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  • Originally posted by Vagabond View Post
    Just my 2 cents, but I wouldn't call raping a 13 y/o girl 'normal' (normal as opposed to 'crazy')
    I'm not a parent, yet, but I wouldn't want that kind of person loose.

    Someone who didn't commit a murder, only brainwashed weak-minded, weak-willed people, I, strangely, see as less of a threat; crazy true, but I think the swastika on his forehead serves as a good "Here's your sign" that you should stay away. Roman Polaski has no such sign.

    Nope, but he has that creepy look about him that makes me shudder whenever I see him.
    Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

    Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


    • Originally posted by IDrinkaRum View Post
      Nope, but he has that creepy look about him that makes me shudder whenever I see him.
      That's it right there....Manson's eyes are creepy...even in photographs. He's so insane...he may not have done the actual work but the fact that he could convince others to do the bloodbath that they did shows how insane he is...I wouldn't trust him at all. Roman Polanski on the other hand I would trust in a minute. It's still not a case of unwilling rape...that girl did not have drugs forced on her, she agreed to them because she had tried them before. This was not an innocent little girl from the farm here....she was already experienced in drugs and most likely sex as well. She went into this willingly. She's as much at fault as he is.
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • I was referring to Roman Planski having the creepy look that make me shudder.

        As for the 13 year old girl child? In your expample, I've experienced sex too so if I were with Roman Polanski and he turned up the heat, pressing unwatned advances on me, it wouldn't be rape? He was a grown man - at least 20 to 30 years older than her. No matter if she said "yes" a hundred thousand times during the encounter, he still knew it was wrong, and shouldn't have done it. It's that thing called "age of consent" number and number, even if she was 18, he had to get her filled with drugs first to make her want it. The drugs made her incompetent to agree to anything.

        He needs to be brought back and sentenced, even if it's "Well these sentencing guidelines were X in 197_, and his house arrest was for the same time, so time served."

        We can't let people think they can get away with this if they're rich and famous. We just cannot.
        Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

        Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


        • Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
          That's it right there....Manson's eyes are creepy...even in photographs. He's so insane...he may not have done the actual work but the fact that he could convince others to do the bloodbath that they did shows how insane he is...I wouldn't trust him at all. Roman Polanski on the other hand I would trust in a minute. It's still not a case of unwilling rape...that girl did not have drugs forced on her, she agreed to them because she had tried them before. This was not an innocent little girl from the farm here....she was already experienced in drugs and most likely sex as well. She went into this willingly. She's as much at fault as he is.
          Excuse me, but are you out of your fucking mind? He drugged her, and raped her orally, vaginally and anally despite her repeated protests, and then fled the country like the spineless cowardly piece of shit that he is. Unfortunatly, somebody forget to confiscate his passport(s) back then, thus allowing him the chance to escape when it appeared that the legal system was not going to let him off the hook. Polanski should take a long drop with a short rope tied around his neck. Unfortunatly, that isn't likely to happen, so I sincerely hope somebody will do the right thing and put a bullet in his head one day if he is released from prison. Clean, simple, and a more merciful way of dying than he deserves.


          • So long as no one is doing this in the name of the victim it doesn't bother me, as soon as someone brings out the "but it's for the victim" line then it's all bullshit, she want's the matter dropped, but it seems no one cares what the victim wants.
            I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
            Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


            • Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
              So long as no one is doing this in the name of the victim it doesn't bother me, as soon as someone brings out the "but it's for the victim" line then it's all bullshit, she want's the matter dropped, but it seems no one cares what the victim wants.
              Interesting point. Should the law pursue when the victim doesn't complain or want to press charges?

              Physical abuse of a person is not tolerated, but S&M relationships do sometimes have that as a factor, I believe. The difference here is that this is a consensual relationship, but legally I think there could be a prosecution brought.

              The function of prosecution is not just to punish wrongdoers for their acts, though. It's also to deter others. A high-profile case such as this might deter others, and it might not. I've not looked into deterrent effects of different levels of punishment, but I sure as hell know that without any deterrent we'd have anarchy.

              Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
              Reclaiming words is fun!


              • Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                She was obviously willing
                This is the biggest piece of fail I've ever seen here. A 13 year-old girl cannot willingly engage in sex under US law. And b) the victim was drugged, and was repeatedly protesting while Roman raped her. She was not "willing" by any definition.
                Last edited by Boozy; 02-06-2010, 09:29 PM.
                "Never confuse the faith with the so-called faithful." -- Cartoonist R.K. Milholland's father.
                A truer statement has never been spoken about any religion.


                • Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                  ....she was already experienced in drugs and most likely sex as well. She went into this willingly. She's as much at fault as he is.
                  Do you have a link or something to support this?

