OK, so something that has been bothering me for a while. My mother has been pressuring me to become active in a church, any church will do, as long as it is a Christian church. There has been an underlying theme that while she thinks any church will do, she really wants me to become active in the Methodist church, which is the church I grew up in and she still belongs to. She thinks that because of the church's policy of Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors that I can be truly accepted there. The problem is that she is a true believer that it is more than a policy, but a main tenet of the faith. She cannot comprehend a Methodist being a bigot. More to the point, she cannot fathom the possibility that someone wouldn't be welcomed with open arms, for that would be against one of the tenets of the faith to be accepting.
So, here is the quandary... at one point I was trying to be active in the Methodist church, even to the point that I was volunteering at UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), which while not exclusively Methodist is supposed to follow all the same tenets and policies as the Methodist church. One day while I was volunteering there the conversation turned to where we had grown up, I had mentioned that I grew up in Nevada. One of the other volunteers asked if I knew how to play any of the casino games, I answered that I was guilty of playing more than a few hands of blackjack. At that point the head of the Salt Lake UMCOR depot made the comment "well, no one's perfect... besides, there are worse things than being a gambler, you could be gay after all". A clearer message could not be sent, you are not welcome here.
Here is the problem, if I tell my mother that, tell her that indeed the Methodist church does not always hold true to that social creed to have Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, it would be a big blow to her faith. However, if I don't tell her she will never back off her pressuring me to try "just one more time" to become active in a christian church and me not becoming active in her church again will just be me being belligerent. So, what do I do, do I damage her faith but give her a straight answer as to why I'm not going back into the church, or do I protect her faith which she holds dear but have her thinking that I'm just being belligerent with the stakes being my soul?
Neither option has a good outcome and I can't think of a way out.
So, here is the quandary... at one point I was trying to be active in the Methodist church, even to the point that I was volunteering at UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), which while not exclusively Methodist is supposed to follow all the same tenets and policies as the Methodist church. One day while I was volunteering there the conversation turned to where we had grown up, I had mentioned that I grew up in Nevada. One of the other volunteers asked if I knew how to play any of the casino games, I answered that I was guilty of playing more than a few hands of blackjack. At that point the head of the Salt Lake UMCOR depot made the comment "well, no one's perfect... besides, there are worse things than being a gambler, you could be gay after all". A clearer message could not be sent, you are not welcome here.
Here is the problem, if I tell my mother that, tell her that indeed the Methodist church does not always hold true to that social creed to have Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, it would be a big blow to her faith. However, if I don't tell her she will never back off her pressuring me to try "just one more time" to become active in a christian church and me not becoming active in her church again will just be me being belligerent. So, what do I do, do I damage her faith but give her a straight answer as to why I'm not going back into the church, or do I protect her faith which she holds dear but have her thinking that I'm just being belligerent with the stakes being my soul?
Neither option has a good outcome and I can't think of a way out.