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My problem with Evangelical Atheism

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  • Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
    On the contrary, HYHYT has been arguing on the basis of reason and logic. That has, in fact, been the entire sticking point of our argument. Also, seeing as neither HYHYBT nor Andara has seemingly been able to understand what I've been talking about, I would say they're underestimating. Seeing as I've largely been working from Hawkin's books.
    Gk, fact of the matter is, I understand your logic. I get where your coming from. I understand your viewpoint. But you keep seeming to ignore and trivialize other peoples viewpoints, despite them having their own logic that makes sense as well.

    Personally, I like a clockwork universe theory. It appeals to me, and makes a lot of sense, though I prefer a Story teller type interpretation myself.

    But there has never been a clock made or a story written that didn't need adjusting from time to time. So I still fail to understand how a god that interferes is, under your logic, necessarily flawed.

    And what exactly? The very thing that started this entire argument was me saying that quantum mechanics, aka the thing the LHC was built to investigate, was the last true realm of possibility for finding any evidence for the existence of non-physical intelligence such as a deity. >.>
    My point wasnt about quantum physics--it was about our own understanding of the universe. Your point has been repeatedly, that we know so much about the universe, and its underpinings that we could detect any interference from its ripple effect. But if the higgs bosun isnt real, then it throws a huge damn wrench into our understanding of the universe, and could very well mean we've been looking at things incorrectly for decades.

    Congradulations, that is a "Mysterious Ways" argument and one of the big problems thats been running in this entire thread. You cannot answer "Explain why this is possible despite all evidence to the contrary" with "Because God". The construct of God is entirely a human invention as are the powers and abilities attributed to him. Basically, I have said "People can't fly" and you have said "Sure they can, look at Superman".
    Point of fact: I am not using a Mysterious Ways arguement. I am stating we dont understand gods logic because we lack the knowledge it has. If we had its knowledge, we'd understand its logic. A blind man can't see the hole he's about to fall into. If someone helps him, and yet never explains why, he has no idea why the stranger led him around in a big circle around the pit. He doesnt understand the logic of the strangers actions--yet those actions have a logic. THe only reason the blind man doesnt understand is because he lacks the strangers knowledge.

    We are perfectly capable of understanding a devine beings logic, if we have the knowledge it does.

    That aside, you're missing my point as well. In a universe that is intimately based on interdependent states, you cannot change one without affecting the others. It is impossible and stating "God can do it cus he's God" does not negate this fact and again has utterly no basis in reason, logic or science.
    What is impossible today is commonplace tomorrow. We barely know how many of those forces work yet alone if its possible to bend or alter one in a localized area without effecting other areas. Bloody hell, there is actually some proof that we may have had the freaking speed of light wrong, that there may be particles able to move faster than it! Something long considered "impossible". So I don't buy that anything is impossible until its been actively tried. I know that we couldn't alter any of the fundamental forces, but why in the nine hells couldn't a race with better tech, or something that operates on another level entirely?

    Just because we don't know how to do something, doesn't mean it's impossible.

    That was not the point of that example, the point of that example was to demonstrate how much of a shitstorm direct intervention would cause in a universe of interdependent states. Also, your counterpoint is completely flawed because obviously everyone directly affected would want to know what happened. An investigation into what happened would occur. It'd go all over the local news ( "Mysterious Light Change Kills 6, Injures 5" ). If no real reason was found, it would turn into an uproar. People would be blamed and sued and it would generally be a huge mess. -.-
    You assume way too much with that. Why the hell would everyone effected want to know exactly what happened? You assume they wouldn't just take the first line of bull fed to them. "Computer error" "Rogue Hackers" "Viewer Error" Any of those could be trotted out and people would buy it. Local news? As fucking if. There are accidents every day that don't make the news. And even if it did, it wouldn't necessary be blamed on the light. In a perfect world, yeah, the light would be fingered by all the witness's--but this is far from a perfect world. The cops would get a dozen different descriptions of the events, from people who'd been there and people who just wandered off the street, ranging from "its the insert minority here fault" to "It was the other guy! He was totally drunk! " to "The light changed!" And the cops would be none the wiser as per which it was.

