This site gives some great arguments as to why prayer doesn't work. Instead of quoting, I'll broadly paraphrase the main argument and let you read the site yourselves:
Two devout christians are in a hospital. One has cancer, the other has had his leg amputated. They both pray fervently to be cured of their malady. The man who has cancer goes into remission - it must have been God who did it, right? But the amputee - just as good and faithful - will never grow his leg back, no matter how much he prays. God will not answer impossible prayers. It's possible for a person with cancer to go into remission, but not possible to regenerate a limb.
Powerboy, though it may have been unlikely for you to survive that accident, it was possible. The only way I can be convinced that prayer works is if God answered an impossible prayer - something that could not possibly be attributed to human effort, or nature or coincedence.
But therein lies the difference between us. Faith is about believing in something even when there's a lack of physical proof. I simply have no faith in the matter of prayer.
This site gives some great arguments as to why prayer doesn't work. Instead of quoting, I'll broadly paraphrase the main argument and let you read the site yourselves:
Two devout christians are in a hospital. One has cancer, the other has had his leg amputated. They both pray fervently to be cured of their malady. The man who has cancer goes into remission - it must have been God who did it, right? But the amputee - just as good and faithful - will never grow his leg back, no matter how much he prays. God will not answer impossible prayers. It's possible for a person with cancer to go into remission, but not possible to regenerate a limb.
Powerboy, though it may have been unlikely for you to survive that accident, it was possible. The only way I can be convinced that prayer works is if God answered an impossible prayer - something that could not possibly be attributed to human effort, or nature or coincedence.
But therein lies the difference between us. Faith is about believing in something even when there's a lack of physical proof. I simply have no faith in the matter of prayer.