Agreed. I managed to catch the bus every day to go to school, only missing it a couple of times. My dad went to work before I got up and my mum was a childminder, so couldn't ferry me to school every morning. I went to catch the bus with one of my brothers, who went to the brother school of my all girls' school. Sometimes I had drama club after school, or choir; I just caught a later bus to get home.
Hell yes. I would kill to get six weeks off work for summer, plus two weeks at both Easter and Christmas, and a week off in the middle of each term. I believe holidays are different at American schools, but it's still a huge difference to time off at work. I get approx six weeks off for the whole year where I work.
This sort of thing reminds me of sob stories from teens about not being able to use mobiles at school. Big fucking deal. When I was at school, (puts on old "in my day" voice, complete with sage nod) there weren't any mobiles. If you had to ring your parents for any reason, you went to the office and used the phone there, under the watchful eye of the secretary. If you wanted to talk to friends, you spoke to them in person. And if you wanted to break rules and talk to your friends while in class, you passed notes. xD
Originally posted by Nyoibo
This sort of thing reminds me of sob stories from teens about not being able to use mobiles at school. Big fucking deal. When I was at school, (puts on old "in my day" voice, complete with sage nod) there weren't any mobiles. If you had to ring your parents for any reason, you went to the office and used the phone there, under the watchful eye of the secretary. If you wanted to talk to friends, you spoke to them in person. And if you wanted to break rules and talk to your friends while in class, you passed notes. xD