Originally posted by Giggle Goose
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They are dead set against the government providing health care, protecting the environment, or managing the economy in any way, because that's "big government."
Okay, if that's their opinion, then fair enough. But ask them how they feel about making our police departments bigger. Most of them will say, "Yes, absolutely!" If you ask them if we are spending enough money on the military, they'll probably say, "Heck no! We need to increase defense spending." On top of this, many of them want laws that restrict certain people from getting married, as well as laws that restrict what people can and can't look at on our TVs and computers (bans on pornography) and laws that dictate how we can make some of our medical decisions.
So basically, they want more police, a military that is never big enough, laws that keep some people from getting married, laws telling us what we can and can't look at on our TVs and computers, and laws that creep their ways into our medical decisions, and somehow they come out with a "small government."
It seems to me that any kind of government entity or action that allows them to exert power and control over other people is something that they are all for. Huge police departments help them control private citizens. A huge military helps them exert power over the rest of the world. Laws about marriage and entertainment help them control people's social lives. And so on.
But when it comes to things like universal healthcare that involve the government actually providing a service to the people, they are deadset against it because "that's socialism."