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Public schools vs. Private schools

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  • #16
    1) Does private schooling necessary mean a better education? And I don't mean just in the classroom either.

    Not necessarily, but it tends to since private schools often have more money to spend on things, they can get smaller class sizes and focus their attention on problem areas for specific people to get better results.

    2) If you were an employer conducting interviews, would what school they went to matter?

    It has to in some respect. There's so many people floating about with exactly the same qualifications that something needs to differentiate them. Personally, I'd take the inverted snobs view that if you've come out of a worse school with the same grades, you had to work harder and so you'll be more likely to work hard for me. I like to see people making something themselves rather than just blithely taking everything that's given out to them.

    3) Does private schooling mean better-behaved kids?
    No. They tend to be more subtle in their misbehaviour, but there's more of it. The higher the class of school, the worse it is because the fees are more so mummy and daddy can most likely afford to come bailing you out if you can't get a job. The greatly privileged schools breed entitlement in my experience.

    4) Should a person's school be used to further their career or life?
    More fool the person who'll take on someone just because they've been to a certain school. Get to know the person before you make decisions like that, and you'll be thankful you did later.

    I offer this as a state schooled boy.


    • #17
      Originally posted by MannersMakethMan View Post
      It has to in some respect. There's so many people floating about with exactly the same qualifications that something needs to differentiate them. Personally, I'd take the inverted snobs view that if you've come out of a worse school with the same grades, you had to work harder and so you'll be more likely to work hard for me. I like to see people making something themselves rather than just blithely taking everything that's given out to them.
      I would argue with this point, standards of marking are usually more lax at public schools, having had the same essay marked at both a public and a private school and getting an A at the public school and a C at the private, sometimes you have to work damn harder.
      I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
      Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


      • #18
        I've got to weigh in here with my two cents. I lived in the kansas city missouri school district for my Jr. high and high school years instead of attending the public schools of the district, i went to a parochial Jr. high and high school.

        1) Does private schooling necessary mean a better education? And I don't mean just in the classroom either.
        In my case it most certainly did. The Kansas city, Missouri public schools were in horrible shape when i was in school. I, also know that I wouldn't have been able to survive in a large high school. The smaller classes at lutheran were much better for me . I also had extra circular opportunities that i would have lacked at a private school because I would have been cut.
        2) If you were an employer conducting interviews, would what school they went to matter?
        no, how they present themselves and what they have accomplished is much more important than who signed the diploma.
        3) Does private schooling mean better-behaved kids?
        4) Should a person's school be used to further their career or life?
        networking is a fact of life.


        • #19
          KCMO schools are still in terrible shape, and probably will be for a long time.


          • #20
            well, it certainly wasn't from lack of funds, I went to a lot of KCMO District schools for various events and they always had the best of everything. hopefully the succession of Van Horn high school, Nowlin Jr. high, and a handful of elementary schools to the independence school district will wake up the KCMO School board.


            • #21
              Originally posted by pssorens View Post
              well, it certainly wasn't from lack of funds, I went to a lot of KCMO District schools for various events and they always had the best of everything. hopefully the succession of Van Horn high school, Nowlin Jr. high, and a handful of elementary schools to the independence school district will wake up the KCMO School board.
              They haven't. The district has just instituted a MINIMUM number of students that are assigned to a classroom so they [the district] can "profit" off of teaching them.

              My mother, who teaches at that district, was not happy to hear that news.

