Originally posted by Gravekeeper
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Personally, I like a clockwork universe theory. It appeals to me, and makes a lot of sense, though I prefer a Story teller type interpretation myself.
But there has never been a clock made or a story written that didn't need adjusting from time to time. So I still fail to understand how a god that interferes is, under your logic, necessarily flawed.
And what exactly? The very thing that started this entire argument was me saying that quantum mechanics, aka the thing the LHC was built to investigate, was the last true realm of possibility for finding any evidence for the existence of non-physical intelligence such as a deity. >.>
Congradulations, that is a "Mysterious Ways" argument and one of the big problems thats been running in this entire thread. You cannot answer "Explain why this is possible despite all evidence to the contrary" with "Because God". The construct of God is entirely a human invention as are the powers and abilities attributed to him. Basically, I have said "People can't fly" and you have said "Sure they can, look at Superman".
We are perfectly capable of understanding a devine beings logic, if we have the knowledge it does.
That aside, you're missing my point as well. In a universe that is intimately based on interdependent states, you cannot change one without affecting the others. It is impossible and stating "God can do it cus he's God" does not negate this fact and again has utterly no basis in reason, logic or science.
Just because we don't know how to do something, doesn't mean it's impossible.
That was not the point of that example, the point of that example was to demonstrate how much of a shitstorm direct intervention would cause in a universe of interdependent states. Also, your counterpoint is completely flawed because obviously everyone directly affected would want to know what happened. An investigation into what happened would occur. It'd go all over the local news ( "Mysterious Light Change Kills 6, Injures 5" ). If no real reason was found, it would turn into an uproar. People would be blamed and sued and it would generally be a huge mess. -.-
And again, even if the light being changed was what people accepted as the cause, people would assume "Hackers" or "computer error" long before they ever assumed "Godly intervention"
And your defintion of "huge mess" is fairly small, since shit like that happenes multiple times every day just in the us--one country--for a variety of reasons.
First of all, the type of intervention often attributed to God is of a sort that would show up on the radar of current science.
Just because we don't know how something can be done, does not mean it can't be done.
Finally, let me turn that right around on you: Why is God even a viable possibility? This is the entire problem with this dicussion. The very act of inserting God as a possibility is itself an act of faith. Which is why trying to argue that it is reasonable or logical is fundementally flawed. The idea of God is a human construct. There is no evidence, no indication, no mechanism, nothing that suggests his existence. Inserting him as a possibility is illogical and claiming otherwise is fallacy.
No where, you mistake probability for intervention. Statistically speaking if enough people fall downstairs eventually probability stats one of them will have undiagnosed cancer. Probability operating as it should is not intervention.
No where, this scenario would eventually happen through simple probability. The universe has at least 100 billion galaxies of several hundred billion stars each, each one with 1.6 planets per star existing on a time scale far beyond our tiny little lifespans. This scenario is inevitable through simple probability.
No where, this scenario would eventually happen through simple probability. The universe has at least 100 billion galaxies of several hundred billion stars each, each one with 1.6 planets per star existing on a time scale far beyond our tiny little lifespans. This scenario is inevitable through simple probability.
I love how you missed the point of those examples entirely. You don't see gods interference in either because its not spelled out--you have no reason to look for god, so you don't find it. Which was the entire freaking point. If humans can explain something with natural explanations, we will, unless some booming voice tells us otherwise.
Also, its much more common for gases to be converted into ice during the formation of a star and then naturally hit forming planetary bodies in the same solar system. Due to the magic of gravity and gravitational accretion ( Gravity = God -.- ).
You're missing the laundry list too. There is no need for God to interfere at all in any of these scenarios as they already naturally occur based on the laws of the universe that are already established. Your scenarios are only viable examples if you can demonstrate that they are occurring at a rate far in exceedence of what the universe would dicate. In other words, if EVERY person with cancer went to the hospital with something minor and had their life saved when the cancer was discovered. If EVERY solar system had a planet containing life. You must demonstrate something that has occurred outside of what natural law dictates, otherwise intervention is pointless and only creates scientific and philosophical problems for the universe due to it being built upon a system of intimately interdepedent states.
Hence my original statement that the natural laws of the universe take care of everything just fine by themselves and do not require intervention still stands. None of you have demonstrated any reason why intervention would occur, nor any evidence intervention has occurred nor any answer to the list of problems intervention would case. As such, you argue from faith and your argument has no basis whatsoever in the realm of reason.
To prevent a game breaker. We, as humans, are capable of utterly destroying our species right now--god might intefere to keep this from happening.
To balance an opposition: If we posit that there is a god, its not much more of a stretch that there might be another being like it, of similar or lesser power. god might interfere to balance another such beings interference.
Shits and freaking giggles. Boredom. Hell, a desire to see its creations, if we are its creations, improve itself. to give its creations a kick in the butt to move on and start improving themselves.
As for detecting any interventions, or any problems they might cause, You simply refuse to believe that there is any possibility that we might not be able to detect such a beings interference. Which there IS. I'm not saying we CAN"T detect such things, I'm saying that we might not be able to--or we might not recognize it as devine interference if we DID. We'd attribue it to freaking climate change, or seismic instability before we ever said "maybe it was god". >.< WHY dont you get that? That even if we detected interference, we wouldn't see it as interference, rather than just some other new phenomenon.
So please stop trying to put it there already. You have your faith and thats fine, but don't bring it into the realm of reason and try to argue with it. I don't give a rats ass what you believe in your personal life, that's your right. But don't bring it into a debate and claim its reasonable. Its not.
There's a reason its called "Faith" afterall.
There's a reason its called "Faith" afterall.