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KFC Twister causes brain damage?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
    As a child my family had chickens just for eggs. I still felt a loss when taking thier unborn children. Animal and all other forms of cruelty come from a lack of respect for life.
    Unless you had a rooster and were taking fetilized eggs, you weren't taking their unborn children, you were taking what ammounts to their menstruation.

    Originally posted by Cat View Post
    I kinda want to raise chickens for eggs....( I don't want rooster....I will have my omlete unfertilized :-) ) Only problem is, I don't eat chicken, and I've read that hens really only have a few good laying years in 'em.
    It depends on how much they lay but a few free range birds will probably lay for about 3-4 years, caged birds usually lay for about 3 years before their productivity goes down to much for them to be comercially viable, but they still lay just not 1-2 eggs a day.
    I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
    Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
      Unless you had a rooster and were taking fetilized eggs, you weren't taking their unborn children, you were taking what ammounts to their menstruation.

      I know. We had a rooster that wasn't very nice... so the females pecked him to death.


      • #33
        "The world is little more than a revolving buffet with weather" - George Carlin

        One of my neighbors growing up was like a grandmother to me. She had quite a few chickens in a very large enclosure, with a little place for them to lay eggs. I used to love shoving clover and grass through the chicken wire, seeing if they'd eat it. I remember gathering eggs, and one time of the chickens was "retired". I don't remember the circumstances, if it was a laying hen that was no longer laying, if it was a hen that had been injured or sick...I was just a kid. (Some of the best fried chicken I've ever had, btw).

        I'm not going to feel guilty about eating animals below me on the food chain. If you're willing to be the one wielding the cleaver, more power to you. I'd rather pay someone else to have it done, but I'm familiar enough with the cycle of life and death that...I'd do it if I had to. As far as other cultures...I'm hesitant to say. Because then, where do we draw the line? I've not heard of boiling cats alive, but I've watched many episodes of No Reservations where sea creatures when into the boiling pots still alive. I mean, it would be like Hindus taking the Western world to task for the terrible way we treat our cattle. To them, it's a sacred creature. To most of us, it's a walking steak with a glass of milk. To us, a cat is a cute fuzzy creature and pet. To a poor Chinese person, it's a source of protein.


        • #34
          Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
          I'm not going to feel guilty about eating animals below me on the food chain. If you're willing to be the one wielding the cleaver, more power to you. I'd rather pay someone else to have it done, but I'm familiar enough with the cycle of life and death that...I'd do it if I had to. As far as other cultures...I'm hesitant to say. Because then, where do we draw the line? I've not heard of boiling cats alive, but I've watched many episodes of No Reservations where sea creatures when into the boiling pots still alive. I mean, it would be like Hindus taking the Western world to task for the terrible way we treat our cattle. To them, it's a sacred creature. To most of us, it's a walking steak with a glass of milk. To us, a cat is a cute fuzzy creature and pet. To a poor Chinese person, it's a source of protein.
          There is no part of this I disagree with, and it's said more eloquently, too.

          I hate you
          Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


          • #35
            Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
            I'm not going to feel guilty about eating animals below me on the food chain. If you're willing to be the one wielding the cleaver, more power to you. I'd rather pay someone else to have it done, but I'm familiar enough with the cycle of life and death that...I'd do it if I had to. As far as other cultures...I'm hesitant to say. Because then, where do we draw the line? I've not heard of boiling cats alive, but I've watched many episodes of No Reservations where sea creatures when into the boiling pots still alive. I mean, it would be like Hindus taking the Western world to task for the terrible way we treat our cattle. To them, it's a sacred creature. To most of us, it's a walking steak with a glass of milk. To us, a cat is a cute fuzzy creature and pet. To a poor Chinese person, it's a source of protein.
            I may not be religious but I always loved the quote by god of that which you do unto the least of you, you do unto me. Compassion is never wrong.
            Killing to stay alive is always right. Those two are often mutually exclusive, but nevertheless important human truths.

            You can't really ask where we draw the line, do you? Unnecessary cruelty is always wrong! Boiling an animal alive is fucked up when it's done to a simple "biological robot" like arthropods, not to mention thinking feeling mammals.


            • #36
              According to the documentary I wasn't the poor eating the cats (though I cannot say they don't) The cats were served to the elite in some fancy resturaunt.

              I really wish I could remember the doc and when I saw it.....I know my posts have little merit with facts to back 'em up.

              Edit: ( I won't say any more on the cats, since I cannot be unbiased.....I can never be unbiased when it come to cat harm)
              Last edited by Cat; 08-10-2009, 09:39 PM.


