What I meant by the creation of the OT was the reason to put the old oral tradition down on paper.
Bible historians don't really think that the 12 tribes really originated from 12 brothers. The think 12 separate people groups who were too small to survive on their own teamed up into one nation. Some ruler at some point to consolidate his power brought together all of their oral traditions into one cohesive story. I suspect that's why the first chapter of genesis especially is so disjointed and why there is really more than one creation story there. (Young Earth Creationists don't seem to read their favorite chapter that closely, apparently).
Bible historians don't really think that the 12 tribes really originated from 12 brothers. The think 12 separate people groups who were too small to survive on their own teamed up into one nation. Some ruler at some point to consolidate his power brought together all of their oral traditions into one cohesive story. I suspect that's why the first chapter of genesis especially is so disjointed and why there is really more than one creation story there. (Young Earth Creationists don't seem to read their favorite chapter that closely, apparently).