Originally posted by crashhelmet
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The price amounts in Leviticus are not the fines or values of life if someone is killed. It was a tithe paid for whatever was being devoted to God.
The comments in Hosea are punishments that God gives out for those that worship false idols.
Again, the comments in 2 Samuel 12:14 are a punishment for the slaying of a man to take his wife as the killer's own.
Have you ever actually read the Bible or are you one of these Atheists that likes to spout of random crap to make it sound like you know what you're talking about?
You can choose to be against abortion, but to use the bible to back up your argument is silly. It was a collection of myths and stories written thousands of years ago by people who believed that thunderstorms and drought were caused by an angry vengeful god. It has also been translated hundreds of times over from other languages and by groups that are using it for their own agendas. Such as your 'Thou shall not kill' quote which has already been contested by many others as being an incorrect reading.
I have no problem with people reading the bible and believing in god. Some good teachings come from the bible, such as the whole building your house on sand and the Samson strength story. You can believe in god, but when you use you beliefs to punish or terrorize people, then you become a bad person.
Rebel: Sorry, but as somebody who does read the Bible, I'm going to have to say that, while I ultimately agree with you on this one issue, your Biblical citations are completely off the mark, as Crash already pointed out. Don't quote Bible verses seemingly at random and then accuse others of not reading the Bible.
(*I am not trying to state exactly what you believe, just what my impression of your statement was*)
That and I love the belief that Atheists don't read the bible.