If you are on a Cruise, the Cruise decides where it will or won't stop. Now, you can book a cruise that says it's going to these places, but it can change its itinerary.
So, while you're at sea, place X got hit by a Storm, the cruise line decides if it is going to stop there or not. Or allow it's passengers to disembark or not. You always have the option of not getting off the ship, if they allow you to disembark.
As for the 'typical bad American Tourist' stereotype - I think that might be over-hyped a bit. Those that are going to be ignorant buttholes back home, are going to be that way overseas also. Those that are a bit more mature and generally don't display butthole-ish behaviour back home, generally won't display that behaviour overseas.
As for people suffering, people are suffering the whole world over, all the time. We just never hear about it unless it pops up on the 'web, BBC, FOX, CNN, NBC, or what have you.
Originally posted by Amina516
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As for the 'typical bad American Tourist' stereotype - I think that might be over-hyped a bit. Those that are going to be ignorant buttholes back home, are going to be that way overseas also. Those that are a bit more mature and generally don't display butthole-ish behaviour back home, generally won't display that behaviour overseas.
As for people suffering, people are suffering the whole world over, all the time. We just never hear about it unless it pops up on the 'web, BBC, FOX, CNN, NBC, or what have you.