancellation. Although, they did make it into their third season.
NBC is famous for killing off shows before they complete their first season too. While The Cape was a batman rip off, it was still entertaining and had a strong cast. John Doe was another they cancelled early and that one was on a "Holy Shit! I didn't see that!" type cliffhanger.Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.
I think the other gotcha in North American TV that gets frustrating, is that End of Season (mid or full season) Cliff hanger.
If the show runners would do the show more like UK style, we would see the arc wrapped up, and hints dropped for a new series (season) but if the series isn't picked up, at least the show's had closure.
You can add Flashpoint as another show that's choosing to end on a highpoint at least; the current (Canadian) season of it will be its final one.
Originally posted by crashhelmet View PostLie to Me was a show I really enjoyed watching that got an abrupt cancellation.
Lie To Me was an excellent show.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
Originally posted by crashhelmet View PostLie to Me was a show I really enjoyed watching that got an abrupt cancellation. Although, they did make it into their third season.
NBC is famous for killing off shows before they complete their first season too. While The Cape was a batman rip off, it was still entertaining and had a strong cast. John Doe was another they cancelled early and that one was on a "Holy Shit! I didn't see that!" type cliffhanger.
Originally posted by CaptainJaneway View PostWell just remember NBC cancelled Star Trek back in the sixties and look how that has turned out for them. LolOriginally posted by telecom_goddess View PostDamn it you beat me to itI was going to say this same thing. They cancelled Star Trek due to low ratings, and here we are 50 years later and it's still a huge success and a part of our culture.
.I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.
I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die