...the Catholic Church needs to be permanently abolished. (Or at least forced to relinquish their tax-exempt status, since they're so bent on meddling in politics where they have no business being)
Note: This is not about Catholicism per se, but specifically the institution itself that claims to be the head of the religion. I think the Church is and has been corrupt as hell (no pun intended) for ages, not to mention it's bloody misogynistic, and its borderline stone-aged thinking has just got to go.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7926694.stm - I find it very interesting how the leader in this case is focusing his wrath on everybody BUT the rapist scumbag who is responsible for the whole situation in the first place. This poor little girl is 9 YEARS OLD, already suffered one indignity, and now she can't even talk to her own mother lest *she* get excommunicated as well. (And before the anti-abortion stuff starts, her doctor specifically said that there was *no* way the child could have safely carried to term, much less given birth, so abortion *was* a medical necessity in this case.)
Note: This is not about Catholicism per se, but specifically the institution itself that claims to be the head of the religion. I think the Church is and has been corrupt as hell (no pun intended) for ages, not to mention it's bloody misogynistic, and its borderline stone-aged thinking has just got to go.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7926694.stm - I find it very interesting how the leader in this case is focusing his wrath on everybody BUT the rapist scumbag who is responsible for the whole situation in the first place. This poor little girl is 9 YEARS OLD, already suffered one indignity, and now she can't even talk to her own mother lest *she* get excommunicated as well. (And before the anti-abortion stuff starts, her doctor specifically said that there was *no* way the child could have safely carried to term, much less given birth, so abortion *was* a medical necessity in this case.)