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  • #16
    -They love each other. True love is hard to find, so you grip it tightly when you do find it.
    -Sigmund Freud stated "the only unnatural sexual behavior is none at all".
    -Being against incest is a relatively new idea. Incest used to be quite common particularly amongst royalty (still kinda is).
    -The child won't be conceived by the both of them, only the dad with a surrogate egg donor, so there will be little chance of birth defects caused. The main argument against incest is the increased occurrence of birth defects caused by the limited gene pool.
    -They are both consenting adults who know exactly what they're getting into.
    -The child will be loved (they've gone through so much just to have it).
    -If you go all bible against them, 'Adam' and 'Eve' were basically brother and sister.

    -46 year age difference is hard to ignore.
    -Incest is wrong in the eyes on modern society.
    -Very high chance of losing most, if not all, of their friends who don't agree with their choices.
    -The child will get teased when it grows up, there really is no 2 ways about it.
    -72 year old women should not become mothers. I know this sounds rude and judgmental, but their bodies no longer allow it and they won't live much longer anyway (about 85 in most cases).

    Beyond that, my position can be rolled down to one sentence.
    "Ewwwww, but it's none of my business".
    Last edited by Rebel; 05-05-2010, 02:58 AM. Reason: 1 sentence, not 2.
    "Having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura."
    Josh Thomas


    • #17
      Originally posted by Giggle Goose View Post
      Is a "pensioner" a term used outside the US for "retiree?" Inquiring idiotic American minds like my own would like to know. Thanks :-)
      A 'pensioner' is someone who has retired and now lives off of their pension (pension schemes - UK and superannuation plans - Aussies and Kiwis), which they have saved up over their working life.

      I think the term 'retiree' is primarily used in the USA.
      "Having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura."
      Josh Thomas


      • #18
        I don't really see what the big deal is. There is a surrogate and an egg donor so from the genetic side the risks aren't any more than they would be if he was having a baby with any other random woman.

        As far as being raised by an older woman, how many kids out there are being raised by grandparents? It sure isn't an uncommon thing in my part of the world.

        I can't see myself ever in this situation but I guess one thing I have learned in life is that you don't always decide who you are going to fall in love with.\

        Steve B.


        • #19
          I'm about 99% certain this is a hoax.

          The only articles I can find on this are from the UK, Australia, and India. The original article is from a supermarket gossip rag-type publication from New Zealand.

          There are no articles from the US, where the couple actually (supposedly) lives.

          The articles all refer to the location of the couple as "Indiana, America" or some variation. No city is ever given.

          If it were true, you'd think I'd be able to locate one some blurb on ABC, NBC, BBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC....something. I can't. On one hand, I'd like to believe that no "reputable" news agency would report on something that is not really news.

          But I'm not so naive. I think they haven't reported on it because they've sent out fact checkers and come up empty.

          The story's a hoax.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Boozy View Post
            I'm about 99% certain this is a hoax.

            The only articles I can find on this are from the UK, Australia, and India. The original article is from a supermarket gossip rag-type publication from New Zealand.

            There are no articles from the US, where the couple actually (supposedly) lives.

            The articles all refer to the location of the couple as "Indiana, America" or some variation. No city is ever given.

            If it were true, you'd think I'd be able to locate one some blurb on ABC, NBC, BBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC....something. I can't. On one hand, I'd like to believe that no "reputable" news agency would report on something that is not really news.

            But I'm not so naive. I think they haven't reported on it because they've sent out fact checkers and come up empty.

            The story's a hoax.
            Pretty much definitely, but still an interesting debate. The law of large numbers demands that this has happened or is happening somewhere...
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            • #21
              I'm glad someone mentioned the feasability of a 72 year old woman being pregnant in the first damn place.

              I think it's probably a hoax too but if not damn it's wrong on many levels. The thought of doing anything with your own grandparents just freaks me out. And with someone that much older.....that's too far apart to even make sense.

              Although I have no room to talk ...the largest age difference I've ever had in a lover is about 30 years....he was older than me. And while I don't make a habit of that he was unique and very cool. But it was never a boyfriend/girlfriend type relationship and I don't think it would ever work as one.
              Great YouTube channel check it out!


              • #22
                Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                I'm glad someone mentioned the feasability of a 72 year old woman being pregnant in the first damn place.
                I want to mention again, that even though it is a hoax, the 72 was not the one getting pregenet. They were finding a woman to have eggs, and just have the man's sperm go into her eggs to carry a baby.
                Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.

