Originally posted by Hobbs
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9 students charged with bullying that lead to a suicide
Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But uh...my wife buys the pants so....yeah.
Originally posted by Hobbs View PostYes he probably does. And children who wouldn't likely have a father if you had killed him.Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers
Well you know that this bullshit really needs to stop when the prosecutor starts filing criminal charges, which they should. You do NOT have the right to do to someone what they did to that girl and then thumb their noses at everyone else. Just because you're under 18 does NOT mean that the law doesn't apply to you. And guess what???
Now other teens in the area are facing criminal charges in other bullying cases.
As far as Plaidman doing anything to his tormenters, well........if anyone asks me what I heard and saw about it: I didn't see or hear a damn thing!
Originally posted by Rageaholic View PostWhat you said. Schools love to deny students rights and control everything. They want to have the final say in everything, but when it comes down to it, the students could defend themselves better than the teachers ever do. Yet when they do, the teachers punish the victim. They won't do anything, but they won't allow the student to fight back either? What they are doing is taking the bullies side by saying "No fighting!" but only enforcing it when the victim fights back.
That's all I have to say on this issue.
The reason she was hurt worse was cuz she didn't have the brains to realise that if a short, skinny girl like her picks on a tall, overweight girl, when that tall, overweight girl finally cracks and hits back, she's going to come off worse. Hardly my fault; she shouldn't have written a check her body couldn't cash.
The reason why my parents were livid was cuz I was punished for fighting and not the other girl. She started the fight and got no punishment. If you're going to punish kids for fighting, then punish both. At least then, it would be fair and square."Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."
Originally posted by Hobbs View PostHe escalated to a threat on life. Beating someone up is bodily harm, but not life-threatening.
Originally posted by Hobbs View PostYou can die from a GSW to the leg, ya know.I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.
Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View PostAlso, as I said before, the only person responsible for a suicide is the person who commits suicide. It's dangerous to deny personal responsibility
so someone that ends up mentally damaged and in severe need of psychiatric help due to bullying, can actually make a rational decision? I don't think so. I attempted suicide due to parental abuse-in my severely damaged psyche it was the only way out-I was definitely not in "my right mind"-and most definitely not responsible for my actions-is an undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic responsible for what they do?
What about persons with medical issues that cause them to be overweight-guess they should take some "personal responsibility" and exercise to lose weight...guess the cancer patient should take some "personal responsibility" and get over it-right?
Mental illness(depression is one of them) is real and can be just as if not moreso(due to the stigma attached)devastating to the sufferer than any other medical condition. And by definition a mentally ill person not under treatment cannot be responsible for their decisions.
Saying a mentally ill person has to take "personal responsibility" for a suicide attempt* is as ludicrous as saying someone with MOMO syndrome(or PCOS, or hypothyroidism) should put down the twinkies and lose weight.
*again we'll use the schizophrenic example-the voices told them to kill themselves...how is that "their" decision that they would be personally responsible for? I guess they decided that hearing voices was fun?
I guess my uncle who shot himself due to a medication side effect made that decision-which is of course why the FDA now has a "black box"** warning on the drug he was on.
**The FDA has required that black box warnings be placed on all antidepressant medications warning they may result in increased risk of suicidal tendencies in children and adolescents.
Originally posted by Hobbs View PostYour last sentence, Plaidman, is enough of a reason for you to have gotten in trouble.
There is 6billion going on 7billion people on the planet... perhaps a few more fags and a few less bullies would do this planet good... and sadly, with the school system completely incapable (and unwilling) to do anything about it, violence may be the only way. If nothing else, some violence will wake people out of their self induced stupor and recognize that indeed there is a problem.
