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why do men get all the breaks?

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  • #31
    I only periodically shave my face, but I get ingrown hairs everywhere constantly. If I shaved everywhere I would be in near constant agony irritation.
    I once had my love muffin shave my back and shoulders. When growing back the hairs are like spikes poking holes in my shirts!
    If I didn't have my weird phobia of barbers, I wouldn't even let my love muffin buzz cut my head hair. Yes, I get ingrown hairs there too.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
      They don't.
      incorrect men do sweat more than women-from USA today

      "Men sweat more than women, Kenney* says, because women are better able to regulate the amount of water they're losing. This is particularly important on humid days when sweat doesn't evaporate as readily or cool the body as efficiently.

      Men always sweat profusely, Kenney says. "Women are more efficient'' sweaters, he says, especially when it's hot and humid.

      *W. Larry Kenney of the Noll Physiological Research Center at Penn State University.
      Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


      • #33
        First, I have to get something I think about out of my head all the time when I read the title of this thread...

        "Men only have 3 things going for them. The Oval Office, same work for better pay and HONOR!" - Jim in According to Jim

        Makes me laugh every time I think about it.

        Don't think it's so much fashion but laziness. And in order to make them believe that it is OK to be in the shape the are in, they call it fashion. Right now, I'm stuck in a walking boot, I've been stuck in a walking boot, I'm trying to convince people it's the cool thing to be stuck in.
        Crooked banks around the world would gladly give a loan today so if you ever miss a payment they can take your home away.


        • #34
          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
          incorrect men do sweat more than women-from USA today

          "Men sweat more than women, Kenney* says, because women are better able to regulate the amount of water they're losing. This is particularly important on humid days when sweat doesn't evaporate as readily or cool the body as efficiently.

          Men always sweat profusely, Kenney says. "Women are more efficient'' sweaters, he says, especially when it's hot and humid.

          *W. Larry Kenney of the Noll Physiological Research Center at Penn State University.
          Ha! What a wonderfully inaccurate way of looking at things. Men sweat more, because they on average can handle heat better than women, while women with their greater fat deposits can handle cold better. It's simply funny that our comfort zones just happen to be on the ends we can't survive as well as the other sex.


          • #35
            Originally posted by BlaqueKatt
            because you've been programmed by advertising to think that way.
            I likewise object to that generalization. If that were even remotely true, based on Hollywood's current standards, I would be attracted solely to sticks with two cantaloupes stapled to them and a blond wig on.

            Which I am not.

            If anything I'm so desensitized to it that dropping a naked Pamela Anderson in my lap would only illicit a "Please get off, you're heavy." But I prefer shaven female lower appendages. Why? Because they feel nicer. Simple as that. =p Hell, I shave my underarms. Its more comfortable, less icky and it looks nicer. No one wants to look like they have a wookie in a headlock.

            Every male model and sex symbol is hairless and oiled up too. Are you programmed to only like men with hairless chests and shaven pits? Well why not, isn't that what advertising is telling you to do? ;p


            • #36
              Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post

              Every male model and sex symbol is hairless and oiled up too. Are you programmed to only like men with hairless chests and shaven pits? Well why not, isn't that what advertising is telling you to do? ;p
              GK, you've got a point there.

              I think the whole female shaving thing has taken hold mostly because a majority of women themselves prefer it.

              Maybe it's due to my social programming, but I've always preferred to shave. Stubblies look and feel icky to *me*. If I had finer, less noticable hair it probably wouldn't bother me as much. I mean, in bathing suit weather, it's a royal pain in the ass to keep up with sometimes. I always envied girls who didn't have to shave every day.

              In my experience, other than the few here who mentioned that they don't shave, I've only met one woman who doesn't. She has thick dark hair, too. We worked at summer camp together- it sort of surprised me when she had her suit on and nothing was shaved- not her pits, not her legs, not her bikini line...but I never said anything to her about it. I just figure to each their own. Made me do a double take, but other than that...*shrug*

              Anyway. I think women hold higher standards for themselves and one another than men do to women. I think if the majority of us just up and stopped shaving most guys probably wouldn't care.

              And I know the article mentioned something about making women appear like young girls, but to me, shaving my legs and underarms felt like a "big girl" thing when I was growing up. I tend to associate the hair with young girls because they are not old enough to shave/not old enough for people to care if they do shave. For me it was kind of like, "Women shave their legs...I'm a woman now" I guess. *shrug*
              "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
              "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


              • #37
                Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
                Every male model and sex symbol is hairless and oiled up too. Are you programmed to only like men with hairless chests and shaven pits? Well why not, isn't that what advertising is telling you to do?
                nope I don't watch tv(except for Hell's Kitchen) or read magazines-so I'm not exposed to it at all. And most actors are not shaven and oiled up-most actresses are.

                and my unshaven legs feel no different than my arms-hair is the same length and thickness(if you don't shave the hairs grow out and are more pliable unlike stubble)-so touching my arms would I guess feel "icky" as well, maybe I should start shaving those.

                Originally posted by DesignFox View Post
                Stubblies look and feel icky to *me*.
                Stubble does feel like a cactus-because the hairs are short and not pliable-if you let it grow out it will feel just like your arm hair-does that feel *Icky* to you?

                Originally posted by DesignFox View Post
                For me it was kind of like, "Women shave their legs...I'm a woman now" I guess. *shrug*
                again this is only done in the western countries-not anywhere else.

                I was in camp when one of the councilors didn't shave her legs, it actually got all of us girls to not do it for the entire week we were there(girls only week)-it was great for all of us to realize it was something we didn't have to do-actually quite a few of us didn't go back to it ever again. It was kind of like burning your bra in the 60's-a few of us actually burned our razors in a bonfire-as like the bra it was a symbol of oppression. Think about it-it started during the war because nylon and silk were not available for stockings(due to the war)-and once they became available again-men had gotten used to it so to keep men happy we continued doing it.
                Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 08-29-2009, 02:30 PM.
                Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post

                  and my unshaven legs feel no different than my arms-hair is the same length and thickness(if you don't shave the hairs grow out and are more pliable unlike stubble)-so touching my arms would I guess feel "icky" as well, maybe I should start shaving those.
                  In my case, the leg hair is darker and thicker than the arm hair. I mean, I don't have man legs, but if I don't shave for a day or two it's noticable.

                  Arm hair doesn't really bother me. I actually don't really understand how some women choose to shave their arms- and I've met a few who do!

                  I guess if the woman was exceptionally pale with dark black hairs...I mean, then *maybe* I'd shave my arm hair too...but the women I've known who are like that aren't the ones doing the dunno how that started.

                  I have one friend who (I kid you not) had all the hair on her legs, armpits, bikini line and arms permanently removed.

                  I don't care so much what others do about their own body hair. I just know that I prefer to shave and not just for social reasons.
                  Last edited by DesignFox; 08-29-2009, 02:34 PM.
                  "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                  "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by DesignFox View Post
                    I have one friend who (I kid you not) had all the hair on her legs, armpits, bikini line and arms permanently removed.
                    I would do that in half a heartbeat. No more shaving? No more ingrown hairs? Sweet!

                    I also started shaving because, well, I wanted to be like my big sister. I was only like...12 or something. Nowadays, I don't shave my legs every day or every other day. I rarely ever wear skirts or shorts and it doesn't really bother me either way. But, if I know I'm going to be with a guy, then they're shaved, because I like how it feels. Bikini line and that general area stays very trimmed or shaved because I don't like having the freakin' Amazon between my legs. And pits well....sorry, armpit hair is gross. All I can think of is deodorant clumping to it....ewwww.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                      Stubble does feel like a cactus-because the hairs are short and not pliable-if you let it grow out it will feel just like your arm hair-does that feel *Icky* to you?

                      Yes. In the winter or if my SO isn't around, I tend not to shave as often. Even when the hair grows out and gets softer, it just doesn't feel as nice to me. I like the way my legs feel after a shave.

                      And if I went camping like you did, I probably wouldn't bother shaving. I prefer to shave, but I'm not fanatical about it. Out in the woods getting dirty? Yea...not bothering with a razor.
                      "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                      "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                        Stubble does feel like a cactus-because the hairs are short and not pliable-if you let it grow out it will feel just like your arm hair-does that feel *Icky* to you?
                        You're very lucky that your leg hair is comparable to arm hair. Perhaps if that was true of me I wouldn't shave my legs either, since my arm hair is very fine, blond, and sparse. But most women have far coarser and thicker hair on their legs than on their arms.

                        I was once unable to shave my legs for a period of about a month. Within two weeks the hair was longer and thicker than my arm hair, and it hadn't stopped growing yet.

                        Personally, I don't think leg hair on a woman looks gross, but I do think a shaven leg looks sexier. Whenever I go to Quebec (where shaving isn't as common) I think women's legs look blurry, thick, and unshapely.


                        • #42
                          Even if this whole shaving bit is societal conditioning and I, as a woman, am giving credence to it by following it, I don't care. I prefer the way my bare legs feel, as opposed to when my hair is growing out. Then again, I am a bit alternative. I cannot shave anything. Doing so leaves me in a razor-burned, rashy, dry-skinned mess. I have various skin problems that cause this to be the case. So, instead, I have been waxing for six years now. My hair has become thin, fine and lighter since I've been doing this, and it only requires my attention every three to four weeks. In between times, it's hardly noticeable anymore. And, because I've been doing it for so long, it doesn't hurt at all, it's only tingly. I will admit, when I first started it hurt like a sonuvabitch, it was a major ordeal and I had to do it at least once every two weeks. But now, it was totally worth it.

                          And why did I put myself through that? My number one reason is actually tactile. Bare skin, devoid of hair, is far more sensitive to the touch. I do enjoy the way it looks, but the way it feels as opposed to when my legs are hairy is just no comparison. I enjoy being able to feel water run down my legs, to feel wind against my skin instead of through my hair, and when we're referring to bikini line/Brazilian areas, forget about it. There really is no comparison.

                          So I don't mind this bit of societal conditioning. I don't think it's detrimental at all. It's merely a choice.


                          • #43
                            I agree that it seems a rather innocuous bit of programming. Even if a woman shaves merely because it is expected, it's not terribly inconvenient or expensive. It takes about ten minutes twice a week, and razors are cheap. There are far more harmful double standards to focus on.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by the_std View Post
                              So I don't mind this bit of societal conditioning. I don't think it's detrimental at all.
                              yep all's fine and dandy as long as your not on the receiving end of the horrible name-calling.

                              Originally posted by Boozy View Post
                              I agree that it seems a rather innocuous bit of programming. Even if a woman shaves merely because it is expected, it's not terribly inconvenient or expensive.
                              yup MRSA infection/[/URL]folliculitis[/URL] and recurrence of genital warts are convenient.

                              Researchers found that 10 percent of the players on a Connecticut college football team had MRSA skin infections, for which two were hospitalized. The athletes who practiced cosmetic body shaving had a 43 percent risk of infection.

                              From ABC's Nightline:

                              Her battle started three years ago, when she nicked her leg shaving on New Year's Eve.

                              I've seen similar in boot camp-due to close contact living conditions we were not allowed to shave our legs after 4 recruits came down with MRSA cellulitis(one ended up with necrotizing fascitis)-all from shaving for cosmetic reasons.

                              Trust me-in my current job I've handled substances contaminated with live E-coli H:0157, Salmonella Typhi(typhoid fever), Listeria, and occasionally Botulism(level II biohazzard), nothing terrifies me more than MRSA.
                              Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 08-29-2009, 10:21 PM.
                              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                                yep all's fine and dandy as long as your not on the receiving end of the horrible name-calling.

                                I think we all agree that name calling is horrible but will happen regardless of "reasons".
                                If women shaving legs and pits is bad, then men shaving faces is worse. The face is a much more sensitive and infection prone area than legs and pits.

