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4 year old sings "No homos gonna make it to Heaven", Church goes wild

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  • 4 year old sings "No homos gonna make it to Heaven", Church goes wild

    Video of a young boy at a church in Indiana being cheered as he sings about how “no homos are gonna make it to heaven” has gone viral.

    “The Bible is right, somebody’s wrong,” the boy, who appears to be around 4-years-old, sings. “Romans 1 and 27, ain’t no homo gonna make it to heaven.”

    Before the boy can finish the song, members of the congregation jump their feet, applauding and cheering wildly.

    “That’s my boy!” one man can be heard shouting

    Video here:

    It currently has about 140 likes and over 3200 dislikes.

    This kind of thing would never happen at my church, nor would I ever want to attend one that allowed a child to sing like that.

  • #2
    i agree with the one comment on there, a kid that young has to have been coached to sing like that, and probably doesnt even know the meaning of the words.
    his parents need a kick in the arse. by an elephant. or 20.
    All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


    • #3
      Is it just me or has their been a surge in anti gay rhetoric from fundies? We've had a couple of pastors encouraging beating their kids if they suspect they're gay, another wanting to put them in some kind of concentration camp, and now this.

      They're even getting kids involved in their hate. The poor kid doesn't even know what he's saying.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
        Is it just me or has their been a surge in anti gay rhetoric from fundies? We've had a couple of pastors encouraging beating their kids if they suspect they're gay, another wanting to put them in some kind of concentration camp, and now this.

        They're even getting kids involved in their hate. The poor kid doesn't even know what he's saying.
        US politics has been effectively condoning this through the whole inequality of marital status thing - it's got enough airtime to sink into peoples' minds and it's found some fertile ground, or encouraged some who would normally have kept it to themselves to speak up.

        Best guess I've got.

        Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
        Reclaiming words is fun!


        • #5
          The count is now over 5000 dislikes.

          And I agree, the kid definitely would've had to have been coached. No 4-year-old would know all the Bible verses or what the hell they actually mean...generally at that age, they're still going through Sunday School (YMMV).


          • #6
            Ugh, sickening >.<

            I agree that the poor kid most likely has no idea what the words he's saying really mean. But indoctrination doesn't happen of course

            If there is some horrendous afterlife like hell is thought to be, all of those adults cheering will end up there, and they won't understand how it could happen. Sick bastards.

            I want off this planet.


            • #7
              I'm pretty certain that Christ would be appalled.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                Is it just me or has their been a surge in anti gay rhetoric from fundies? We've had a couple of pastors encouraging beating their kids if they suspect they're gay, another wanting to put them in some kind of concentration camp, and now this.
                In a sense, it's a good sign; first, that when these things happen, they're made public and ridiculed, but also because it suggests they've given up trying to win people over to their views in favor of keeping those still there riled up.

                Meanwhile, the results can only be positive.
                "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                • #9
                  If anyone's interested, the count is almost at 8000 dislikes.


                  • #10
                    I firmly believe everybody who makes it to heaven will be surprised at who else is there. (And some days I wonder if those who don't, don't simply because they couldn't stand the company.)
                    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                    • #11
                      According to the new testament, horrible, evil people can still go to heaven if they're born again and ask for forgiveness. I wonder how that church would react if someone sang a song about how murderers are sipping margaritas in heaven with the angels.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                        I firmly believe everybody who makes it to heaven will be surprised at who else is there. (And some days I wonder if those who don't, don't simply because they couldn't stand the company.)
                        Reminds me of a joke.

                        One day, a man dies and he goes to heaven. When he gets there, a man gives him a guided tour. They walk around. Heaven is fairly open, but there seem to be different neighborhoods. As they pass one, the tour guide says "This is where the Hindus live," and the man nods, and they pass another, and the guide says "Here is where the Mahayana Buddhists live" and they go on and on, passing every permutation of any faith imaginable. Jews, Muslims, Christians, atheists, Voodoo... Everything.

                        Eventually, they get to a giant, walled off area. The walls are hundreds of feet tall, and there's a great big iron gate in them. And the man asks "So, what's in there?"

                        And his guide says "Oh, that's where the fundamentalists live. They like to pretend they're the only ones here."
                        "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                        ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


                        • #13
                          I like the hell version of that joke: most of the place is like a really nice retirement community, where you can do as much or as little of whatever you want, but one corner is all fire and pitchforks because the Baptists wouldn't have it any other way.
                          "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                          • #14
                            I've heard that joke, but the version I heard had the Catholics inside the walled-off section.

                            I just checked that video, over 10,000 dislikes.


                            • #15
                              To be blunt, I hope that kid is right about me... if that church is right about who's going to hell, they seem like a lot better company to spend eternity with than the people who are supposedly making it into heaven.
                              Though, of course anyone who watches American Dad knows that God does indeed loves homosexuals, but only if they are tops
                              "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand

