I was goign to post this over on CS under check it out but then thought better of it as it might be a bit umm provacative or at the least too close to it to feel comfortable about it.
But there is apparently a group of people on the far right wing who feel that Wkipedia has too much of a "liberal" bias and have started their own pedia for as they put it" The truth and trustworthy information."
Looking around their site I was appalled at the bias they show. they treat intelligent design and creationism as actual scientific fact. Anythign to do with sex is considered bad, naughty and shouldnt be done. There are bible verses attached to all the articles I looked up. Economically speakign any social program is the biggest evil there could ever be. Basically this site panders to the WASP right wing nutjob zealot.
I mean check out this first paragraph from their article on homosexual marriage:
Its rather kinda scary actually. they are painting christianity as if they are being persecuted by the romans again. Lat time I checked the lions where not getting fed very well you know?
Hers whats even funnier the most view pages list:
Most viewed pages
Homosexuality [2,198,839]
Main Page [2,078,211]
Teen Homosexuality [301,599]
Homosexuality and Anal Cancer [296,384]
Homosexual Agenda [277,462]
Arguments Against Homosexuality [253,448]
Wikipedia [251,287]
Examples of Bias in Wikipedia [247,918]
Theory of Evolution [229,851]
Adolf Hitler [229,659]
Retrieved from "http://www.conservapedia.com/Special:Statistics"
*sigh* Isnt it so lovely how the internet just lets everyone with any kind of computer skill say whatever they want to.
But there is apparently a group of people on the far right wing who feel that Wkipedia has too much of a "liberal" bias and have started their own pedia for as they put it" The truth and trustworthy information."
Looking around their site I was appalled at the bias they show. they treat intelligent design and creationism as actual scientific fact. Anythign to do with sex is considered bad, naughty and shouldnt be done. There are bible verses attached to all the articles I looked up. Economically speakign any social program is the biggest evil there could ever be. Basically this site panders to the WASP right wing nutjob zealot.
I mean check out this first paragraph from their article on homosexual marriage:
In regards to homosexual marriage, the same-sex "marriage" movement is seeks to destroy the sanctity of marriage by using political power to enforce a redefinition of the concept. The aim is to prevent any criticism, particularly religious-based criticism, of homosexual relationships. In regards to homosexual couples, studies indicate that homosexual couples have higher rates of promiscuity than heterosexual couples. In addition, studies report that homosexual couples have significantly higher incidences of violent behavior.[Citation Needed] These studies are not surprising given what pathologists have stated regarding the commonness and brutality of homosexual murders. The prevalence of violence and emotional abuse in gay domestic partnerships.A particularly worrisome factor among gay rights activists is One survey found 53% of gays felt if the high incidence of violence against partners in homosexual relationships was known and understood by the heterosexual population, it would hinder the drive for gay rights.[Citation Needed]
Hers whats even funnier the most view pages list:
Most viewed pages
Homosexuality [2,198,839]
Main Page [2,078,211]
Teen Homosexuality [301,599]
Homosexuality and Anal Cancer [296,384]
Homosexual Agenda [277,462]
Arguments Against Homosexuality [253,448]
Wikipedia [251,287]
Examples of Bias in Wikipedia [247,918]
Theory of Evolution [229,851]
Adolf Hitler [229,659]
Retrieved from "http://www.conservapedia.com/Special:Statistics"
*sigh* Isnt it so lovely how the internet just lets everyone with any kind of computer skill say whatever they want to.