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    Brought this over from "Check it Out"

    IPF, you're totally right. It's funny, businesses want fewer government regulations and less interference. Well, if they would take it upon themselves to just do the right thing, the government wouldn't need to get involved.

  • #2
    Holy's sad that that kind of thing goes on after school days are over. When people are supposedly grown up. To drive people to suicide is just plain ridiculous...what do they get out of that? Some sick sense of satisfaction?
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      Isnt that a hostile work enviroment?

      The examples in the article are pretty vague. Not saying the people weren't bullied but saying you are bullied isn't the same as giving an example of being bullied. I'm curious as to what happened to these people to make them testifie in favor of the bill.


      • #4
        Is it just me or does it seem like they are just making things illegal that already are?

        You killed him you broke the law you go to jail. Wait you killed him and hated him while you did it well damn now your going to jail twice.
        Jack Faire


        • #5
          While hate crimes are tricky there is a logic behind them. It is worse to kill somebody for no reason other then they are the wrong race then to kill somebody because they angered you in some way or you wanted to rob them. There is provication, even if unintentional in the non-hate crimes


          • #6
            Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
            Is it just me or does it seem like they are just making things illegal that already are?
            Sadly, this is a lot of politics now and I am willing to bet any politican who doesn't back it because of redundancy will face an onslaught of accusations (oh, he supports workplace bullying, he didn't vote to ban workplace bullying) during reelection time.

            I'm sure many of the laws that come out today are very redundant (take talking / texting while driving - isn't distracted driving already against the law?).

            As for workplace bullying, yep, I deal with it. I deal with name calling (and not in a joking manner), highly aggressive attitudes, etc.

            Of course, these are also the same people who whine like a baby (and get me in trouble) because I won't kiss their rear ends whenever they want something.
            Last edited by draggar; 05-05-2010, 04:57 PM.


            • #7
              I'm sure many of the laws that come out today are very redundant (take talking / texting while driving - isn't distracted driving already against the law?).
              It is, but "distracted driving" is also vague, while "no texting" is not.
              "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


              • #8
                There are laws against discrimination against protected classes, but not an all-encompassing law to protect everyone from all manner of bullying. Someone could make your life hell out of jealousy, or if they are of a higher socioeconomic status, or just because they think it's fun to bully someone. It needs to be stopped. The corporate culture in this country is sick!


                • #9
                  If we're going to make sweeping statements let's not under-achieve. People on this planet are sick. Some of them, anyway, it's just hard to prove it sometimes.
                  All units: IRENE
                  HK MP5-N: Solving 800 problems a minute since 1986


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                    While hate crimes are tricky there is a logic behind them. It is worse to kill somebody for no reason other then they are the wrong race then to kill somebody because they angered you in some way or you wanted to rob them. There is provication, even if unintentional in the non-hate crimes
                    Yes but there are already degrees of Murder law. Depending on the circumstances of the death, accidental, on purpose, crime of passion (which can cover hate crimes unless it was premeditated in which case it was on purpose) which determine what type of murder your charged with and what amount of time you do.

                    No other type of murder has an extra sentence on top. For example killing soemone because your an abusive spouse doesn't have any extra time seperate from the actual punishment for killing them.
                    Jack Faire

