Originally posted by Rusty Shackleford
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Honestly the biggest problem with this thread is the attempt to blame the family for literally everything done by other people.
When my dad died my family was freaking devastated. The family was barely able to focus on burying my dad and dealing with all of that stuff. If a bunch of other people decided my dad's death had deserved riots that would not have in anyway have been our fault. We can't blame the Brown family for every little thing that happens because their son was killed.
Nor can we blame them for the crimes their son committed. It's completely missing the point.
Look not every single cop shooting a victim goes to a grand jury. Only in cases where it's under questionable circumstances. Instead of pretending this was just a cop doing his job acknowledge that those in charge of enforcing the law felt the circumstances were questionable enough to do more than an after action report.
The Brown family is only responsible for filing this civil suit a suit they are fully justified in filing because someone killed their son and anyone else would be in a jail cell right now.
Given the exact same circumstances anyone else would be serving jail time if self defense couldn't be proven. If the person was only able afford a public defender you can bet self defense would not be proven.
The Browns want it proven to their satisfaction that their son was lawfully killed and not just gunned down in the latest of police shootings to target black youth.
You want the riots to stop and for Darren Wilson to be cleared this civil trial has to happen. Or he's guilty as sin of wrongdoing and got away with murder.
There is video tape of coops flat out killing black people because "He's big and he's black so I fear for my life" even when the people were visibly complying.
This isn't some random attack on "White" cops this is a demand of an overhaul on the whole system to make it so if incidents like this do happen there are no need for Grand Juries because the actions of everyone involved were beyond reproach.
The Browns are what supposed to face palm and go "Oh hey sure we are grieving the loss of a family member who to us was that guy who told that funny joke at Thanksgiving or helped me fix my porch or" any other number of personal anecdotes that make Michael Brown a real person and not just some crook in a dime store novel. "but we should really focus our time not on getting justice or making sure everything's above board but rather go out and tell people who are legitimately scared that it's okay that they shouldn't be scared even though the fact is they totally should be"
My 14 year old daughter could walk through a field with an airsoft gun playing capture the flag with a bunch of other kids and the cops will just tell them "hey kids it's getting late get on home"
Because she's white. If she were black odds are she would be shot first and only then would the cops figure out "oh wait not real" because black, white, asian, etc no matter what race they are cops are taught if the person's black you shoot first and ask questions later.
No one gives 2 shits that it's a white cop. They care that it's a cop. James Chase was white and there were protests and rallys because it was a cop. Not because it was a white cop and a white guy.
People are losing their shit because your skin color shouldn't be why the police helicopter pilot thinks a guy in khakis and a button up is dangerous.
People who want to focus on it being a white cop mostly want to play the "Well really it's a black racist against white" No it's Black against Blue. That uniform scares the shit out of any part of the population that the police are trained to see as dangerous. This includes all minorities.
Did you know Gays are disproportionally targeted by the police too? Two guys throwing rocks at the brick wall of a building trying to scare a bird get seen on a security camera by security guy who knows it's a gay club across the street calls the cops. Instead of the standard one cop car showing up to tell the kids to knock it off three cop cars show up parking so that they are surrounding the kids with the obvious threat of "run and we will shoot you" suddenly very present.
I nearly pissed my pants. Trust me the Browns have more important things than to lie to everyone else and tell them nothing's wrong.