    And again, even if the light being changed was what people accepted as the cause, people would assume "Hackers" or "computer error" long before they ever assumed "Godly intervention"

    And your defintion of "huge mess" is fairly small, since shit like that happenes multiple times every day just in the us--one country--for a variety of reasons.

    First of all, the type of intervention often attributed to God is of a sort that would show up on the radar of current science.
    Again, assuming that any being touted as "all powerful" wouldn't be able to interfere in such a way. You make assumptions about a devine beings abilities, when we have no real idea beyond what a really old book tells us--hardly scientific evidence of whats possible.

    Just because we don't know how something can be done, does not mean it can't be done.

    Finally, let me turn that right around on you: Why is God even a viable possibility? This is the entire problem with this dicussion. The very act of inserting God as a possibility is itself an act of faith. Which is why trying to argue that it is reasonable or logical is fundementally flawed. The idea of God is a human construct. There is no evidence, no indication, no mechanism, nothing that suggests his existence. Inserting him as a possibility is illogical and claiming otherwise is fallacy.
    AHHHG WHY? Why is god a fallacy? In a universe as fucking weird as this, as weird as you yourself have pointed out, why is the idea any more strange than half the shit that physicists show the new guy to freak him out? Freaking cracked just ran an article about 5 things that make scientists through their hands in the air. We dont even understand how GRAVITY works. We have theories, but none have been, or, at our current level, can be proven. Why is the idea of "god" so strange against ALL THAT?

    No where, you mistake probability for intervention. Statistically speaking if enough people fall downstairs eventually probability stats one of them will have undiagnosed cancer. Probability operating as it should is not intervention.

    No where, this scenario would eventually happen through simple probability. The universe has at least 100 billion galaxies of several hundred billion stars each, each one with 1.6 planets per star existing on a time scale far beyond our tiny little lifespans. This scenario is inevitable through simple probability.
    Very nice, stating those as fact without knowing all the details.

    I love how you missed the point of those examples entirely. You don't see gods interference in either because its not spelled out--you have no reason to look for god, so you don't find it. Which was the entire freaking point. If humans can explain something with natural explanations, we will, unless some booming voice tells us otherwise.

    Also, its much more common for gases to be converted into ice during the formation of a star and then naturally hit forming planetary bodies in the same solar system. Due to the magic of gravity and gravitational accretion ( Gravity = God -.- ).
    Irrelevant to the argument, but an interesting fact. Thanks.

    You're missing the laundry list too. There is no need for God to interfere at all in any of these scenarios as they already naturally occur based on the laws of the universe that are already established. Your scenarios are only viable examples if you can demonstrate that they are occurring at a rate far in exceedence of what the universe would dicate. In other words, if EVERY person with cancer went to the hospital with something minor and had their life saved when the cancer was discovered. If EVERY solar system had a planet containing life. You must demonstrate something that has occurred outside of what natural law dictates, otherwise intervention is pointless and only creates scientific and philosophical problems for the universe due to it being built upon a system of intimately interdepedent states.
    Ok, WHY? Why must gods interference automatically be outside of natural law? Why in the nine hells couldnt a godlike entity use natural law to accomplish its goals? Wouldnt it make more sense for such a being to USE the laws of the place its within to accomplish its goals, rather than BREAKING them, which, as you've said, would cause a lot of other side effects? (and probably uses more energy)

    Hence my original statement that the natural laws of the universe take care of everything just fine by themselves and do not require intervention still stands. None of you have demonstrated any reason why intervention would occur, nor any evidence intervention has occurred nor any answer to the list of problems intervention would case. As such, you argue from faith and your argument has no basis whatsoever in the realm of reason.
    Ok, here are a few reasons god might interfere, if it so chose to:

    To prevent a game breaker. We, as humans, are capable of utterly destroying our species right now--god might intefere to keep this from happening.

    To balance an opposition: If we posit that there is a god, its not much more of a stretch that there might be another being like it, of similar or lesser power. god might interfere to balance another such beings interference.

    Shits and freaking giggles. Boredom. Hell, a desire to see its creations, if we are its creations, improve itself. to give its creations a kick in the butt to move on and start improving themselves.

