Originally posted by mjr
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I had no idea "border security" and "enforcing the laws" were racist constructs.
And yes, claiming that the Mexican government deliberately sends their criminals to us; suggesting that Mexican immigrants are criminals, drug addicts, and racists (but some are presumably good people); and requiring Muslims to be recorded in a special database, wear labels to identify their religion, and be under government surveillance; all of those things are racist. In fact, I think that last one can be called "fascist" and "Nazi" without hyperbole.
At this point, believing that Trump is not racist is evidence of willful ignorance.
Some people might be offended with "Hillary for President" being written in chalk somewhere. If people on college campuses have been traumatized by it, I'd like to see an article about that. I'd feel the same about them.
Do you have any actual in context quotes regarding what you're talking about? And your explanation as to why they're xenophobic and/or racist? I'd love to hear them.
Is that the same as saying that bigoted, hateful, evil, greedy, <whatever> Republicans have ruined the country?
But no.
Saying "society has moved on and no longer accepts public displays of racism and sexism" is not the same thing as that. Unless, of course, you feel that public acceptance of racism and sexism are core ideals of the Republican party — or just the Trump faction.