Originally posted by Rapscallion
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"Prove it."
"Stand up"
"...Holy...Oh my....wow. Your dad. My legs work!"
And he generally wasn't a dick about his spreading the word. Most evangelicals, theist or otherwise, today lack those traits.
Generally, I approve of following christs example, since he seemed like a nice dude. But then, thats assuming the bible is 100 percent accurate, which I highly doubt Andara does based on things she's said in this and other threads, and I know I don't -_-
Why so defensive? I agree, it's what I expect your words to mean - being a christian comes with certain expectations. However, this thread started with what rotters we atheists are. It wasn't intended as 'defend your faith'.
Christians are either expected to preach and shout and rain hellfire down on everyone the bible says to, which is, well, everyone, or they're mostly decent people who are expected to live according to some basic rules. Ie, dont be a dick, be kind, rewind, kinda shit.
Wiccans are, depending on who you ask, either expeted to be silly nature nutters, talking to flowers, witches and warlocks who've made pacts with satan, or people adapting old ideas and traditions to a new religion that calls for just a few basic rules. Dont be a dick, golden rule, etc.
Atheists, depending on who you are, are either a bunch of smug, arrogant, holier then thou, pricks who show utter contempt for anyone silly enough to believe, and think faith is a sign of mental illness. Or, their generally decent people who don't believe, and dont want belief shoved down their throats.
Fact of the matter is: Expectations? Bullshit. The expectations vary on any group, depending on who you ask. Hell, ask a thousand christians what being christian means, of what should be expected of a christian, you'll get a thousand different answers. Same as with any group.
Does this mean you only choose the bits of the faith you want to? I have a grudging respect for JWs - I think they're child-killing whackadoodles, but at least they walk all their talk, not just the bits that they feel comfortable with.
Heres the thing: Pick and choose makes SENSE in todays world. So much of the bible is simply outdated. Antiquated. Many of the things it puts down are simply not applicable by todays standards, which makes sense considering how long ago it was written, and how many times its been fucked with since then. So yeah, picking the things that makes sense to oneself makes freaking sense, especially if you don't consider the bible to be the be all end all of thought.
With a book that old, its the only thing that makes sense. Life changes. Morals change. What is "Right" Changes as time marches on.
Pick and mix religion? Not so much. Still, it's about me and what a rotter I and my ilk are.
I ... am astounded. Two mythologies - which one's better, and you're asking this of an atheist? Unicorns every time, actually, but I can recognise a myth quite easily.
I'm also astounded that you think there's any logic to what you said.
I'm also astounded that you think there's any logic to what you said.
Her point, to spell it out in the simplest terms possible, is that she is not trying to prove anything other than that she has her belief. Her opinion, if you will. Which is cooler, unicorns or dragons? Unicorns, to her.
Yet time and again people say "Neither exist, your arguement is flawed" Rather than actually presenting an argument against her reasoning.
I did explain - you might think nice, warm fuzzy thoughts about how the world's going to be ok in the end because of your special friend, but what of the next generation?
Several generations of the US populace have been indoctrinated by the words 'under god' in the pledge since the fifties, and the result?
Several generations of the US populace have been indoctrinated by the words 'under god' in the pledge since the fifties, and the result?
http://jesusfetusfajitafishsticks.bl...christian.html - the girl who campaigned against a religious mural being lambasted by those who aren't mature enough to grow out of it. It's the natural result when - as a blogger wiser than I pointed out - there is no natural check. It's one thing saying be nice, and telling people to do what you're told, but then they start following that and become gradually more indoctrinated as generations go by.
I fully expect a response of 'I don't do that', but the simple truth is that the generation after will follow their version of your example. You might say 'be nice', but when they follow the nasty part of it your leader never appears to say, "hang on, you forgot this bit." There's no check on what the religious decide to believe that decade.
What leader? I'm sorry, but this argument is completely worthless. There is no one leader of christianity, or any freaking religion. Hell, there isn't an atheist leader for that matter.Instead we have, oh, hundreds, thousands of "Small" leaders. Pastors of local churches, that kind of thing. And their opinions range just as much as ANY other human beings.
And by the way? If someone sets a good example, and the next generation doesnt....how in the flying fuck is it the first parties fault? Lets use Andara. She sets a good example. She DOES her job. She tries to be a good role model....So if anyone models their behaviour off her, and fails to live up to it, is NOT her fault.
So, go on, tell me how cruel I am.
The original point of this thread is that evangelical atheism doesn't work since most "evangelical" atheists are smug dicks who mock instead of try to actually reason and convert. See my previous post re: Dick-punching.
Since then, its evolved into what was a rather interesting philosophical debate that got out of hand and ended.
You? Aren't the subject at hand. Atheists in general aren't the subject at hand.
Evangelical atheists were the original subject. That subject was gradually dropped.
It was never about you. It was never about how every atheist is a nasty prick. It was about evangelical ones, specially the majority who spread the "Smug dick" Steryotype.
So stop the "Tell me how nasty I am" "Tell me how cruel I am" bullshit. All it proves is your either trying to troll, or you didn't read the original discussion at all. And frankly, its incredibly annoying seeing someone I like and respect so much stoop to such things.