Originally posted by Amethyst Hunter
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My comment was addressing that when one circumvents the system, one is no longer entitled to complain about the consequences. In a perfect world, when a human (either gender) has intercourse, they should be willing to accept the biologically natural consequences of that action and if technology exists to allow circumvention of said natural consequences, that human could hardly complain when that "work-around" fails to work as effectively as advertised.
I know, it's not a perfect world, and that's why we have Walgreens
If you look at my earlier posts, you would find that I am heavily dead set against over-population and pro-population control, so I'm not against birth control at all, just against people acting like entitlement-brats, however unintentional it may be.
When it comes to abortion, I always try to think how it must or would look to a more evolved race observing our actions. They would observe us courting each other, then engaging in the natural act of procreation while implementing methods to prevent procreation. So, from that standpoint, I'm against abortion as much as I am against people intentionally trying to trip themselves as they walk around. It just seems counter-intuitive. I feel a small sense of shame for our species in general when I imagine the confusion of this hypothetical "more evolved" race while they wonder why if some humans don't wish to procreate why those humans would engage in the act of procreation to begin with. I'm not against it on any religious, moral, or ethical grounds.