                  This seems to be the excuse of rapists everywere:

                  She was willing.
                  She took drugs.
                  She's done it before.

                  How do any of those things even count if she's THIRTEEN fucking years old?


                  • Originally posted by Peppergirl View Post
                    How do any of those things even count if she's THIRTEEN fucking years old?
                    Statutory rape laws. If someone has sex with a minor, it's automatically rape. I assume this is the same in the US and in the UK?

                    The assumption of said law is that someone below the age of consent is not mentally capable of giving consent and thus the law acts on that basis. Whether she goes to her grave protesting that she did want it or not is irrelevant, the authorities are acting upon the actual law. If the law is good or bad is irrelevant to them - they're following the code they're supposed to.

                    Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                    Reclaiming words is fun!


                    • Originally posted by Rapscallion View Post
                      Interesting point. Should the law pursue when the victim doesn't complain or want to press charges?
                      Yup, because in a criminal trial it's presented as "the people vs. <plaintiff>" not "<defendant> vs. <plaintiff>" like it is in a civil trial. The courts are administering the laws of the society, not the will of the victim.


                      • Originally posted by Peppergirl View Post
                        Do you have a link or something to support this?

                        This seems to be the excuse of rapists everywere:

                        She was willing.
                        She took drugs.
                        She's done it before.

                        How do any of those things even count if she's THIRTEEN fucking years old?
                        That's exactly what I thought when I read that. Rapists everywhere use that kind of thought process to excuse their actions.

                        She was asking for it.
                        She was dressed provocatively.
                        She's had sex before.
                        She consented.

                        I don't give a toss if this girl wasn't a virgin or took the drugs willingly; this is a CHILD being raped and abused by a GROWN MAN who fucking well knew that she was out of her mind on drugs and that she was only thirteen... and just went ahead anyway. If Joe Public committed the crime, I really doubt that so many people would be excusing his actions and blaming his victim.
                        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                        • Originally posted by Peppergirl View Post
                          Do you have a link or something to support this?

                          This seems to be the excuse of rapists everywere:

                          She was willing.
                          She took drugs.
                          She's done it before.

                          How do any of those things even count if she's THIRTEEN fucking years old?
                          Not a link per se no but I watched the documentary on Roman Polanski, that was made a few years ago. I think it was called Wanted and Desired....

                          The main point is people forget how provocative these young girls can be. It was a huge mistake yes...and I still agree he shouldn't have done it. But my point is he didn't force her...and I don't think he should be punished as much as he has for it. By the same token he brought a lot on himself by running so long ago...that was beyond stupid. He basically acted dumb in many ways regarding this. But he's not a bad guy.....and I think people should seperate the art from the fact I think I will start a new thread on that aspect of it.
                          Great YouTube channel check it out!


                          • Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                            Not a link per se no but I watched the documentary on Roman Polanski, that was made a few years ago. I think it was called Wanted and Desired....

                            The main point is people forget how provocative these young girls can be. It was a huge mistake yes...and I still agree he shouldn't have done it. But my point is he didn't force her...and I don't think he should be punished as much as he has for it. By the same token he brought a lot on himself by running so long ago...that was beyond stupid. He basically acted dumb in many ways regarding this. But he's not a bad guy.....and I think people should seperate the art from the fact I think I will start a new thread on that aspect of it.
                            I would hardly call it a "mistake" to get a 13-year old drunk on champagne, then offer her drugs, in order to make her docile enough to rape vaginally and anally. Despite the drugs in her, she begged him not to, and he still pushed on. Also, he SHOULD KNOW BETTER, even if she's "provocative" .
                            Check this link, and you can read all about his little "mistake", and realize that he is a pedophile, a creep, a predator, and a fucking rapist who should've been shot back in 1977 like the diseased animal that he is.


                            • Originally posted by Skelly View Post
                              who should've been shot back in 1977 like the diseased animal that he is.
                              Wow, I didn't realize that the punishment for rape in this country was the death penalty. I don't hold a super strong opinion on Polanski, but I do believe in the rule of law and the US courts system. And if coming back to America means that Polanski would get shot by some redneck with a hard-on for vigilantism, then I'd just as soon he stay in house arrest in Switzerland.


                              • Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                                Wow, I didn't realize that the punishment for rape in this country was the death penalty. I don't hold a super strong opinion on Polanski, but I do believe in the rule of law and the US courts system. And if coming back to America means that Polanski would get shot by some redneck with a hard-on for vigilantism, then I'd just as soon he stay in house arrest in Switzerland.
                                Sorry, but I just wrote what I would like it to have been. I'll settle for prison instead .