    As for detecting any interventions, or any problems they might cause, You simply refuse to believe that there is any possibility that we might not be able to detect such a beings interference. Which there IS. I'm not saying we CAN"T detect such things, I'm saying that we might not be able to--or we might not recognize it as devine interference if we DID. We'd attribue it to freaking climate change, or seismic instability before we ever said "maybe it was god". >.< WHY dont you get that? That even if we detected interference, we wouldn't see it as interference, rather than just some other new phenomenon.

    So please stop trying to put it there already. You have your faith and thats fine, but don't bring it into the realm of reason and try to argue with it. I don't give a rats ass what you believe in your personal life, that's your right. But don't bring it into a debate and claim its reasonable. Its not.

    There's a reason its called "Faith" afterall.
    My arguments have nothing to do with faith or my personal beliefs. My arguments are just as freaking reasonable as yours--and you have yet to refute them. You keep claiming we'd detect interference without stating how, or even entertaining the notion that we might not recognize interference as such, which is my main bloody point.
    Last edited by Duelist925; 01-21-2012, 11:41 PM.


    • Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      But there has never been a clock made or a story written that didn't need adjusting from time to time. So I still fail to understand how a god that interferes is, under your logic, necessarily flawed.
      Clocks and stories are just our metaphor. -.-

      Also, you're misunderstanding again, that sort of God is not flawed by my logic but by the construct of God commonly put forth. I'm not the one that came up with the omnipotent / omniscient thing.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      My point wasnt about quantum physics--it was about our own understanding of the universe. Your point has been repeatedly, that we know so much about the universe, and its underpinings that we could detect any interference from its ripple effect. But if the higgs bosun isnt real, then it throws a huge damn wrench into our understanding of the universe, and could very well mean we've been looking at things incorrectly for decades.
      Misunderstanding again. This argument started as the physical world vs quantum world. The quantum world is the mystery and why I have repeated referred to it as a good area to explore. The physical world still has mysteries yes, but we can measure and observe things in the physical world with relative ease with our current level of tech ( Quantum on the other hand requires shit like the LHC to even begin to observe ). The entire point to the theory of the Higgs Bison is that we don't have a bridge that ties together physics and quantum physics. Hence again...quantum physics is the best place to look.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      Point of fact: I am not using a Mysterious Ways arguement. I am stating we dont understand gods logic because we lack the knowledge it has.
      Point of fact: This whole statement assumes God exists to begin with and saying "We don't understand because God" is in fact a mysterious ways argument. You avoid having to defend the position by essentially saying its unknowable because God. See what my problem is here? With a mysterious ways type argument, you create a position you don't have to defend. You basically tell me "Hey, take it up with God, not my fault".

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      If we had its knowledge, we'd understand its logic. A blind man can't see the hole he's about to fall into. If someone helps him, and yet never explains why, he has no idea why the stranger led him around in a big circle around the pit. He doesnt understand the logic of the strangers actions--yet those actions have a logic. THe only reason the blind man doesnt understand is because he lacks the strangers knowledge.
      Unless the blind man has a stick and detects the hole or notices no ground beneath his foot or someone says "Hey there's a hole" in which case he totally understands the logic of the strangers actions, etc etc. Just grabbing some blind dude and leading him without explaining why would make him flip out I'd think. -.-

      Heck, he may even detect it via echo location. Some blind people can, weirdly enough.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      We are perfectly capable of understanding a devine beings logic, if we have the knowledge it does.
      Now you're running into another problem I brought up earlier. We must have at least part of the knowledge and logic of said theoretical being is said being is the one that created the universe. Otherwise the universe was created to be dynamically opposed to that being's logic just to appear illogical to us because....?

      That also raises the philosophical issues of why is god hiding and tampering with free will then?

      See what I mean about there being a huge list of problems with divine intervention, but none with clockwork universe? -.-

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      Just because we don't know how to do something, doesn't mean it's impossible.
      It is. Because of the very nature of the universe itself. You don't understand. This isn't a matter of "Well its not possible NOW", its a fundamental piece of the structure of the universe. As long as the state of something is connected to other things it cannot be changed without affecting other things. Period. You can't circumvent this unless the state in question was completely apart form, disconnected from and unobservable by the rest of the universe. In which case it affects nothing, essentially does not exist and thus there's not much point in changing it.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      You assume way too much with that. Why the hell would everyone effected want to know exactly what happened? You assume they wouldn't just take the first line of bull fed to them. "Computer error" "Rogue Hackers" "Viewer Error" Any of those could be trotted out and people would buy it.
      I think you're taking the metaphor a tad too literally now. Again, the point was to demonstrate the impact of changing one state. Not that reality was exactly like a traffic report. -.-

