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9 students charged with bullying that lead to a suicide

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
    There are no dumb munitions, just dumb ways to use them, at least that's what my dad would say.
    And as my grandfather (MSGT, USAF dec.) would say, "To my friends no explanation is needed; to my enemies, no explanation will suffice."

    Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
    How about just bullies, which is what I really want. That old statement that some teachers told me to /calm/ me down, is one day my bully would pick on someone bigger and stronger then them.

    Well, I've been told sometimes I have a hero complex. It be awesome to see my son defend people from bullies.
    That would be awesome. If you do teach him how to fight, remember to teach him the morals of fighting as well.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
      That would be awesome. If you do teach him how to fight, remember to teach him the morals of fighting as well.
      Sadily I only have my own morality when it comes to fighting, which basically comes down to

      1: Don't be afraid to fight dirty. You have no idea who your taking on is capable, take them out fast or get them to quit first.

      2: Don't look for fights, but be sure to finish them.

      3: Stand up for those who can't defend themselves.

      Again it took alot of me being beaten, and even then I never won at school. However the fights I had too do against customers, I've won by the skin of my teeth because I wasn't afraid to hurt them anymore.
      Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
      I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
        Sadily I only have my own morality when it comes to fighting, which basically comes down to

        1: Don't be afraid to fight dirty. You have no idea who your taking on is capable, take them out fast or get them to quit first.

        2: Don't look for fights, but be sure to finish them.

        3: Stand up for those who can't defend themselves.

        Again it took alot of me being beaten, and even then I never won at school. However the fights I had too do against customers, I've won by the skin of my teeth because I wasn't afraid to hurt them anymore.
        I only take exception to your first rule.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
          I only take exception to your first rule.
          I broke it before. I posted about it. Had a customer trying to strangle me because I wouldnt take his cans back. I could breath, but my first thought to get out of it was to smash his glasses into his eyes.

          I opt to grab him by the neck and shove him over the garbage bin, where the man then proceeded to cry about his sister died that day, and had a wedding to go too and a bunch of other nonsense.
          Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
          I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


          • #95
            Well, that's a different case.

            This is what I go by...pretty outdated, some would say:

            1.To never do outrage nor murder
            2. Always to flee treason
            3. To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy
            4. To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor
            5. To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows
            6. Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods


            • #96
              Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
              Sadily I only have my own morality when it comes to fighting, which basically comes down to

              1: Don't be afraid to fight dirty. You have no idea who your taking on is capable, take them out fast or get them to quit first.

              2: Don't look for fights, but be sure to finish them.

              3: Stand up for those who can't defend themselves.

              Again it took a lot of me being beaten, and even then I never won at school. However the fights I had too do against customers, I've won by the skin of my teeth because I wasn't afraid to hurt them anymore.
              My Uncle who was a lifer in the army taught me something similar to your rule number one. He said, "There is no such thing as a fair fight unless you are in a ring. If someone decides to attack you nothing is to low or dirty because you treat every fight as if it is for your life. Don't kill unless that is your only option but make sure the SOB don't get up."

              I am of the mind if I am attacked it is life or death so my goal is to incapacitate the aggressor as quickly and deftly as possible. Which is why I laid out a relative with a fry pan they were drunk and decided to swing on me... didn't hit them hard enough to kill them... but did knock them out cold.

              There is only fair fights in a ring.. and now I would say when I fight in the SCA... but other then that there is no such thing as a fair fight.


              • #97
                Kimmik: That's very true. The victim never chose to enter the fight, the bully does, so there's no game. The way I see it, there are certain lines you don't cross. Bullies cross those lines when they threaten harm to someone, even more so when they don't stop when warned.

                In plaidman's case, I saw nothing wrong with what he did. Absolutely nothing. He didn't even hurt the ones beating him up, he just gave them a scare. If was a toy gun he used to fend off attackers. No one was in any danger. The only one who was affected was the bully who asked for it when he threatened others.


                • #98
                  Right on to everything you said. If somebody threatens you with violence, even after you warn them that you will fight back, they deserve whatever they get. You DID try to warn them off, after all.

                  I spent a lot of my school career being picked on in one way or another. I certainly didn't volunteer to be called every filthy name in the book. I sure as shit didn't volunteer to be assaulted, have belongings stolen or vandalized, or even to be sexually harrassed.

