There is this understanding that you do not get to do anything you want with your child.
CPS tries to take a child because her parents gave her cannabis oil
Girl has epilepsy. Doctors recommended a drug - Keppra - that has side effects worse than the condition it's designed to treat, one of which is "inability to cope with daily life." What the hell? I think I would suffer through the epilepsy!
Abridged version:
Parents decide to try a version of cannabis oil known as "charlotte's web." It works, basically no more seizures. They mention the cannabis oil to her doctors. Scumbag doctor calls CPS who make a house call. Piece of shit CPS worker tells the parents, "Well we won't prohibit you from continuing the use of cannabis oil but if you don't start giving her Keppra we'll take her from you!" Parents don't want to lose their daughter so they give her Keppra. Soon after, she starts experiencing nasty side effects to the point where they needed to bring her to the hospital. They took her off Keppra and CPS did back off, but family is in constant fear that they are going to try to get involved again... for doing what is best for their daughter.
In this case, did CPS really have the best interest in the child? No, they didn't. If you really think so, that says more about you than them.
BTW: If anyone says "but CPS was called because Cannabis is illegal to give to a child in Indiana!" they are missing the point I am trying to make.... and they can fuck off.