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MySpace vs. Facebook

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  • MySpace vs. Facebook

    MySpace and Facebook are, of course, the two top social network sites in the world. They are in the news all the time and there is always something about them on TV shows. It seems like everyone has one or the other and sometimes both.

    Now I've been on MySpace for a couple of years now and have recently been using some of appilications on it. I also have quite a lot of friends which is 118 now. I also have a Facebook which I just did a month or so ago but I haven't started to add any friends yet because I have only been on it a few times not mention I'm a little shy even in cyberspace. I have noticed it doesn't have any of the bells and whistles like MySpace does nor does it have anything about the entertainment industry. The only thing that I don't like about Facebook is you can't use a funky name like MySpace and you have to use your own name. Also you can't see anyone's profile until you add them as a friend (which is kind of stopping me from adding friends because I like to know who they are before they are) and with MySpace you can see anybody's profile unless they are private or under 18. Heck, you get a friend when you join MySpace (good ol' Tom). Also MySpace now has over 255 million users and Facebook has about 150 million users from what I seen.

    Anyway I just want to know what is every one's opinions on both of these websites and do you have a account with one or both of these. Also which do you feel is better and why?
    Yours truly, Robyn.

  • #2
    Well, I never plan on owning a myspace. Everyone I know that uses it ends up having fights over really stupid stuff with each other. It's just a crapload of drama.

    I've had facebook since my freshman year of college so it's been about 2.5 years. Facebook is meant to help people connect to each other. You can't do that if you can't find the other person. By registering by your name, you can find friends easily. Even people who you've lost touch with are easy to find. No searching for hints or clues. And the reason you can't view other people's profiles without being one of their "friends" is because those people have their privacy settings set as such. I have it so no one who isn't a friend of mine can view ANYTHING in my profile. This way, only people I trust can view any material on my profile. Cops, etc. can't view any of my profile. Other than that I exist, they can't see anything else. I don't like hiding behind a pseudonym. I want friends and family to be able to easily find me.
    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


    • #3
      I like the no frills aspect of Facebook. I use it as a tool to share pictures and news instantly with my family and friends, plan social events, and stay up-to-date with people I can't see as much as I'd like.

      I've never been on MySpace, but it strikes me that it would be far less useful than Facebook as a networking tool.


      • #4
        From what I'm aware of myspace was never originally designed as a social networking site, it was a website where those who either couldn't afford or didn't have the technical knowhow to create their own website could put up a page on the internet and show themselves (or their page) off to the world.

        Facebook on the other hand was designed from the bottom up as a social network site, it started in one college/university in the USA as a way of the students to keep in touch and it spread from there.

        As I want to keep in touch, yet stay very private (for employment reasons) I use facebook.
        The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


        • #5
          I have both - and prefer Facebook BY FAR. The only reason I get on myspace anymore is to read Amanda Palmer's blog. Facebook is more private and....I just trust it more. My myspace profile is set to private as well - honestly, to be safe, profiles should always be set to private. If you can't determine who someone is from their name and picture, then don't friend them.


          • #6
            I sort of have both. Sort of, because myspace is anonymous. I have 'big' thoughts (as you can imagine from some of my threads/posts here), and I don't want 'me' to take away from the actual thoughts themselves (sort of like the various stereotype threads we've got on here!!). But, because of a couple of things and people I've seen on there, I might create a more real profile (people I know, metal gigs and events etc).

            I have a Facebook which I've only just gotten into putting stuff up on. Mostly it's for the CS crowd! So, atm, I've had a few chats with Beckysunshine got a wall-to-wall with Pagan going, and even said hi to Blas. And, I'll save the best til last - the Awesomeness that is .... Katt!!

            Privacy?? Should be either fairly strong, or have an additional profile. Too many weirdos out there, as well as the case of some ppl having their boss not approve of what's said or done (sort of like on CS... we tend not to easily identify ourselves in case something can come of it).