              • #37
                I don't see why I should weep buckets over what is basically lunch. If I were stranded on a desert island, it would be merely survival to kill and eat living things.
                "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                  I don't see why I should weep buckets over what is basically lunch. If I were stranded on a desert island, it would be merely survival to kill and eat living things.
                  So if we were stranded on an ice floe, and I needed to eat, I could kill you? I shouldn't weep because you would basically be lunch?
                  Never hear of a necessary evil? Killing is at best a necessary evil. No one should ever become entirely comfortable with taking lives.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                    I know. We had a rooster that wasn't very nice... so the females pecked him to death.
                    Heh. There is a reason behind the phrase "hen-pecked" We've never had hens kill roosters though, they've eaten all their tail feathers before, but not killed them.

                    We do have one little shitter somewhere in with the big layers who is breaking eggs though.... >


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                      I may not be religious but I always loved the quote by god of that which you do unto the least of you, you do unto me.

                      God also gave Man dominion over all of the animals in the world. Basically making Man to be above all of the other creatures of earth. God then told Man that he could do whatever he wanted to do with the animals. Therefore, technically, it is my God-given right to eat meat.
                      Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

                      Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                        So if we were stranded on an ice floe, and I needed to eat, I could kill you? I shouldn't weep because you would basically be lunch?
                        Never hear of a necessary evil? Killing is at best a necessary evil. No one should ever become entirely comfortable with taking lives.
                        Firstly, you wouldn't kill me; I would have killed and eaten you long before we got to that stage. Second, you're missing the point completely. I'm not going to argue the toss with you, as you always seem to jump down my throat whatever I say, so I'll just say this; you don't like killing and cry and bawl whenever you take eggs from chickens. Great. More power to you. However, I don't feel a thing when I perform a mercy killing on a bird that my cat mauled halfway to death. I also could quite easily see myself killing chickens if I lived on a farm, or if I were living in a community that required it. Neither is right or wrong, just different viewpoints.

                        In any case, for all you know, plants could be screaming every time you pick their fruit, or walk on them. Does that mean you'd starve yourself to death if you found that out?
                        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                          Implying that those of us that don't like animal cruely are cowards is VERY offensive.
                          Stop comparing us to PETA. They do not represent us anymore than the chinese bastards that skin and cook cats alive represents your kind.
                          Guess what I don't like animal cruelity either, but until I'm willing to stand there and make sure the processing plants don't make the mistakes of unintentional cruelity I don't think I have much room to complain. If you want to buy your eats from a store, then complain about how they got there and then not be willing to lend a hand then yes I think those folks are cowards and hippocrits.
                          Whether PETA is your rep or not there are very very few people out there that don't have some blood on their hands. I don't have a problem admitting that I have blood on my hands, I've killed before and I'll kill again. My problem is with those that want to preach while wearing leather shoes, leather belts while driving cars with leather seats. Don't tell me my shit stinks and yours smells like roses.
                          The definition of cruelity varies place to place. Some find just having pets to be extremely cruel, while others don't have a problem eating the brains of a living monkey. Of the critters I raise to be eaten I dispatch them as quickly and painlessly and possible.

                          Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                          As far as killing, I've drowned birds that my late cat half killed a few times and can honestly say it didn't affect me at all. I'm pretty sure I could kill a chicken. My hatred of KFC has nothing to do with cruelty, either real or imagined and everything to do with it just tasting nasty and being basically pure fat and salt.
                          I would suggest instead of drowning the birds that you pull their heads off. I know if I was going to die very soon I'd much rather be decapitated than drown.
                          I don't have a problem with you dislike of KFC I don't see you as a hippocrit.
                          Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


                          • #43
                            This is a necrobump, but I thought it was necessary.

                            A little followup reveals that the court ruled in favour of the girl and KFC has been ordered to pay something like $8 million in damages.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                              This is a necrobump, but I thought it was necessary.

                              A little followup reveals that the court ruled in favour of the girl and KFC has been ordered to pay something like $8 million in damages.
                              which is sad because while it was salmonella, there was no salmonella found at the restaurant, or the suppliers, and salmonella can take from 6 to 72 hours for symptoms to manifest, but people panic and think salmonella=chicken, when the species of salmonella that usually causes the symptoms this girl had(I do not know as the article merely said a "common strain" was isolated, there are 200+ strains of salmonella, many are "common") is usually found on peanuts, or in rotted meat, not under cooked chicken, or in chicken at all.

                              When I had salmonella it was from mayonnaise, not chicken.
                              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                              • #45
                                oh but logic doesn't fly in courts BlaqueKatt!
                                the last place we went to was KFC and we all got sick so its there fault!
                                regardless if it was or not, its just this kind of logic that gets by as of late
                                Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
                                Yeah we're so over, over
                                Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime

