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Drunk Driver

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  • #16
    I don't think Stormraven left anything out. I feel exactly the same way.

    People always say "well, they drove because they were drinking and their judgment was impaired."

    Oh, really? What was impairing it before they chose to get drunk when they knew they would have to be driving? You get drunk and kill someone it's premeditated murder.

    I'll go one more, even. You get busted driving drunk even when you have gotten lucky and not harmed anyone? Attempted murder. Because it was likely you would kill someone and at some point, you knew it and didn't give a damn.

    No pity. None.
    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 09-14-2009, 08:17 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BroomJockey View Post
      I'm going to emphasis this next part, so don't take it personally.


      Yes, that's correct. If you refuse to blow, you're treated exactly as if you'd blown over the legal limit, and a blood test won't get you out of it.
      A very good reason not to go to Canada, I think.

      I do not drink. I have not had more than a sip of alcohol in nineteen years. I will never drive drunk. Even when I could drink, I had enough judgement to avoid that.

      I could see it and (while I wouldn't like it) could accept it if a blood test could provide a defense. But to treat it as an automatic positive with no appeal possible is just idiocy as far as I'm concerned.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Stormraven View Post
        I could see it and (while I wouldn't like it) could accept it if a blood test could provide a defense. But to treat it as an automatic positive with no appeal possible is just idiocy as far as I'm concerned.
        See, if you do blow, you can contest that. Not blowing = no defence, however.
        Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BroomJockey View Post
          If you refuse to blow, you're treated exactly as if you'd blown over the legal limit, and a blood test won't get you out of it.
          Not quite, but you've got the right idea.

          If you refuse to blow, you are charged with Refusing a Roadside Screening Device -- the penalties for which, if convicted, are the exact same as those for imparied driving. But what would actually appear on your criminal record is different.
          Last edited by Boozy; 09-14-2009, 09:16 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Boozy View Post
            Not quite, but you've got the right idea.
            If I wanted to nitpick, I'd say I said "treated," not "charged," since often they'll take you out of your vehicle, send it to impound, and take you down to the station where they can do a blood draw, which from what I've been told is what they do if you're over the legal limit.

            But I won't, because it's good to know what the actual charge is.
            Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


            • #21
              All I am going to say is 19?!?!!? Holy mother of Pearl......

              My bf has 4, and that's enough to not get a valid driver's license again for many many years.

              I work with a guy who has 8......yes, 8. I thought that was a lot. Hell, I thought the people who make the news by getting their 9th or 10th are alot....but 19?!!?!?!


              • #22
                Yea, this flat out made me ill.

                I can't believe it took this asshole killing someone to get him off the road.
                "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                • #23
                  In the interests of full disclosure, I should say that my police officer father was killed by a habitual drunk driver in his 60s.

                  Naturally, I think habitual drunk drivers should be put in jail for long periods of time if only to protect the rest of us. Honestly, suspending licenses doesn't magically stop people from turning the key.


                  • #24
                    well I still love this judges decision.


                    (It's on the left side.)

                    He ordered a guy with 18 DUIs to live within walking distance of a bar or liquor store.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Akasa View Post
                      I'm going to argue with the bolded and underlined part of this quote. I have been told by attourneys to deny breathilizer(sp) even when I haven't been drinking. This is because half the time they give a false positive.
                      Have you undertaken any research into the validity of this statement?

                      Excuse me while I toddle off and have a quick look.

                      Hmm, the only articles I can find are those that state "well, someone told me that..." unless you have anything else to hand...?
                      Last edited by crazylegs; 09-29-2009, 10:44 AM.
                      The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


                      • #26
                        Not sure about other places, but I believe you can't refuse a breath can refuse field sobriety tests, in Wisconsin.

                        Edit to add: I think the only way you can get a false positive on a breath alhyzer is if you've JUST rinsed your mouth with mouthwash or have been chewing bubblegum that has alcohol in it....and I don't think every gum has it. But all things considered, unless you actually swallow the rinse, I doubt you'll blow enough to get an over the limit reading.

                        My boyfriend, as part of his probation, had to have a blow test every day for a few months.....and he was specifically told NOT to chew gum or rinse his mouth before blowing, as when you're on probation, blowing ANYTHING will get you thrown in jail.
                        Last edited by blas87; 10-08-2009, 02:57 AM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                          .....and he was specifically told NOT to chew gum or rinse his mouth before blowing, as when you're on probation, blowing ANYTHING will get you thrown in jail.
                          When a roadside breath test is undertaken in the UK the officer administering it has to ensure nothing has been eaten or drunk in the last 20 minutes before the test.

                          If there is any doubt to the time they sit and wait for 20mins before doing the test.
                          The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


                          • #28
                            No machine is foolproof. I don't like such acts of forcing someone to give bodily excretions without warrants, but until driving drunk is treated with the proper horror in modern cultures, something needs to be done to slow the tide.


                            • #29
                              I'm 100% against drunk drivers. I've known a few people who do it on a fairly regular basis. (knew them in college).
                              but now that i'm a healthcare worker guess what you fucking morons I have to see the aftermath of you're stupid drunken drive into the side of a mini van and either help get you patched up or possibly take xrays for the morgue for cause of death reports.

                              yea real fun. I think we're too leniant on drunk drivers. (i'm not talking about being a little over the limit because I personally think the 'legal limit' is too low as If I drink a beer quickly I'm probably 'over the limit' legally but still sober and fine to drive). I'm talkin bout the morons who drank for 6 straight horus THEN decided 'were goin to disney land!' and hit a bus.

                              throw em in jail, take thir lisence and DONT let them out in 3 months for 'good behaviour' or some shit like that.

                              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                              Not sure about other places, but I believe you can't refuse a breath can refuse field sobriety tests, in Wisconsin.

                              Edit to add: I think the only way you can get a false positive on a breath alhyzer is if you've JUST rinsed your mouth with mouthwash or have been chewing bubblegum that has alcohol in it....and I don't think every gum has it. But all things considered, unless you actually swallow the rinse, I doubt you'll blow enough to get an over the limit reading.

                              My boyfriend, as part of his probation, had to have a blow test every day for a few months.....and he was specifically told NOT to chew gum or rinse his mouth before blowing, as when you're on probation, blowing ANYTHING will get you thrown in jail.
                              As far as I know anywhere in North America you CAN refuse a breathalyzer test. BUT you are immediently charged with drunk driving or something to that effect (i can't remember the exact wording) and taken into the station for a blood test/urine test or some other method of determining if you're driving drunk.
                              Last edited by BroomJockey; 10-09-2009, 01:16 PM. Reason: *sigh* merged.


                              • #30
                                Ah see, I think it's just easier to just blow and get it overwith. That way, if you end up with an asshole cop like my friend did one night....the cop was convinced she was drunk because she was driving home in the boonies at 1 am.....well, she refused to get out of the car and do "the walk" or "the eye test", she just said "Give me the breath alhyzer test" and she did it, passed, and the cop got to go back to his car kicking and screaming because he probably just missed several real drunk drivers while he was wasting her time.

                                Heck yes we are too lenient on drunk Wisconsin, DUI is not a felony until your 5th one!