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      And again, even if the light being changed was what people accepted as the cause, people would assume "Hackers" or "computer error" long before they ever assumed "Godly intervention"
      Every possibility would be checked, because people's jobs and asses would be on the line. Seeing as, ironically, this is one of the things I handle at work ( Don't ask ) I even know exactly whose ass it would be on the line too.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      And your defintion of "huge mess" is fairly small, since shit like that happenes multiple times every day just in the us--one country--for a variety of reasons.
      My metaphor, not definition, metaphor. Get that straight and please stop taking it literally. It was not presented as an example of scale only to demonstrate interdependent states using a metaphor that was easy to understand.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      Again, assuming that any being touted as "all powerful" wouldn't be able to interfere in such a way. You make assumptions about a devine beings abilities, when we have no real idea beyond what a really old book tells us--hardly scientific evidence of whats possible.
      Did you seriously just argue that we don't know Gods abilities because the Bible isn't reliable evidence? .....Please tell me you understand the irony here ><

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      Just because we don't know how something can be done, does not mean it can't be done.
      Just because you don't understand why something can't be done, doesn't mean it can be done.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      AHHHG WHY? Why is god a fallacy? In a universe as fucking weird as this, as weird as you yourself have pointed out, why is the idea any more strange than half the shit that physicists show the new guy to freak him out? Freaking cracked just ran an article about 5 things that make scientists through their hands in the air. We dont even understand how GRAVITY works. We have theories, but none have been, or, at our current level, can be proven. Why is the idea of "god" so strange against ALL THAT?
      Its a fallacy because there is nothing too it. There is no evidence, no indication, no mechanism, nothing. The point of reference is a story book compiled 300 years later by a committee that didn't even understand eating with the same hand you wiped your ass with would make you sick. If there was ANY shred of evidence for it, you could raise it as a logical possibility. But there is not.

      Saying "Its possible God exists" has the exact same level of scientific weight as saying "Its possible the Easter Bunny exists" and injecting that into a discussion of logic and reason makes just as much sense. Gravity on the other hand is an observable force that effects us and everything else on a daily basis.

      Also, the article you're referring too was embarrassingly bad for Cracked and full of horrible inaccuracies and bullshit. I'm guessing you didn't scroll down to see the shit storm going on in the comments about it -.-

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      I love how you missed the point of those examples entirely. You don't see gods interference in either because its not spelled out--you have no reason to look for god, so you don't find it. Which was the entire freaking point. If humans can explain something with natural explanations, we will, unless some booming voice tells us otherwise.
      Are you serious? No offence, but if that was seriously your point then you do not understand the universe or probability in any way shape or form and I suggest you read a book. You cannot attribute God to probability. You have to prove an event occurring with a frequency contrary to probability, not directly in line with it. If it occurs directly in line with probability, it IS probability and God isn't actually doing anything at all.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      Ok, WHY? Why must gods interference automatically be outside of natural law?
      Because that is the very definition of intervening? If its within natural law, it will happen anyway.

      Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
      Why in the nine hells couldnt a godlike entity use natural law to accomplish its goals?
      You mean the very thing I've been suggesting this entire time? Have you read this thread at all? ><

      Also, I have to go to work, so gotta cut post short ( Sorry. ).


      • ....I think at this point we need to either restate our respective stances, or quit the thread altogether, as we keep seeming to run into brick walls where the other one is standing.

        As I said before, I like your ideas, and find them interesting--and would enjoy a civil discourse over them. I feel I may have been a bit uncivil in my previous post, and apologize if I was.


        • Originally posted by Duelist925 View Post
          ....I think at this point we need to either restate our respective stances, or quit the thread altogether, as we keep seeming to run into brick walls where the other one is standing.

