Hi. It's me again. You know the drill, I'm just here to bother you all, as I do every few months.
I wasn't sure where this should go, but religion seems topically accurate.
So, those of you who may have known me waaaay back when might remember that I was an extremely conservative Christian. Please do not look at my earliest posts on this forum, or any of my posts on CS from like 7 years ago. I am extremely embarrassed about the person I was back then, and I kind of hate myself for all of that, but anyways, I'm not really here to talk about that.
I'm only bringing it up to underscore just how much I've changed since then. Anybody who knows me now knows that I can be generously described as a very liberal agnostic. At the very least, I don't really know what I believe anymore, in a religious sense, I just know it's not at all what I once did.
And, if you know me, you know that I am extremely depressed and have been for years. I've been realizing in recent months that part of the reason for that is that I've slowly grown out of my religion. I was raised in a very conservative, Protestant evangelical Christian household, and when I say evangelical Christian, I mean that specific brand of American Christian that believes that the earth is only 6,000 years old, that evolution is a lie, and that Left Behind is literally prophetic and going to happen. Yeah.
I'd say I started really growing away from that about, oh, 5 years ago - I actually remember the article I read that really made me start rethinking things. It was a slow process from there, and even as short of a time as two years ago, I would still have described myself as religious, though not dogmatic.
So but anyways, enough rambling. The point I'm trying to get at here is that for about 20 years of my life, my identity was extremely wrapped up in my religious beliefs, which, due to their nature, also crossed over with my political beliefs. That was what I leaned on - that God was my reason for existence, that everything else was meaningless, and that only the things I was told mattered.
But I was deceived. Or at least, I feel that way.
I was hurt deeply by the church - they were never there for me when times got rough. They would give me a smile, an empty promise of prayer (as opposed to actually fucking helping me or talking to me) and an assurance that Jesus loved me. But eventually it got to the point where it wasn't enough - I knew Jesus loved me, or I thought I did at the time, but I needed to know that I was loved by people. And I just never got that from anybody. They didn't care about me as anything other than a vessel for their agenda. And eventually, Jesus didn't love me either, and then, he didn't exist as a deity, as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe He did, maybe He didn't, I obviously don't know, and I'm not here to argue about it. I just want you to know where I'm coming from. I stood at the edge of the universe, looked into the face of God, and I saw nothing. And it devastated me, and I haven't ever fully recovered from it. My identity, my belief system, everything I ever knew to be true, is just gone, and the only thing I was ever taught to hold on to, well, I can't hold on to it anymore. Now all I'm left with from that original catechism is "everything is meaningless". Obviously, that's not a philosophy that I can hold on to and retain my sanity and integrity, not with the way my brain works, anyways.
SO BUT ANYWAYS, again, I need to get back on point. I know a lot of other people have very similar stories. I need to know - how do I regain control of my life? How did you manage to move on from this and find some meaning again? Obviously you can't fix my problems for me, but some advice or a starting point would be nice. Can anybody give me some guidance, some help, or some words of wisdom? I really need it. Thanks.
I wasn't sure where this should go, but religion seems topically accurate.
So, those of you who may have known me waaaay back when might remember that I was an extremely conservative Christian. Please do not look at my earliest posts on this forum, or any of my posts on CS from like 7 years ago. I am extremely embarrassed about the person I was back then, and I kind of hate myself for all of that, but anyways, I'm not really here to talk about that.
I'm only bringing it up to underscore just how much I've changed since then. Anybody who knows me now knows that I can be generously described as a very liberal agnostic. At the very least, I don't really know what I believe anymore, in a religious sense, I just know it's not at all what I once did.
And, if you know me, you know that I am extremely depressed and have been for years. I've been realizing in recent months that part of the reason for that is that I've slowly grown out of my religion. I was raised in a very conservative, Protestant evangelical Christian household, and when I say evangelical Christian, I mean that specific brand of American Christian that believes that the earth is only 6,000 years old, that evolution is a lie, and that Left Behind is literally prophetic and going to happen. Yeah.
I'd say I started really growing away from that about, oh, 5 years ago - I actually remember the article I read that really made me start rethinking things. It was a slow process from there, and even as short of a time as two years ago, I would still have described myself as religious, though not dogmatic.
So but anyways, enough rambling. The point I'm trying to get at here is that for about 20 years of my life, my identity was extremely wrapped up in my religious beliefs, which, due to their nature, also crossed over with my political beliefs. That was what I leaned on - that God was my reason for existence, that everything else was meaningless, and that only the things I was told mattered.
But I was deceived. Or at least, I feel that way.
I was hurt deeply by the church - they were never there for me when times got rough. They would give me a smile, an empty promise of prayer (as opposed to actually fucking helping me or talking to me) and an assurance that Jesus loved me. But eventually it got to the point where it wasn't enough - I knew Jesus loved me, or I thought I did at the time, but I needed to know that I was loved by people. And I just never got that from anybody. They didn't care about me as anything other than a vessel for their agenda. And eventually, Jesus didn't love me either, and then, he didn't exist as a deity, as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe He did, maybe He didn't, I obviously don't know, and I'm not here to argue about it. I just want you to know where I'm coming from. I stood at the edge of the universe, looked into the face of God, and I saw nothing. And it devastated me, and I haven't ever fully recovered from it. My identity, my belief system, everything I ever knew to be true, is just gone, and the only thing I was ever taught to hold on to, well, I can't hold on to it anymore. Now all I'm left with from that original catechism is "everything is meaningless". Obviously, that's not a philosophy that I can hold on to and retain my sanity and integrity, not with the way my brain works, anyways.
SO BUT ANYWAYS, again, I need to get back on point. I know a lot of other people have very similar stories. I need to know - how do I regain control of my life? How did you manage to move on from this and find some meaning again? Obviously you can't fix my problems for me, but some advice or a starting point would be nice. Can anybody give me some guidance, some help, or some words of wisdom? I really need it. Thanks.