                  I confess- by the time I hit 9th grade, my rope had all but broken. I was fed up with inaction on the part of teachers and administration, but most of all, I was fed up with being abused in every way imaginable just because other people wanted to have "fun". So once I hit my breaking point, I began lashing out. I slapped, elbowed, kicked at, and even choked people who pushed me too far. Do I regret it? Hell no. Hell NO. In fact, I wish I had had the knowlege and skill to do some real damage in the process. Perhaps leaving a few tormentors bloodied and battered on the school hallway floor might have gotten the point across that I wasn't worth having "fun" with anymore. All the feel-good crap that teachers proposed that I do failed miserably. Notice the solutions were always things that I had to do, not what the assholes had to do.
                  I was told crap like:
                  "Say good morning to everybody"
                  Don't wear anything that might draw attention to yourself
                  Don't do anything attention-getting
                  Don't say or talk about "wierd" things. (For somebody who read architecture and history books for fun, this was hard)

                  It was a rare person indeed who stood up for me, or actually did something. Most of the time, I was either left to the wolves, or even further victimized. I even got a lecture from a vice principal about how I needed to be more submissive!


                  • #99
                    I have a question, to both Plaidman and Amanita. If the school administration was so callous, why didn't you go to the police? Or did your districts not have a police department?


                    • My thought process? If school isn't going to do shit, why would police.

                      Also, police had far better things to do with then some idiot kid who can't stop people from picking on him, like robberies, solving murders, stopping drug dealers etc etc.

                      And also, my family sorta had a a huge anti police thing for longest time. After all they were pigs, scum yadda yadda yadda, seeing as they would pull us over for no reason, handcuff everyone because they dared to smoke weed. (And snorting meth I've learn later). So no, Going to police was not an option, as my family would scream at me far worst the whatever shot the police would do, if anything. I mean, the teachers didn't do shit. Police would likely ask teachers, and teachers would say we'll deal with it, and police would just go ok and leave it at that. They would need proof. My word against Bully word and his cronies. Thirty people say we didn't versus one kid saying they did? Who would win? Police would go with majority, because as I've been told by some teachers, "Well they all say they didn't, why would they all lie?"

                      SO yeah. That's why I didn't go and what my thought process was about going to police.
                      Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                      I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                      • So then, you didn't have campus police? The cops at my campus were very good at breaking up fights. At one point, there were these jerk-gangbangers that got into our school (our admissions was a lottery system, so they had a 1/120 chance of getting in). They picked on my friend who was a grunge-metalhead type. Anyway, one day they follow him into the bathroom during lunch and jump him. My friend pushed them off, broke one guy's nose etc. The administration gave him 3 days suspension and the cops got on the gangmember's case instead.

                        Also, you do realize your family's view is somewhat biased considering they were doing illegal things, right? Still, it sucks you didn't have that resource to use.


                        • I do realize my family's view is bias. Thankfully if anything my mom got out and has been cleaned for a bit. Didn't change her views on cops until shorty after my second/third fight at work when a police came and joked with me. "Ah Plaidman! Want to give me your info or should I just flip through my book for the last time this happened?"

                          Also, his remarks of me watching one tape. "Whoa, look at the little guy go!"

                          So her views on them are far better now that she clean. Has a license.

                          As for campus police? We uh, had like two security guards. I think. I rarely saw them. They were pals with the sports teams though, so yeah, unlikely they would had help. I mean, the shorter one did come in during my stunt, and walked me to my locker after the expusion to make sure i empty my locker and walked me off school propterty. That was about the extent. I was pretty much ragged at that point, and before hand. Teachers don't do shit. Principals don't do shit. What the hell would those guards, who to me at the point, were just older strongarm men like the assholes that bullied me. I was just surprised they didnt do any bullying myself.
                          Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                          I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                          • Hmm, I guess it depends on the school district then. I've actually never heard any super-bad bullying stories in all my years of grade school.


                            • Well. Congrats. Your lucky.
                              Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                              I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                              • Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                                So then, you didn't have campus police?
                                I didn't. I went to a very small, rural school, though. After the Westside shooting, some of the bigger districts in the area did get security officers, but that was it.

                                ETA: Count me in as another one who was bullied, although it was more often taunts, torments, and other psychological stuff. I was teased, a lot, from kindergarten to my senior year. But nothing physical. My mother was a well-known force to be reckoned with, and they knew that if they hurt me, they'd have to deal with her. I'm still considering whether or not to go to my HS reunion next year. I kind of want to, just to show off.
                                Last edited by AdminAssistant; 04-06-2010, 01:01 AM.