ETA- on BlaqueKatts thoughts... yeah, and I should have just manned up and found interest in women... that would have solved all my problems... sadly, there are people out there that think that.Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 04-01-2010, 03:12 AM."I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand
Originally posted by elsporko View PostBecause most of these kids, especially on the internet, who claim to be victims of large scale bullying are not well socialized and grew up reading books and watching shows about the nerd who gets bullied, bests the bullies, and then becomes the hero. They want to be that character and they go out looking for bullying, blowing anything that actually does happen to them out of proportion. A couple of comments by a classmate all of a sudden becomes a full out bullying session to these kids, even though the bully barely acknowledges the kid. You see it all the time when you work with young people.Point to Ponder:
Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?
I may have come across as full of venom and unnatural hatred. I will admit it. I hate my past tormenters with such passion, and it makes me know that karma doesn't exist despite peoples claims.
Do I want them to be in pain? Yes. I want them to feel what they cause others to feel. I want them to know pain that they caused others. I'm not speaking just my bullies, I'm speaking of all bullies. Because they don't just pick on one person. They pick on several. Like mine in high school. That bastard picked on much more then just me. I remember that I tried to stand up for one. The kid was a rather obese kid, spoke with a lisp, and had femine manner of speaking and manners, despite his claims of him being straight, he was just force beating for being a fag. Even though he wasn't.
I overheard that bully shoving him against the wall and calling him worst names then he ever did to me, including his favorite insult of "I'm so strong I can beat you with my tiny toe".
I went over and punched him.
The bastard just looked at me and laughed. Then punched me harder. Then just walked off laughing.
The other kid, who I tried to help just insulted me. I guess his fear was he was going to get hurt worst now.
Bullies are scum. They hurt others. Emontionally. Physically. Sexually. I never was sexually abused by a schoolmate or bully. But I was in fifth grade, when teachers all had to tell us a speech, followed by another speech in the audiotaruim that a bully did something to another 1st grader in the bathroom. Molestation, and what I managed to gather was the bastard tried to shove a ruler or something in the kids butt. That's what I heard, I don't know if it was true. They never told us who. Nether the bully nor the kid. I never managed to find out who it was, nether the kid nor the bully. I tried to ask, but most of the other kids where like mind your own buisness bitch, and the 1st graders recess time was switched around at that time. My little partner, (It was some kind of project where all the fourth/fifth graders were teamed up with kindgartners/first graders) didn't know who it was. That project was terminated after the incident, though I did keep in contact with her for a short time, until her mom just asked me to stop as it was wierd to her that I still tried to be friends. (I didn't have any other friends...)
Bullies, in the end, can SPREAD. Do I want them dead? Not so much. I spoke in anger earlier. But I do want them punished. Because that crap can turn others into bullies, or worst, misanthropic hateful depressed untrusting people, who will never get friends, or many, never get a wife or husband, never have kids.
Its that trust issule that is utterly destroyed. Even now I have huge issules beliving that my friends aren't just pretending to be friends out of pity. Or that girls saying they like me aren't setting me up for huge breaking of my heart over and over again. Which happens.
They need to be taught that being a bully is wrong. And sometimes, the only way is through intenst and painful pain. When I did something wrong, mom would beat my ass until I couldn't sit. I never acted out of rage until now. Though I do remember one time, I got in a fight with a older cousin who kept pushing me and pushing me. My aunt, who spoiled that kid and never belived he could do wrong, and my mom were shocked at my behavior. My mom had never seen me so pissed off. Her own words, which I don't remember her saying but she told me, was "Omg <aunt> look at his eyes! What's wrong with him!?"
My mom and aunt had to drag me out to the car because I wanted him dead. I wanted to strangle my own cousin. I was shaking at the time. I was so, so damn angry at him.
I learned later that my cousin lost his TV, his SNES, radio, wasn't allowed to go out with his friends for three months. They never tried to ask what happened. My aunt, who loved her brat son, and me, has never seen me so angry at anyone or anything like that. He had to be in the wrong and lying through his teeth when he claimed I just ran at him. I never done that before. I never acted that. I never lost my temper before. Did he ever pick on me again? No. Did he pick on his little brothers again, which was a tiny part of my anger at him? No. Did he pick on someone at school? Likely. I don't know. Once he got a job at subway, he'd bring us sandwhiches on his way home, which was out of the way. While we forgave each other, and never talked about it, we never became friends.
