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Anybody else deal with this issue?

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  • #31
    I was treated like a pariah by a portion of the people I went to church with as a kid. However, I have not had any experiences like the OP describes, though I'm not too sure that she's still interested, whereas this thread was started over a year ago.

    To be perfectly honest, I think religion is very overrated in our society, especially here in North America. If you want people to think you're a good, honest person, all you have to do is tell them that you attend church regularly. By just knowing that, most people will think you're an admirable person (without knowing anything else about you). Likewise, many people will actually think you should not be trusted if you are not religious. One time, I heard a woman say that she finds it hard to trust people who don't believe in God, because (her words) "if they don't have God, what do they have?" It's ridiculous to see how high religion is exalted in our society.

    I"m not saying that there aren't good people within religions, because there are. Nonetheless, I have yet to see any evidence that being religious or believing in invisible men who live in the sky and control humanity does anything to make a person a better human being. I have been to several churches, and the people in those churches were not any better than people anywhere else are. They could lie, gossip, and be just as hurtful and vindictive as people anywhere else can be.


    • #32
      Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
      One time, I heard a woman say that she finds it hard to trust people who don't believe in God, because (her words) "if they don't have God, what do they have?"
      I honestly believe that good people behave morally because its in their nature to do so, regardless of their religious beliefs or non-beliefs. At times in my life, I've been Christian, non-Christian, believed in God, didn't believe in God, etc... and at no point did the way I treat other people change.

      Some people obviously believe that the only thing keeping people from becoming murderers and thieves is belief in God and the afterlife. Such a belief says a lot about them. Do they really need the incentive of divine reward or threat of punishment to keep them from harming others? That's a disturbing thought to me.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Boozy View Post
        Some people obviously believe that the only thing keeping people from becoming murderers and thieves is belief in God and the afterlife. Such a belief says a lot about them. Do they really need the incentive of divine reward or threat of punishment to keep them from harming others? That's a disturbing thought to me.
        Unfortunately, that is true. Which is quite disturbing. Also a bit sad - grown adults can't behave without an invisible parent figure watching over them with the threat of the ultimate grounding. I've known quite a few people like that. In fact, some of them make up rather retarded 'rules' about what is safe and what isn't because otherwise 'you'll go to Hell!'

        Some examples of stunning inability to accept, well, anything outside one's approved religious 'world view' (slight paraphrasing, some of these were quite a while ago):

        Regarding the card game Magic the Gathering: "I wouldn't play that because it looks Satanic."

        Or sushi: "It's probably sinful and it's not Christian because it's not from America." Which is, of course, a whole new level of stupidity. I've run into this regarding a number of things other than sushi, as well. In any of these instances, don't point out that Jesus wasn't from America, either, so he must not be Christian. The cognitive dissonance is practically tangible when you do say this. Then the screaming, yelling, and threats begin.

        Regarding the Book of Latter Day Saints (from a non-Mormon): "It's the work of the Devil. And it makes people sacrifice animals!" I haven't read the book of LDS, but I somehow think that's not an entirely true statement. Also, it's fun to show these people specific parts of the Old Testament and point out that since they are not making sacrifices, then God must be angry with them. This will also trigger frothing-at-the-mouth levels of cognitive dissonance.

        Please note that these examples do not reflect the majority of Christians. Just mouthy idiots who display a level of pretty much mind numbing ignorance. I do so enjoy enlightening them. All of my experiences of this nature have been with Christians, not Mormons. But in my experience the combination of loud mouth, ignorance and/or stupidity, and an inherent "I'm better than you" streak knows no limits of a religious, national, social class or any other nature.

        And if you get a place where they can cluster together and lord it over others, they will take advantage of the opportunity.

        Hmm. Looks like I'm wordy and opinionated.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Gerrinson View Post
          Unfortunately, that is true. Which is quite disturbing. Also a bit sad - grown adults can't behave without an invisible parent figure watching over them with the threat of the ultimate grounding.
          That's a great way to express it.

          Regarding the card game Magic the Gathering: "I wouldn't play that because it looks Satanic."
          That is the reason my parents wouldn't let me purchase it.

          "It's probably sinful and it's not Christian because it's not from America."
          Hahahahahahaha. Did you ask them what foods do count as Christian or where they get their 100% American grown diet?

          You should submit some of these to Fundies Say The Darndest Things.


          • #35
            Originally posted by anriana View Post
            Hahahahahahaha. Did you ask them what foods do count as Christian or where they get their 100% American grown diet?
            I've taken calls from modern-day essenics where they wanted to obtain the same grains Jesus would have eaten. I refrained from asking them about sell-by dates etc, but more seriously there are people who do believe in a middle-eastern diet and try to live like that.

            Not many of them, mind...

            Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
            Reclaiming words is fun!

