When I finally have my PhD in psychology it will be because no matter how many times I have to take a break from college I can always go back there and work on my schooling.
90% of the professors have been PhD's. To me this means they are as qualified to teach me as any professor at any other school also possessing a phd in their field.
The University in my town is only a 2 year offereing Junior and Senior year. It is a branch of one of our biggest Univeristies in my state and yes Accredited it is where I will go. I cannot afford to do classes at the Uni across the river it's expensive and like my dad before me I am a working student.
Arugments for this arrangment? Against?
Are community colleges bad? Good? or just plain ugly?
90% of the professors have been PhD's. To me this means they are as qualified to teach me as any professor at any other school also possessing a phd in their field.
The University in my town is only a 2 year offereing Junior and Senior year. It is a branch of one of our biggest Univeristies in my state and yes Accredited it is where I will go. I cannot afford to do classes at the Uni across the river it's expensive and like my dad before me I am a working student.
Arugments for this arrangment? Against?
Are community colleges bad? Good? or just plain ugly?