          As I said before, I like your ideas, and find them interesting--and would enjoy a civil discourse over them. I feel I may have been a bit uncivil in my previous post, and apologize if I was.
          I've tried to escape the thread twice now as I could see it going south into nastiness. Only to be dragged back in. You're the 4th person to start in with me. So yeah, I apologize as well if I'm being snarky. But I've been mired in this from the get go and am tired of having weeks long hostile discussions because I dared infringe on someone's personal idea of God.


          • agree to disagree time?

            also, gravekeeper, i'm sorry if i was one of the ones that irked you. i was only genuinely curious about your opinions since you are smart.
            All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


            • Originally posted by siead_lietrathua View Post
              agree to disagree time?
              Already tried that. >.>

              I don't mind discussing science, religion, philosophy etc. But hostile discussions wear you out and make you snarly. Especially if they go on for weeks like this and are largely just seemingly butting your head against walls.


              • If I may:

                Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
                Again, I am not an Atheist here.
                You are arguing like one. I wholeheartedly approve
                Customer: I need an Apache.
                Gravekeeper: The Tribe or the Gunship?


                • The claim that questions along the line of "IF God does exist, why couldn't he do x" relies on faith is completely false. One does not have to believe either that something is true or that it isn't to ponder an "if". Nor does it make sense to demand proof that the condition is in fact true.

                  Nor, under that same condition, is it fallacious to say that someone who knows everything might make perfectly logical plans that don't seem so when you only see a piece. Dismissing that is the hand wave, not the other way around.

                  Complaining that people disagree with you when you're drawing your argument from Richard Dawkins, by the way, is a logical fallacy: appeal to authority. It doesn't matter where the reasoning full of holes comes from; it's still full of holes. Why get angry over having some apparent holes pointed out, other than to divert away from having to explain what's in them?

                  I'll not read any of his books. I heard him on the radio (To the Best of our Knowledge, I think it was), essentially saying "we know miracles cannot happen, because if they did happen we could reproduce them." In other words, they're only miracles if they're not miraculous, in which case they're not miracles. which is either circular reasoning of the worst kind or else deliberate nonsense. Either way, it's certainly something we don't need more of.

                  I'd still like to hear some explanation of why a perfect being could never possibly want to make something unless it was to be left alone and NEVER touched again. I'd still like to know what would be *observably and necessarily* different if a batch of water were turned into wine and then drunk. Dismissing the questions is no help, no matter how often it's done. Handwaving away statements that are almost necessarily true of God if there is one is no help, either.

                  If you insist on framing things so as to force faith into conditional statements, then "God (if there is one) cannot possibly do that" requires at least as much as "God (if there is one) might could do that."
                  "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                  • i think gravekeeper said he was done with the thread. and really you both are going about in circles, so i agree with his decision.

                    i'm willing to tackle this one:

                    Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                    I'd still like to hear some explanation of why a perfect being could never possibly want to make something unless it was to be left alone and NEVER touched again.
                    could be the deity is off doing other things. after all, the only reason we want a god to be a constant force in our lives, helping and caring for us, is going back to our arrogance as a species. we want to belive that a god is there caring for us because we are just that super-special and important to have the care of a higher being. i'm not saying there isnt a god, but in this great universe maybe its attentions aren't on earth anymore, and it's off trying to make a better species than us on another planet somewhere.
                    All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


                    • Originally posted by siead_lietrathua View Post
                      we want to belive that a god is there caring for us because we are just that super-special and important to have the care of a higher being. i'm not saying there isnt a god, but in this great universe maybe its attentions aren't on earth anymore, and it's off trying to make a better species than us on another planet somewhere.
                      Possible, but it doesn't answer the question.

                      The question is why must any god who might exist create a world that he will never, under any circumstances, make any changes or revisions later on.

                      There are a plethora of reasons why such a being might have done it then scarpered off and left us to our own devices, but the argument was that if such a being existed, our world as we know it would have been created just so from the get-go and never to be tinkered with again. I just don't understand the reasoning behind this view.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • i think the only one i heard that explained ti well was, strangly enough, in that dogma movie. if the universe exists because the christian god is infallible, then if that god made something he had to later fix he would become fallible and the universe would cease to be as we know it.
                        however in some other religions gods did not nessesarily create the world/universe/etc but are other beings in more of a caretaker position to natural law. so it negates the entire argument.
                        All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


