Being somewhat of a conservative, I have to say if you bloody well dislike the country you live in, why don't you just leave? I think one of the problems about America today is that there is a alot of hate and dislike of one's own country, no national pride. Think back to 1941. When freedom has come under attack, everybody and their dog was volunteering for service to defend this country and our allies. I feel like the far-left today (and impressionable young people) have grown to hate this country and feel that national pride is not something to be proud of at all. Maybe it isn't fair that for all the sacrifices that our grandfathers and many before them made....has resulted in a country that is obsessed with the dollar, and no love for the country they live in. They would rather live in Qatar if it meant they can have a life of luxury. More and more, I feel that the this country has lost its singular identity.
Which brings me back to impressionable young people. They would be the single most largest liberal democrat population demographic...if only some of them were old enough or were pro-active enough to get out to vote. On youtube, you will always see foreigners denouncing our country and our values...but even more shocking is seeing all of the younger Americans who agree with them and trash talk the very country they live in. Michael Moore does not help much in that respect. Yes, Bush is out of control, but there will be a new president in two years and hopefully our foreign policy will change as it always has. I really honestly believe that some Americans would rather see it burn down than to do expend any energy in improving it. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom. And Hollywood is the perfect mouthpiece for projecting liberal propoganda and all the young people absorb it like a sponge. Saying "I love my country" these days would illicit strange stares, where as many years ago it would illicit total agreement.
To quote Gwenyth Paltrow:""I find the English amazing how they got over 7/7. There were no multiple memorials with people sobbing as they would have been in America." What about 9/11?
Sean Penn:"I think that people like the Howard Sterns, the Bill O'Reillys and to a lesser degree the bin Ladens of the world are making a horrible contribution [to society]. I'd like to trade O'Reilly for bin Laden. [O'Reilly] is a grumpy, self-loathing joke." Oh For fucks sake.....and to think I thought he was an okay actor.
There was going to be a war memorial on the coast of San Franciso in the form of a World War II battleship set up for public viewing and tours. The San Franciso city council voted 8-3 to tow that battleship away. Why? Because of the Democrat city's oppsosition to the ware in Iraq and the military's stance on gays.
This country needs to be proud again. But I understand it needs an overhaul in some areas to get to that point again.
Which brings me back to impressionable young people. They would be the single most largest liberal democrat population demographic...if only some of them were old enough or were pro-active enough to get out to vote. On youtube, you will always see foreigners denouncing our country and our values...but even more shocking is seeing all of the younger Americans who agree with them and trash talk the very country they live in. Michael Moore does not help much in that respect. Yes, Bush is out of control, but there will be a new president in two years and hopefully our foreign policy will change as it always has. I really honestly believe that some Americans would rather see it burn down than to do expend any energy in improving it. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom. And Hollywood is the perfect mouthpiece for projecting liberal propoganda and all the young people absorb it like a sponge. Saying "I love my country" these days would illicit strange stares, where as many years ago it would illicit total agreement.
To quote Gwenyth Paltrow:""I find the English amazing how they got over 7/7. There were no multiple memorials with people sobbing as they would have been in America." What about 9/11?
Sean Penn:"I think that people like the Howard Sterns, the Bill O'Reillys and to a lesser degree the bin Ladens of the world are making a horrible contribution [to society]. I'd like to trade O'Reilly for bin Laden. [O'Reilly] is a grumpy, self-loathing joke." Oh For fucks sake.....and to think I thought he was an okay actor.
There was going to be a war memorial on the coast of San Franciso in the form of a World War II battleship set up for public viewing and tours. The San Franciso city council voted 8-3 to tow that battleship away. Why? Because of the Democrat city's oppsosition to the ware in Iraq and the military's stance on gays.
This country needs to be proud again. But I understand it needs an overhaul in some areas to get to that point again.