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Non-Christians Celebrating Christmas

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  • #46
    I'm pagan.

    And I have to completely agree with Ree's argument.

    Yes, it is hypocritical! And I've thought that since I was a little kid!

    If you take someone else's celebrations and nick them - but nothing else, yes you are being a hypocrit - especially if you choose to use the same name as it!

    It's just as hypocritical as all those Christians who put up 'Christmas' trees! They're a pagan symbol, FFS! Or go and do Easter Eggs during Easter (let alone how Easter is calculated!)

    I don't have even the mildest problem with holding a celebration, but don't go and call it by some other religion's or culture's names if you want nothing else to do with that religion or culture.

    And it's super-rude to just presume that everyone else should think the same way you do (especially if said hypocrisy is involved).

    So, go celebrate what you want... but damn well call it something else that doesn't have somebody else's connotations!

    (So, yes, "Merry Festivus" would be great! Perhaps, if everyone did that, it wouldn't be so damn strange anymore!)

    Names of the week - hmmm... I sort of get it, but I'm not seeing hypocrisy.. not from us anymore. From the Romans, or Gregor or Julian - maybe! The same goes for those of us who go through January, February, March, April, May, etc etc... here in China, there is First day, second day, etc, and the same with the months! I like it! (too bad they also operate on 2 different calenders... bugger! Everyone here has 2 birthdays )
    ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

    SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


    • #47
      The bottom line here is that people are getting worked up over a label.

      Using a commonly accepted word for a commonly accepted celebration does not equal hypocrisy, even if the word/celebrations origins have nothing to do with what I do with them now.

      Hypocrisy would be if I said I hated Christianity and then set up a nativity scene in my loungeroom at Christmas.

      The example with the days of the week and the months etc is an excellent analogy. Does that make you a hypocrite, if you call a day or month a name that used to mean "we worship xyz god on this day", but you dont worship xyz god? No, that's not hypocrisy. Neither is using the word Christmas whatever flippingwelll way I please.


      • #48
        Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
        On another board that I go to, there is a Jewish woman who often says that non-Jews are more than welcome to join them in celebration of Jewish holidays.
        My father's Jewish, and celebrates Hannaka (sp?) at the same time. My Christian mother doesn't throw a fit at joining him in his celebrations, and he goes to church with her. It's part of being married in a way, rather than celebrating another's beliefs, but I don't see what's wrong with it.
        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


        • #49
          Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
          hallah (sp?)
          Challah and some of the best bread I have ever had. I had a jewish friend in highschool one of the few I knew whose families practiced tradition.
          Jack Faire


          • #50
            Originally posted by Kimmik View Post

            Personally I feel that it is a sucky thing to just remember Jesus on two days of the year.. the day he was born and the day he rose.
            How is it any more sucky than honouring a wedding anniversary or birthday, or having one day out of the year to honour Mothers and Fathers?

            Just by having that special day, it doesn't mean that, on the other 364 days, the marriage isn't important, the birthday person isn't any less valuable, or Mothers and Fathers aren't any less deserving of respect.

            These are just 2 days out of the year that started as a recognition of the life of Christ. I don't think it was ever the intent to only recognize Christ on those days, and on the rest of the year, to just do whatever.
            Unfortunately, though, the focus did start to become more on the fun and secular stuff and the holiday did lose its original meaning.
            Point to Ponder:

            Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


            • #51
              Right on, Kali! That's what I was trying to say. None of this rises to the definition of the word hipocrisy, which gets bandied about far too often, whether or not the situation fits it.


              • #52
                Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                Though, just to consider another point, I don't think there's much doubt that there was a Jesus or at least a Jesus-like person who lived in the Middle East approximately 2,000 years ago. I guess a non-Christian could just think of it as a celebration of the birth of a very influential man, even if they didn't see him as divine.
                Actually there is very little real evidence that a single individual Jesus existed. If this guy wasn't the center of a religion, no one would consider the scant evidence as in any way remotely conclusive of existence. He was most likely a sort of retconning for the nascent christianity to create a unified leader out of the multitudinous outgrowths of judaism that eventually became christianity. They made this guy, so he could fulfill all the prophesies set forth by judasim, and other miracles that gods of the day did. Virgin births were a dime a dozen back then for example.


                • #53
                  I've heard that before... but what evidence, exactly, would you expect there to be?
                  "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                    I've heard that before... but what evidence, exactly, would you expect there to be?
                    Little baby booties embroidered with the name, Jesus?
                    Point to Ponder:

                    Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


                    • #55
                      Maybe historical evidence that doesn't also contain other impossibilities and contradictions?


                      • #56
                        I would have thought some sort of records from the Romans about who they executed?? (given the thousands they executed through crucifixion all the time, no, I don't actually expect that - even if they did keep records!)

                        Someone's diary?

                        Oh, btw Flyn, if JC was real, and actually was the son of god with all those powers, what he did wouldn't be impossible... So, that sort of sets up a contradiction in itself, no?? Asking for a Jesus who didn't do miracles??
                        ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

                        SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


                        • #57
                          I feel it's hypocritical as well. ESPECIALLY if it's someone that gets all butt hurt when someone says "Merry Christmas" to them. How many of these people... how many of you that claim it's okay for you to celebrate Christmas go apeshit when some cashier or customer wishes you a Merry Christmas?

                          Not only are these people hypocrites, but they're also obviously selfish and self-centered as they celebrate the holiday out of greed and convenience.

                          Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by crashhelmet View Post
                            I feel it's hypocritical as well. ESPECIALLY if it's someone that gets all butt hurt when someone says "Merry Christmas" to them. How many of these people... how many of you that claim it's okay for you to celebrate Christmas go apeshit when some cashier or customer wishes you a Merry Christmas?
                            Not in the slightest. If someone said "Happy Hannaka", I'd return it as well with a smile. The people who get butthurt over that are usually, in my experience, the hard core Christians who want Christmas to be all about them and hate any other belief systems or atheists celebrating it as well, rather than those who don't believe in god who celebrate Christmas. While it is true that there are hardcores in every group, it seems to be the hardcore religious who get the most bent out of shape. Like the people who bitched about Santa decorations in the Sunday School room at the local church. -.-
                            "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                            • #59
                              I'd say we have equal number of hard core Christians who get offended when you tell them anything BUT Merry Christmas, and athiests and people from other relligions who get offended when you DO say it.

                              It's not even about being nice anymore. It's about making sure people are on their team and punishing them if they are not.

                              I mean, I've met idiots who claim to be offended by the sight of a Christmas tree display. Because they don't celebrate, they are offended.

                              That makes about as much sense as me being offended by the sight of a pair of men's extra large jeans because I don't wear men's extra large jeans.


                              • #60
                                I just don't understand. To me...Christmas, heck, the entire holiday season, is just Christmas trees and Santa Claus and baby Jesus and presents and family and.....It's just happiness, y'know? Why do people have to get all upset over how other people choose to celebrate? It's like people who get mad about Kwanzaa. Why? It doesn't affect me. Ditto with Hanukah, Ramadan, Winterval.....It's your celebration, why would I even care? I don't use up my emotions on such silliness.

                                Then again, I am of the general opinion that as long as you are not causing detriment to others, you can do/believe whatever you gosh darn well please.