                        • Something to consider: Just because a creator is infallible does not mean that the creation is perfect. As I posited earlier, what would be the point of creating something perfect if you're goal is to experiment? It's the flaws that make it interesting and worthwhile.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • but then we are both saying the same thing, dealing with the abrahamic god at least. God created the world for His whims and purpose, and will "experiment", or do what He wants. if He is going to do what he wants anyway, then why be concerned about our place as just another rat in the maze? lol.
                            also, this keeps going back to the abrahamic god. other gods are not perfect nor do not claim to be, and many religions do not claim creation of the universe as the actions of one being.
                            also, if there is only one creator god responsible for the universe, what created it? :/ lol
                            All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


                            • Originally posted by Talon View Post
                              You are arguing like one. I wholeheartedly approve
                              I'm not not an Atheist, just a realist. Retheist? >.>

                              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                              The claim that questions along the line of "IF God does exist, why couldn't he do x" relies on faith is completely false.
                              Argh, still? Seriously? You're so far off now I don't even know what to say. You keep latching onto one thing and ignore everything else. You're also, yet again, totally missing what I was talking about to begin with. The reason we keep butting heads here is because you're arguing a philosophical point and I'm arguing a scientific one. Then when I do bring up a philosophical argument, you ignore it.

                              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                              Complaining that people disagree with you when you're drawing your argument from Richard Dawkins, by the way, is a logical fallacy
                              Hawkin. Not Dawkins, Dawkins is frankly kind of a dick to be bluntly honest. Hawkin is a scientist who has tackled this specific question.

                              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                              I'd still like to hear some explanation of why a perfect being could never possibly want to make something unless it was to be left alone and NEVER touched again. I'd still like to know what would be *observably and necessarily* different if a batch of water were turned into wine and then drunk. Dismissing the questions is no help, no matter how often it's done. Handwaving away statements that are almost necessarily true of God if there is one is no help, either.
                              Translation: "I'm going to ignore absolutely everything you have said, yet again, for the umpteenth time and stubbornly return to the exact same thing I've been fixated on this entire thread no matter how many times you answer me."?

                              Yes, we are most certainly done talking you and I. Frankly we were done pages ago.

                              Originally posted by Andara Bledin
                              There are a plethora of reasons why such a being might have done it then scarpered off and left us to our own devices, but the argument was that if such a being existed, our world as we know it would have been created just so from the get-go and never to be tinkered with again. I just don't understand the reasoning behind this view.
                              Its not exactly hard to understand. Again, the natural laws of the universe as they are ( or as they were designed if you prefer ) take care of everything already. Leaving us to our own devices is in line with free will and reflects allowing us to learn and make our own mistakes. If a "God" where indeed present, he doesn't need to do anything and doing the sort of things typically attributing to him would actually be counter-intuitive because of the design of the physical universe.

                              Its not that hard to understand the viewpoint at all. Its just Deism really. Most of what I have said thus far has been a mixture of Deism, Pantheism and good ol' fashion science.

                              Originally posted by Andara Bledin
                              Something to consider: Just because a creator is infallible does not mean that the creation is perfect. As I posited earlier, what would be the point of creating something perfect if you're goal is to experiment? It's the flaws that make it interesting and worthwhile.
                              But see this is the problem. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Yet when I point that out I get another "mysterious ways" answer. You can't have the perfect omnipotent Abrahamic God then give him fallible qualities. You can't tell me God's logic and intentions are off limits as a mere human, then turn around and assign him human qualities. You can't tell me we can never know what he knows when we are surrounded by everything he built with what he knows.

                              Its not even that I entirely disagree with you either, its just that the goal posts get shuffled around no matter what I say. Until it becomes unanswerable, then the figurative you can walk off patting themselves on the back for being "right". Then you wonder why people like Dawkins have become such bitter, raging pricks. -.-

                              I've been shoved repeatedly into the Atheist camp here really, even though I'm not an Atheist. Simply because I take a more realistic Deistic approach to "God" that disagrees with the Theist camp's apparently. I find it pretty ironic, seeing as most of the point of my own belief's is to find a possible scientific model for said deities to begin with. ;p

                              Which is what got me into this entire shitstorm to begin with.


                              • Why does making something not perfect mean the maker is fallible?

                                Also, just because everything we know was created by him does not mean that we know everything he created.

                                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