            But, other than that - if you can't be bothered ringing or emailing the person you're after directly, I'm not thinking you're that much of a friend.... I'm not just 'a wall'!
            Last edited by Slytovhand; 01-23-2009, 02:34 PM.
            ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

            SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
              So, atm, I've had a few chats with Beckysunshine got a wall-to-wall with Pagan going, and even said hi to Blas.

              hey I've chatted with you-everyone forgets about the Katt

              ETA-I've got facebook open in another firefox tab currently-using chat

              And facebook does have the "bells and whistles"-they had it before myspace did-myspace copied the format of facebook-on facebook you have to add the stuff you want, I play bingo, check my biorhythms, and horriscope on facebook-couldn't do that on myspace so I wuit using it-I still have a myspace account but haven't logged in for months-don't even remember the password.
              Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 01-20-2009, 09:50 PM.
              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


              • #8
                If you are complaining about no one talking to you on facebook, it's probably because you haven't added me.
                Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                • #9
                  I have both a Myspace and a Facebook page, and I prefer Myspace by far. In fact, I rarely even check in on Facebook - just often and long enough to see if I have any new messages or friend requests. Why Myspace? Facebook is too bland-looking. Sure, you can add all kinds of applications (games, etc.), but Myspace lets you have a music player and a background layout that suits your interests and personality. When you look at a Facebook page, you see only text and pictures on a plain white background, and you won't hear the user's favorite song or songs. In addition to the music players and layouts available on Myspace, many graphics and generators (glitter graphics, clocks, l.e.d. scrollers, neon signs, etc.) can be customized and used. To summarize, Myspace allows users to express themselves with much more than words; it permits people to show who we really are, or at least who we want to be perceived as.
                  Last edited by Antipsych; 02-03-2009, 11:33 PM.


                  • #10
                    I hate myspace

                    I joined years ago, and forgot my password
                    I cant get the password prompt to send me an email to get it
                    their help pages say they will ignore any emails about accounts because they have the passport reminder function

                    THAT DOESNT FUCKING WORK!!!!

                    I just wish it would go away!

                    even with highspeed internet, some pages take AGES to load and I dont want to hear other peoples music choices or the other layers.... its a waste of my time!

                    Facebook is much better suited!
                    I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


                    • #11
                      Ummm.... edited my original post to more accurately reflect the truth...
                      ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

                      SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


                      • #12
                        I used to like Myspace better because I could do the glittery graphics and stuff; and when Facebook first came out, you had to go to a university in order to have one.

                        I had a great number of friends who weren't in college, and I felt it was unfair that I couldn't network with them just because they didn't go to a school. So until the new Facebook came out, I had a really scant account that I ended up deactivating. But after I started at my job EVERYONE had it, and I was also able to add all my friends and family. Now I'm a junkie! Most of the people I was friends with on Myspace followed suit, so now I can have all my friends in one place.

                        As for Myspace, I deleted my account. Like Greenday said, there's just too much drama. And too much spamming, and it's annoying when someone's rap music starts blasting when you click on their page. I think it's trashy. Not saying Facebook can't be either, but it's the lesser of two evils.

                        So PM me to add me on Facebook; and if I think you're ok I'll let you in!


                        • #13
                          I was one that wasn't a fan of Facebook opening up to all users - because I was afraid it would turn into another myspace. Luckily, spamming has been kept to a pretty good minimum.


                          • #14
                            I have a Myspace account, but not Facebook... well I did have facebook but I disabled it.

                            In reality I don't use my myspace account much. I log in maybe once every 2 months. In fact that last time I logged in to myspace was to give an Add to some kid with leukemia.

                            Though... according to one of my friends "If you have an account it means you're looking" as in looking for a new boyfriend, girlfriend whatever (or you're a child molester). For myspace or facebook

                            not that i agree with that, it's just interesting what i see people assume about having accounts.

                            only thing i dislike is that facebook requires you to use your real name. i dislike that... 1) molesters 2) identity theft. sure my real name is out there, but... it doesn't mean i like to just shout it out at the top of my lungs.

                            So yes... i did lie on my facebook and changed my last name. but then i got rid of the account.

                            i figure, if someone wants to get in contact with me they have other means... like knowing my favorite internet name or they can look me up at NTWS.

                            but back to regular Myspace Facebook stuff...
                            oh yeah... i hate the streaming music default for on. If I want to hear a song I'll click it. Especially back when I was on dialup cos... well that just sucked.

                            and yeah some of the myspace layouts are getting too "glitzy" more is NOT always better.

                            not that i can say much... my myspace theme is pink and light purple on black, but you can at least see everything and don't have to hunt looking for the "add" buttons or whatever.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PepperElf View Post
                              only thing i dislike is that facebook requires you to use your real name. i dislike that... 1) molesters 2) identity theft. sure my real name is out there, but... it doesn't mean i like to just shout it out at the top of my lungs.
                              Well, seeing as it started out for only college students, child molesters really wouldn't be much of a college students are too old.

                              Identity theft? So they have my name. Don't they need something besides just a name to steal your identity? Besides, with the privacy settings, you can make it so only your friends can view your profile and any info that can be used for ID theft is blocked to the general public.
                              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

