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Stuck in a 1950's bubble...

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  • Stuck in a 1950's bubble...

    My mom is stuck in the 1950s's on some of her beliefs. I thought I would start this thread to see if anybody knows anyone with antiquated beliefs like these and others.

    We were on the subject of homosexuality recently. I told her that she makes homosexuals out to sound more morally degenerate than people who have sex with animals. She said that homosexuality is worse because, according to her:"You only have sex with another human being if you love that person, and if a man has sex with a man, that must mean that they love each other, and that is immoral, having sex with an animal is just getting your jollies off." Whaaaa....? Wow...I just don't know what to say to that. People have sex all the time just for fun these days and they never see each other again. Her reply:"Well they must love each other in some way...." My father totally disagrees with her as he had some raunchy sexual relationships before he met her (some of which she doesen't even know about, he told me because I understand it better than she does). She said she only had sex when she was in love with someone...but what does that have to do with other people. Her logic eats itself. And telling her that being gay is okay and acceptable ushers a slew of denials and talk about birth defects, mental illness, and second-class citizenship. She said they don't have the right to raise children because they will be raised gay.

    And I'm not trying to make her sound like a bad person, but she is not a very progressive thinker and I can only conclude that she was raised to feel the way she does. She even brought race into it, saying that there are probably more gay black people than white people.

    My wife's parents are pretty bad about it too. Her mother has a blacklist of tv shows she does not watch because she saw references to gay relationships in them. I was at their house once when she angrily turned off the tv and said..."I'm never watching this stupid show again! Children should not be exposed to this immoral garbage!" I rarely have spats with this woman, but I told her that kids are all going to learn it from somewhere, probably better here than the kids at school, or better yet have parents educate their kids about gay relationships. And if a child decides they like the same sex better when they reach sexual maturity, then that is their business and nobody has the right to tell them to "don't be gay". She ran out of steam then, but seemed taken aback that I would condone this "immoral behavior" and went off mumbling about some gay agenda.

    My wife's dad is a gun toting member of the NRA. I walk up to the door and he is standing behind the door with a hand on his holster when he opens it. He's got a police scanner, a large custom antenna sticking out the back of his car. Nothing wrong with this I guess, but a little paranoid and extreme. And when he hears of suspicious persons on the scanner, he'll tell me to be careful on the way home because there's some suspicious black or Mexican guys wandering around in the area.

    God I have strange relatives.

  • #2
    I have strange relatives as well. When I read the title of this thread, at first I thought perhaps the OP had been criticized for being a working woman or moving in with a man she wasn't married to, or even a stay at home dad. But yes, definetly an old time bubble here.

    I'm not sure what my relatives think of homosexuality. Most of my uncles refer to really pretty guys as "fairies" (so I guess already assuming that they are gay), so maybe I don't want to know.

    My relatives are stuck in the 50s bubble merely because they have openly criticized anything new age. When I moved in with my roomate (a guy, who is an old friend), feathers were definetly ruffled. I was moving in with a man I was not married to. I was going to BURN IN HELL for it! *eyeroll*.

    Many of my older cousins have gotten criticism about marrying someone their own age (I guess some of my relatives go WAY back to when marriages were arranged, and the girls were 18 and the men were 40, ew). Obviously, children out of wedlock have been extremely frowned upon, tattoos, piercings, etc etc etc. Any time a non married relative of mine has gotten pregnant, the smoke doesn't clear until they get married. It's pathetic, very pathetic.


    • #3
      Here in Canada we recently instituted gay marriage. Both sides of the debate got a lot of press, although it seemed like most people just wanted the damn thing to pass so they would stop hearing about it. The newspapers and tv reports really liked to show pictures of gay men and women kissing on the steps of their city halls after tying the knot.
      Finally the Supreme Court said that's it, homosexuals who want to get married are gonna get married unless Parliament decides to amend the constitution, and that is no easy thing here in Canada, what with the Quebecois nationals and all. So now we have gay marriage, things are going along just fine, the moral fabric of our society is intact, no children have been "turned gay", our crime rate is the same as before, and my dad is very relieved to see the media has turned their eye to other issues because, as he says,
      "I don't give a damn what people do in the privacy of their own homes. I just don't wanna see all these dudes kissin' on TV."
      So I guess you could say he's got an ass-backwards 50's style homophobia thing going on. But if your motto is "Live and let live", it doesn't really matter.


