If you work at Target, right now, I'm sorry if you think it's just a job, but you work for a company that just gave a six figure donation to an organization that advocates violence and even death against homosexuals. You deserve every bit of hatred you are about to receive in the coming weeks for helping to earn that company the money to donate. I don't give a shit if you are just doing a job and that's all you can do, that defense hasn't gotten people off of war crimes and it sure as hell won't help you.
And yes, I am proud to have already gone SC on some of Target's guest relations crew, and I intend to do so more. If we can jam their phone lines and email inboxes and hopefully cost them money for this act of hatred all the better.
Work for Target, right now you have two choices, continue to support this blatant bigotry, or quit... I don't give a fuck which you do, but if it's the first, don't expect my sympathy when your treated like you deserve.
And before you get on my case, yes, if the company I worked for advocated violence, be it against any group, I would quit without a second thought. No job is worth sacrificing my morals and integrity and being responsible for earning the money that is used to fund the advocacy of violence. I expect no more from the employees of Target, or I expect that they support this agenda, because this isn't a small matter of "I don't agree with my company's view of domestic partner benefits, but otherwise they are a decent company" this is a matter of THE COMPANY JUST FUCKING ADVOCATED KILLING PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR ORIENTATION.
And yes, I am proud to have already gone SC on some of Target's guest relations crew, and I intend to do so more. If we can jam their phone lines and email inboxes and hopefully cost them money for this act of hatred all the better.
Work for Target, right now you have two choices, continue to support this blatant bigotry, or quit... I don't give a fuck which you do, but if it's the first, don't expect my sympathy when your treated like you deserve.
And before you get on my case, yes, if the company I worked for advocated violence, be it against any group, I would quit without a second thought. No job is worth sacrificing my morals and integrity and being responsible for earning the money that is used to fund the advocacy of violence. I expect no more from the employees of Target, or I expect that they support this agenda, because this isn't a small matter of "I don't agree with my company's view of domestic partner benefits, but otherwise they are a decent company" this is a matter of THE COMPANY JUST FUCKING ADVOCATED KILLING PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR ORIENTATION.