He is currently in prison though. What I learned, but honestly didn't care, was he stabbed his girlfriend at the time when he found out she was pregnat. I guess they never had sex or something, so he was pretty pissed. I'm only thankful that he wasn't a blood relative. My aunt was only his step mom, but they were with the family for years, an when you have as big as a family as us, thats good enough to be called cousin, son, brother.Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But uh...my wife buys the pants so....yeah.
Originally posted by Ree View PostWhat the hell????"Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."
Bullied to death
With that girl killing herself cause she was bullied & the people in that area seemingly concerned, it begs the question of where was all this concern when she was being bullied? Nobody seems to have wanted to do anything at the time this was taking place but only now that she's gone does it seem that so-called concerned citizens are speaking out. Bunch of hypocrites, really.
You will never be able to stop bulling no matter how many laws & regulations the governemnt passes. Teachers can't be everywhere all the time. It just isn't possible. & students saying that they'll watch out for each other to prevent it? That's just a bunch of bullshit. The same kids who say they'll be advocates to stop bullying are the very same ones who are doing the bullying! I'm not fooled & neither should anyone else!
Blaming the victim has been going on ever since I can remember. & when a person who is being bullied fights back then they are punished for defending themselves. & the bullies get away with it!
I've heard it said to the victims that if they act as if it doesn't bother them then the bullies will stop harrasing them. OR to "man up", or to get a sense of humour. Stupid solutions that doesn't help anyone.
Teachers & administrators are aware of the bullying but don't do anything to stop it cause they just don'rt care. They figure "kids will be kids". Acting all shocked & concerned after a victim kills themselves is ignorant.
Teachers & administrators need to be held accountable all the way to having them doing jail time. When a child is in school the teacher is in "loco-parentis". That means they assume the role of the parent while the child is in the care of the school. Looking the other way when someone is bullied condones acceptance by them. It enboldens bullies to continue bullying.
& if you think bullies are only in the school setting then think again. They are in all aspects of society.
It sickens me that false concern is being shown for this poor girl who killed herself. Just where was all this concern when she was enduring this torment? It's far too late to be worried about her now.
Originally posted by elsporko View PostBecause most of these kids, especially on the internet, who claim to be victims of large scale bullying are not well socialized and grew up reading books and watching shows about the nerd who gets bullied, bests the bullies, and then becomes the hero. They want to be that character and they go out looking for bullying, blowing anything that actually does happen to them out of proportion. A couple of comments by a classmate all of a sudden becomes a full out bullying session to these kids, even though the bully barely acknowledges the kid. You see it all the time when you work with young people.
Please cite your source that the bullying stories follow a different set of rules than every other type of story."I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand
Originally posted by IDrinkaRum View PostThe last day of her life, she was bullied by the 9 teens. In full view of at least one faculty member and several students. No one reported it until after Ms. Prince's death.Sometimes it's not worth chewing through the restraints.
Originally posted by Severen13 View PostAs someone who was relentlessly bullied through school all I'll say is that I hope they all end up in prison and end up being someone's bitch.
I came EXTREMELY close to taking my own life (I had the knife in my hand) but I didn't because I realized in doing so, I'd be giving the bullies exactly what they wanted: My complete and total destruction.
I spent the last two weeks of middle school sitting at home, my parents pulled me out early for my own safety. How sad is that?
I once got pushed down a flight of stairs and, as if that wasn't bad enough, I was on CRUTCHES at the time having broken my leg earlier in the year. What kind of child pushes another child on crutches down a flight of stairs? It's a completely heartless act.
I got lucky, I went to a different high school than most of the kids in my middle school then a few years later moved to a different town entirely. I am now a happily married college graduate twice over.
But honestly, when I think about what happened to me then, I don't know what I find more troubling: The actions of the bullies or the inaction of the teachers and administration. It's like they just didn't give a crap.