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  • Originally posted by Ghel View Post
    Don't you ever worry that maybe you picked the wrong god out of the thousands that humans have worshiped over our history? What makes you think the God of the Bible is the correct one? And if your only reason is faith, then why should anyone agree with you?

    I'm still wondering how you reconcile your belief in reincarnation (as mentioned on a different thread) with your belief in the God of the Bible.
    I for one don't worry about it because no god is right and no god is wrong. And any god thats so much of a dick that he's seriously waiting to damn us for eternity if we make the wrong choice with what little information we have can go fuck his cosmic self anyway. <cough>

    I think we already established Andara isn't following the strict word of the Bible. Me thinks there's a difference between worshipping the God of the Bible and strictly adhering to the Bible itself. Which is a bad autobiography written 300 years after the fact. -.-

    Besides, didn't very early Christianity actually have some belief in reincarnation? Before the church came in and went all "DO WHAT WE SAY OR BURN" and the power tripping began? Even now, about a fourth of Christians believe in reincarnation worldwide.

