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Husband get arrested after rushing new wife to hospital

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Wingates_Hellsing View Post
    Moreover, ALL laws are subject to exceptional circumstances.
    Which is to be determined in court.
    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


    • #17
      Originally posted by Greenday View Post
      Which is to be determined in court.
      Or could have been determined by the cop.
      "Never confuse the faith with the so-called faithful." -- Cartoonist R.K. Milholland's father.
      A truer statement has never been spoken about any religion.


      • #18
        Going by these stories I wouldn’t stop either. If I’m lucky and have my cell phone I’ll call 911 to inform them why I’m driving this fast. I will try to signal or motion what is going on to any Officer trying to stop me, but past that I consider my families lives to be more important than fondling the feelings of some bad apple cop who’s trying to make his ticket quota for the month.

        An EMT wouldn't have to because he would be in an ambulance. As far as the cop knew this guy was just some nut who wouldn't stop and kept breaking traffic laws. It would have been alot worse for the wife if the cop ran the guy off the road to stop him from endangering other drivers.
        Red Panda, EMT’s are required to stop at any accident and give medical care if they are the first responder. I’ve been on accidents with my husband where if an ambulance hadn’t shown up a minute later we would have had to move a patient to a hospital on our own. Just because you’re an EMT doesn’t mean you always have an ambulance. Sometimes its faster to move a patient without waiting.

        Medical emergencies do take precedence over a lot of the rules of the road, otherwise every ambulance, fire truck, police car ect. running lights could be ticketed for sooo many violations. So long as its found to be an emergency people get to use most of those laws in there personal vehicles as well. The biggest difference is in how well they’ve been trained to drive in those situations.


        • #19
          My point is that this guy was not in an ambulance and didn't stop to tell the cop the situation so the cop has no idea whats going on and had to act based on what he knew, some guy was driving very recklessly. The guy should have let the cop know the situation so the cop could have given him an escort


          • #20
            Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
            The guy should have let the cop know the situation so the cop could have given him an escort
            The guy should not have let the cop know it's likely his wife would have died if he had and as an EMT that would have been considered a worse crime than running red lights.

            Yes the cop only knows what he sees but that is his reason for following charging the guy with a crime is done after catching the guy and knowing what is going that is when he decides whether or not charges need to be brought.
            Jack Faire


            • #21
              Well it looks like all charges against the man have been dropped and the cop has been placed on paid leave:

              AKA sld72382 on customerssuck.


              • #22
                The wife says the officer *got between* them and the ER entrance door when her husband was carrying her because she didn't have her prosthetic leg, said an epithet, and "I'm going to arrest you." The husband had to go around the officer into the ER. If it was clear that there was a person in medical trouble, the officer had NO right AT ALL to BLOCK their path to medical care! That is BLATANTLY irresponsible, not to mention obviously DANGEROUS.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Caveat Emptor View Post
                  If it was clear that there was a person in medical trouble, the officer had NO right AT ALL to BLOCK their path to medical care! That is BLATANTLY irresponsible, not to mention obviously DANGEROUS.
                  I'm sure the cop could clearly see in that very brief glimpse that she was in medical trouble, especially since it was internal and all.
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                    I'm sure the cop could clearly see in that very brief glimpse that she was in medical trouble, especially since it was internal and all.
                    Erm, considering he was carrying her into an emergency room, the context of a medical emergency could certainly have been implied.


                    • #25
                      Unless it was a case of somebody who is going to kill somebody who is in the hospital, or the person got caught driving reclessly and didn't want to get in trouble so they were faking. The officer had every right to question the situation


                      • #26
                        You can question the situation without standing in the way. As much as LEOs should provide for a situation to be false they should also provide for it being true. If it was a cover for an assassination (not very likely) or some kind of cover, there was still no reason to actively prevent the man from entering. To do so endangers the life of the wife if the situation was legit (it was) and is therefore also invalid. The cop could've provided for potential negatives just fine by accompanying the couple into the ER.
                        All units: IRENE
                        HK MP5-N: Solving 800 problems a minute since 1986


                        • #27
                          Isn't blocking the entrance to an ER for ANY REASON illegal. Officer or not there are ways to stop the man from taking his wife in without blocking the entrance so that no one else can get in without trouble either.

                          Also if she had died because he wouldn't let her be admitted to ER then he is liable for that action.
                          Jack Faire


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                            Isn't blocking the entrance to an ER for ANY REASON illegal. Officer or not there are ways to stop the man from taking his wife in without blocking the entrance so that no one else can get in without trouble either.

                            Also if she had died because he wouldn't let her be admitted to ER then he is liable for that action.
                            Let's say it WAS some crazed lunatic and he just let the guy go. Everyone would be questioning why he didn't stop some maniac killer. He already proved himself to be a threat to the public (reckless driving) so it's not a stretch for the cop to think he could continue to be a threat.
                            Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                              Let's say it WAS some crazed lunatic and he just let the guy go. Everyone would be questioning why he didn't stop some maniac killer. He already proved himself to be a threat to the public (reckless driving) so it's not a stretch for the cop to think he could continue to be a threat.
                              Police escort go with the guy. I am not saying let the guy go I am saying don't stop an emergency from being addressed. The wife gets admited and then you arrest the guy.

                              It's easy. Seriously last I checked cops carry guns. The guy has his hands full and the woman is obviously lacking in mobility as she is being carried.

                              Keep one hand on your gun and you can drop both of them really quickly if they are crazed assassins escaped from a bad Hollywood movie there to shoot up the hospital.

                              It's the doctors job to determine if it is an emergency situation the Cop is to protect and make sure the people don't try to harm others.

                              Like has been said the cop can't tell if anything is really wrong or not.
                              Jack Faire