      • #4
        I never did really understand the "assault on the traditional family" arguement against gay marriage. How does it threaten traditional Man/woman marriages? It doesn't prevent them in any way, shape or form.

        Ah well.


        • #5
          I'm not sure how two people loving each other and wanting to share their lives is an assault on anything either...

          I know too many people stuck in a time warp about that sort of thing. Heck in some ways I'm kinda old fashioned on some things. But at least its the good things about the old days, you know politeness, common sense and etiqutte in many situations, caring about looking at least realtively decent and not like I can't afford a belt.

          And I'll say that as a life NRA member not all of us are that bad about things. Yeah I have a police scanner but the firearms are all nice and safely tucked into their racks at all times they are not being used. Then again its not like I live in a bad neighborhood. And a CB in every vehicle is a cheap way of communicating without cell phones.

          And yeah my mother in law is vaery majorly against men wearing earrings and sporting tattoos unless they are bikers or pirates as she puts it. Not to mention the whole homophobia thing. She acts like you can catch homosexuality. So much fun talking to her.
          Last edited by rahmota; 04-19-2007, 05:40 AM.


          • #6
            I don't see what all the big deal is about gay marriage either. I might not agree with their lifestyle 100%, but that's no reason to deny someone's happiness. Don't want to call it a "marriage?" Fine, call it a "Civil Union" but extend the same benefits.

            I do find it interesting that gay marriage is being blamed for the "downfall of civilization" by some misinformed idiots. Aren't these the same types of people who said things like that about rock & roll in the 1950s? I don't see a civilization drop, do you?


            • #7
              Protege said:
              I don't see a civilization drop, do you?
              Actually yeah I do, unfortunately for the ones that are calling homosexual marriage and the other "crimes against nature " as they see it, they are the ones causing the drop not the ones they are condemning.


              • #8
                Originally posted by protege View Post
                I don't see what all the big deal is about gay marriage either.
                Same here. If they want to be miserable like the rest of us married people, let them.
                --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


                • #9
                  Madmike: Speak for yourself. I think my life definately improved after I got married...


                  • #10
                    Me too. Now I've got someone who actually LIKES cleaning the kitchen


                    • #11
                      I think it's ironic that so many people are against gay people having some happiness, because the ones I have known are the most level-headed, well-read people I have ever known! People play the race card all the time, as well as the disabled card, yet if you're GAY.........ohhhhhhhhhh....we're gonna burn now - you're just seen as the face of the AntiChrist and should be put to a slow death. Even if you associate with those that are, and happen to be a bit more.......flambouyant than most others, you're labelled as being gay and should be shot on sight.

                      I mean come on.....are gays such a threat to our world society that they cannot have the same rights as others? I haven't seen our world fall apart yet, and don't think we ever will. It's the 21st century world - LEARN and LISTEN, then GROW!


                      • #12
                        It's because they have butt secks. It's bad, m'kay?


                        • #13
                          AFP: Lesbians do it that way too? I did not know that...

                          Shockqueen: Part of it is the eww factor of someone who is too far outside the acceptable norm. Men are supposed to be tough, macho, hard core skirt chasers. Not wanting to wear a skirt or sensitive. I'm very much hetero but since I have a better grip on my emotions and sexuality (I've even cried at a movie before) than some guys I am regarded as borderline by some of the more homophobic people I've met. Part of it may even be the whole fear of catching homosexuality (Don't laugh i've met people who believed that.) or whatever.


                          • #14
                            I suppose with a strap on, anything's possible

