This...makes me see red
People like this are nothing but sick fucks hiding behind the label of Christianity (which they have nothing in common with in the slightest) in order to get other sheeple to follow their sick fuck ways.
What. The. FUCK?! Giving up torturing your children means that you no longer believe in human nature, God, or eternity? Am I interpreting that correctly? What kind of crazy dust are these idiots snorting? I am not Christian, and I have never read the Bible, but from what I understand, I'm pretty sure that Jesus in all his love-everyone glory would be pretty pissed off and disgusted by what these jerkoffs are doing in his name. Christians get a bad rap because of people like this >.<
That makes no fucking sense whatsoever. What kinds of 12-step books is Michael Pearl familiar with? The ones that tell you to go brain the bartender at your favorite pub or beat the shit out of the cashier at your local liquor store? 12-step books are for self-help. This fuckwit's book is instructions on how to torture your child. They have abso-fucking-lutely nothing in common!!
Gah, I need to stop...I could rant about this for pages.
Originally posted by article
Originally posted by article
Gah, I need to stop...I could rant about this for pages.