So I went ahead and brought this here because Star Trek could quite easily turn very contentious.
Some b/g: I've enjoyed Star Trek very much since I was a kid, so over half my life at this point. I've seen all but two of the movies (Nemesis and Insurrection), all of TOS, TNG, a chunk of DS9, some of VOY, and very little of ENT. I've tried to watch TAS, but it's just not very good. Even taking into account it was the 70's, it's a terrible cartoon.
I used to read the Star Trek novels, but stopped in the late 90's.
I consider myself fairly well versed in Trek (alas I never got to go to Vegas for The Experience
I've seen the new movie, twice, and enjoyed it very much each time. I think it felt very much how a Star Trek movie is supposed to feel, and if you say otherwise then you haven't seen any of them since ST:The Motion Picture came out (it's interesting).
One of the things I've noticed people saying about the new movies is that they lack philosophy, that what sets Star Trek apart from Star Wars is that it has deep philosophic thought and Star Trek has action. I disagree. I've always seen Star Wars (seen all of them, read some of the books) as more philosophic and spiritual than Star Trek. It's got grandiose questions about the nature of good and evil. Star trek doesn't really. It's more topical, and sometimes deals with issues in the forefront of social thought, but not always.
Star Trek was always intended to be about exploration and adventure, "A Wagon Train to the Stars", which Roddenberry used and a tool to push the television envelope. The franchise got more thoughtful as time went on, but stopped really pushing the envelope.
Some people say these new ones have far too much action. That Star Trek doesn't have action. I say, really? Star Trek has space battles. And I'm pretty sure I remember a time or two when Kirk and co got into fisticuffs.
And with the exception of TNG movies, the TOS crew movies were nothing like the show.
The only that's ever really bugged me about the new movies was the Spock/Uhura thing. But whatev. I got over that.
Some people have been saying the Kirk is too much of a horn dog in this movie. That he would never sleep with two women, and even if he did it shouldn't be shown. And he would -never- turn around and look at a woman changing clothes behind him. Oh noes!
People complaining about the lack of women in the main cast. I guess because they've never seen the show or movies? It was really just Uhura, Rand, and Chapel, and then just Uhura after a certain point.
spoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilerssp oilersspoilersspoilersvspoilersspoilersspoilersspo ilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoil ersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoiler sspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilerss poilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspo ilersspoilersspoilersspoilers seriously if you haven't seen new movie don't go further.
But what I've seen one review in particular get pissed about is the change to Khan. How Khan is played by an English man(rather well I thought) when the original actor was Mexican.
It didn't bother me. I guess because somethings don't.
Some b/g: I've enjoyed Star Trek very much since I was a kid, so over half my life at this point. I've seen all but two of the movies (Nemesis and Insurrection), all of TOS, TNG, a chunk of DS9, some of VOY, and very little of ENT. I've tried to watch TAS, but it's just not very good. Even taking into account it was the 70's, it's a terrible cartoon.
I used to read the Star Trek novels, but stopped in the late 90's.
I consider myself fairly well versed in Trek (alas I never got to go to Vegas for The Experience
I've seen the new movie, twice, and enjoyed it very much each time. I think it felt very much how a Star Trek movie is supposed to feel, and if you say otherwise then you haven't seen any of them since ST:The Motion Picture came out (it's interesting).
One of the things I've noticed people saying about the new movies is that they lack philosophy, that what sets Star Trek apart from Star Wars is that it has deep philosophic thought and Star Trek has action. I disagree. I've always seen Star Wars (seen all of them, read some of the books) as more philosophic and spiritual than Star Trek. It's got grandiose questions about the nature of good and evil. Star trek doesn't really. It's more topical, and sometimes deals with issues in the forefront of social thought, but not always.
Star Trek was always intended to be about exploration and adventure, "A Wagon Train to the Stars", which Roddenberry used and a tool to push the television envelope. The franchise got more thoughtful as time went on, but stopped really pushing the envelope.
Some people say these new ones have far too much action. That Star Trek doesn't have action. I say, really? Star Trek has space battles. And I'm pretty sure I remember a time or two when Kirk and co got into fisticuffs.
And with the exception of TNG movies, the TOS crew movies were nothing like the show.
The only that's ever really bugged me about the new movies was the Spock/Uhura thing. But whatev. I got over that.
Some people have been saying the Kirk is too much of a horn dog in this movie. That he would never sleep with two women, and even if he did it shouldn't be shown. And he would -never- turn around and look at a woman changing clothes behind him. Oh noes!
People complaining about the lack of women in the main cast. I guess because they've never seen the show or movies? It was really just Uhura, Rand, and Chapel, and then just Uhura after a certain point.
spoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilerssp oilersspoilersspoilersvspoilersspoilersspoilersspo ilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoil ersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoiler sspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilerss poilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspo ilersspoilersspoilersspoilers seriously if you haven't seen new movie don't go further.
But what I've seen one review in particular get pissed about is the change to Khan. How Khan is played by an English man(rather well I thought) when the original actor was Mexican.
It didn't bother me. I guess because somethings don't.