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Overweight Passengers and Paying for an Extra Seat

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  • #31
    My biggest problem with people yammering about “discrimination” on fat people is this. For most overweight people they have made themselves the way they are. The fact that people comment on their being fat isn’t being discriminating, its being factual. It may not be nice, but its true. If you look like a walrus, don’t cry because someone has pointed out you look like a walrus. Do not whine because us “skinny/healthy” people make you look bad.

    Yes I know there are some who for various medical reasons are predisposed to being overweight, but given that in the US alone 1 out of every 3 adults is Morbidly Obese I just don’t think that the majority can claim “I have a medical problem.” When the truth is they ate themselves to this position, they chose not to exercise, they chose to whine about not feeling healthy, but did nothing to stop what’s causing the problems, I feel no sympathy for them. And we’ve all seen people do this. How many co-workers, family members, friends have you see eat or do something that they know they’re shouldn’t do and still do it. I have one lady at work who will eat the fried food there. She’s knows she’s diabetic, knows she shouldn’t eat it because it will play havoc with her digestive and keep her up half the night, but does it anyway.

    If my safety is being impaired because you have put me in an unsafe situation due to your “excess luggage” I’m going to complain. No I wont complain to the stewardesses, they’re stuck in the same situation. The only thing they can do is follow company policy. But I would be writing a letter to that airline.


    • #32
      I'm not a small person, but I'm not large either -- I can fit as comfortably as I can in a single seat, be it on a plane, car, train, or bus. If I had to sit next to a much larger person and that person didn't get an extra seat to move their bulk comfortably into, I sure as hell would be even more uncomfortable then the person who is of much larger size. I paid for a full seat, not half of it or three-quarters of it.

      But if a person needs two seats, they need two seats. It does have to be embarrassing for them to have to ask for this or to actually be told that they need to purchase two seats because of their size. But, really, if it came down to the comfort and safety of a single passenger or the comfort and safety of the other passengers, I'd go with the other passengers and book the second seat regardless of how embarrassed one passenger is.

