I went to a men's group tonight and one of the topics that was brought up was masturbation. I went against the group, as I am an unrepentant masturbator. I don't feel like masturbation is a sin, nor do I feel like God cares whether or not you or I masturbate. I told them that there are animals that masturbate as well as have "alternative" sexual lifestyles. I asked if God really cared and if God sends animals to hell because they masturbate or exhibited homosexual tendencies. I have yet to get a satisfactory answer to this question, and one group mate told me I was selfish.
It took all of my willpower not to tell him to go fuck himself. He doesn't know me. I can tell you that I have done a lot for my community. I have taken it upon myself to start a group for adults on the autism spectrum. He was also telling us about how his wife left him and that she did this and that, and when she told him what she wanted for them to reconciliate that he told her that he wouldn't do that. Then he said that he didn't know why his wife left him. Protip, your wife left you because you're an asshole.
Christians really piss me off.
It took all of my willpower not to tell him to go fuck himself. He doesn't know me. I can tell you that I have done a lot for my community. I have taken it upon myself to start a group for adults on the autism spectrum. He was also telling us about how his wife left him and that she did this and that, and when she told him what she wanted for them to reconciliate that he told her that he wouldn't do that. Then he said that he didn't know why his wife left him. Protip, your wife left you because you're an asshole.
Christians really piss me off.