Originally posted by Dreamstalker
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I did a report on this very subject for writing class last summer. Our current administration will NOT fund any school or organization that does not use a pre-approved abstinence-only sexual education program. Many of these programs were found to contain medically inaccurate information as well as a few outright lies for entertainment's sake. One church group in Louisiana was found to be using federal funds to teach kids that abstinence was the only way to go because Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus. So basically, they were using the money for a religious message which is way against the court-ordered rule stating the federal funds couldn't be used to promote religious messages in any form.
So it's not just that these kids are being taught "don't do it" it's that they are being misinformed. Girls were being told they had to bear all responsibility in keeping boys sexual desires at bay because boys cannot control themselves. Girls were being told that even if they used a condom, they would get HIV, in EVERY instance they had sex. They were being told abortions will more than likely sterilize them, or kill them.
Another aspect that I touched on in my paper, the reason teen pregnancy has gone down is a lot of teens participate in oral sex instead, thinking then they are still being abstinent.
So there are SO many flaws with abstinence-only education really it's not even funny. Some kids are gonna experiment. Might as well not make them ashamed about it so they'll actually seek out some condoms or make some other rational responsible decision.