Conversely, if the Democrats could have put up anyone but Clinton there wouldn't even be an illusion of a horse race going on right now. They would be blowing Trump out of the water.
Where Clinton is a special case, its that her "unlikability" numbers were already at rock bottom on the account that she has been a target of the RNC since 1992 which means she's been getting attacked for 26 years. It's probably more accurate to say she's "fully vetted" and many Republicans have sort of taken an almost religious antipathy to the family (again, unless they aren't running in which case historically they're fine.)
Pretend i was O'Malley for a sec and whether it's the Swiftboat veterans for Kerry or the splitting of the Bernie voters (which may have happened anyway) or Pledge of Allegiance issues and prison furloughs with Dukakis. For as much as Bernie voters kvetched about Clinton, her campaign ran a slander campaign with kiddie gloves on.
If it were Bernie V. Trump, we might be in better shape but no doubt Bernie being older than both our current candidates we can guess health would be a thing. Women and minorities probably wouldn't be as close to a lock as they are though. And the closer you get to the election, the more someone like Bernie is going to scare moderates who wouldn't have had a candidate in that election. And that's one thing we don't know - if the moderates are fully suppressed, what does that election actually look like.
Ultimately, I think the idea that she's weak as a political figure is simply she's boring and fully vetted. We still know about all we're going to know about her. But a cult of personality can be a weak candidate (see Trump) and a seemingly fine candidate can be sunk by the normal operations of campaigns. With her, that attack infrastructure was already built though. The Republicans didn't have to do a thing to rebuild it. That's not a question of her weakness though, it's like running your played the last 10 years Quarterback in the Super Bowl - there's no surprise and plenty of existing scouting. And not to put too fine a point on it, but really the idea that she's "weak" candidate is also a political charge meant to cause the voter to question. It's not actually an impartial assessment - its a parroted attack.
But hey, I could be cynical.