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It's Always the Better Shows

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  • #91
    Bye bye Ben & Kate and Don't Trust the B- in Apt 23. RIP two clever and funny shows.


    • #92
      Originally posted by violiav View Post
      Bye bye Ben & Kate and Don't Trust the B- in Apt 23. RIP two clever and funny shows.
      I really liked "Don't Trust the B*tch in Apt 23" but honestly thought it was cancelled last season. They were like 4 or 5 shows in to this season before I realized I was missing it.
      Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


      • #93
        It seems official now that Young Justice is not returning for a third season. And the fanbase is pissed.


        • #94
          According to Newsarama, Warner Bros Animation has confirmed that it and Green Lantern are both axed, while CN is only saying that they'll air what's been produced.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #95
            Dang. Here I was enjoying Green Lantern, except the spider episode.

            Am I imagining things, or does CN like canceling shows regardless of whether they're watched or not?
            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


            • #96
              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
              Dang. Here I was enjoying Green Lantern, except the spider episode.

              Am I imagining things, or does CN like canceling shows regardless of whether they're watched or not?
              A friend of mine put it this way.

              In the CN head office there is a massive dartboard with a different section for each show currently on air

              The shows with the higher ratings have larger sections, in correlation with how popular that are

              Every month, the president throws a handful of darts at the board

              The section with the most darts get cancelled

              And then they sacrifice and intern to the Dart God


              • #97
                Sadly, kids shows exist to sell toys. And the YJ toy line isn't selling. Partly because they're not advertising it (at least not that I've seen), partly because YJ really isn't a kids show. It needs to be on something like adult swim that caters to a slightly older audience. Also sadly, the execs would rather ax a show with good ratings and get something unknown in the same slot that might make them more money. It's a shame, really. Society as a whole doesn't appreciate good, well-written shows while they flock to dreck like Jersey Shore.

                The moving times/days and CN's inability to actually keep the show on the air for more the 2 or 3 weeks at a time didn't help either. The move to the 9ish am time slot was probably its death knell. Like I said, it's not really a kids show, and they put it smack in kid show central.
                Last edited by jedimaster91; 02-03-2013, 01:25 AM.


                • #98
                  It doesn't help that a show like Jersey Shore costs pennies to produce compared to the cost for something like Young Justice. In a just world, that would be reversed. =>_<=


                  • #99
                    Why is According to Jim still on television despite being one of the worst "comedies" of our generation? Why do people watch anything created by Tyler Perry?

                    Anything "safe" that's marketable to as wide an audience as possible stays. Anything that's even slightly edgy that doesn't immediately connect with the general public is tossed aside. I'm truly shocked The Walking Dead has managed to go as far as it has, simply because people like to bitch and moan so much about violence on television. The fact that the reception is overwhelmingly positive is the only thing saving that show from being censored into oblivion.


                    • Originally posted by Seifer View Post
                      Why is According to Jim still on television despite being one of the worst "comedies" of our generation? Why do people watch anything created by Tyler Perry?
                      According to Jim is still on? Wow... thought it got cancelled like three years ago.


                      • Do tell me they are cancelling young justice and green lantern. Please say it aint so.

                        I love those shows and they are really getting good.


                        • Here's an article on TVLine from January that includes information on shows that have been given the axe (or officially renewed) by ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and The CW, and speculation on the rest.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • YES! ARROW GOT RENEWED!!!

                            The way superhero shows are being treated these days, I was a bit worried. Now to see how long before it goes the way of all CW shows and devolves into a who's sleeping with who soap opera.


                            • Originally posted by jedimaster91 View Post
                              YES! ARROW GOT RENEWED!!!
                              Honestly, I would have been shocked if Arrow had been canned. It's one of the better new shows out there, and the TVLine article marked it as a sure thing prior to the official renewal announcement.

                              And I continue to be impressed with the skill shown by their fight choreographer.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                              • Originally posted by CaptainJaneway View Post
                                Do tell me they are cancelling young justice and green lantern. Please say it aint so.

                                I love those shows and they are really getting good.
                                Not only are they getting cancelled, to make matters worse Annoying Orange is getting another season.

