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Where it is appropriate to go SC on employees.

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  • #16
    BK, what you don't understand, what negatively affects gays SPREADS, what helps is contained.
    No positive no positive change has ever spread, it's always grown locally, piecewise. Anti-gay stuff gets put into federal law (DADT and DOMA being the two largest). We can't even get the feds to make workplace discrimination illegal... the last thing we need is a new low to come into power anywhere, because experience has shown that it will spread.
    That, and as I'm said, I'm tired of us being the punching bag for the nation.

    To be honest, I'm glad my grandma died when she did... she died seeing a nation that was still moving forward, she didn't live to see us hit the brick wall and start going backwards.

    and ERD- I would love to see you be rationale about finding out a company wanted you DEAD.
    "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


    • #17
      I pity any Target employee who has to deal with any spiteful person acting a SC and blaming them for something they had no control over.


      • #18
        Kibbles, and I pity the gay person who will get killed because of their advocacy of violence... life just aint fair, now is it.
        "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


        • #19
          But you are advocating being sucky to someone who doesn't deserve it. That's just sad.


          • #20
            So, people-thousands of people-are supposed to uproot their entire lives because you're upset about a decision they had nothing to do with. Nice.
            Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


            • #21
              Originally posted by kibbles View Post
              But you are advocating being sucky to someone who doesn't deserve it. That's just sad.
              Have you ever been the victim of a crime?
              I'll assume that the answer is a no, because if you had, you wouldn't have just said that.
              I've had my car vandalized, I've been assaulted multiple times, I even had someone try to kill me (in retrospect, the odds of them succeeding were quite low, but that isn't something that really registers until long after the fact).
              Rationally you may know that they have nothing to do with it, but seeing an employee of a store that just advocated more violence against you does not involve the rationale mind, now does it.
              "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


              • #22
                Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                For too long I have been the punching bag of this nation, NO FUCKING LONGER.
                But surely a significant portion of those Target employees are on your side. Every time I shop at Target, most of the employees are twenty-somethings or younger (i.e. an age group that tends to be pretty liberal about things like this). By going on this crusade, you are attacking a lot of people who are probably on your side. Once again, they can't help it if their company does something stupid like this. And that car crash analogy you used is an apples to oranges comparison, and a very egregious one at that. If you kill someone in a car crash, you were doing something reckless. These employees have done nothing reckless. They didn't make the decision to donate this money. They weren't even consulted. Heck, many of them probably don't even know about it!

                Please don't take this out on them. You're making your community look very bad by doing so. And possibly, you're alienating some people who might be supporting you. Think about it. What if some employee at Target is starting to support the LGBT community, and then he or she encounters you? Do you think that person is likely to keep warming up to you?


                • #23
                  So I get to hate every white person in the country because of the guy who pulled a gun on me? The ones who assaulted me? The ones who call me nigger because I deign to walk down the same street as they did? I get to hate all Hispanics because of the ones who've broken into my trucks and stolen the tools that are our livelihood? Do I get to hate all Black people because of the one who pulled a gun on my son? These were all men. Do I get to hate all men, too?

                  I really don't understand the reasoning that because bad stuff happens to you, that means you have the right to wish bad things on people who have nothing to do with the bad things that happen to you.

                  At any rate, since you live in this country, with its attitude towards homosexuals, and you're so hung up on guilt by association, you're just as much to blame as the rest of us. Sound good?
                  Last edited by KnitShoni; 07-26-2010, 04:41 AM.
                  Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


                  • #24
                    KnitShoni, the difference between you and me, is you go to the police and they take you seriously, I go to the police and I'm lucky if they recognize the fact that I'm even there.

                    When I was attacked in 6th grade, I was jumped by a group of four guys who were going to teach the fag a lesson. The pinned me and started hitting and kicking me and threatened to kill me, one of them had a baseball bat, so it was entirely possible that they could have. I was saved by a passing motorist who pulled up and blared their horn and scared them off. When I reported it to the police, I made the mistake of telling them that the group attacked me because I didn't act enough like a man. The police officer, who was a good Christian man, wrote it off as boys being boys with the implied "I hope you learned your lesson"
                    I will bet you my next paycheck if I had been black and they did it because they didn't like black people, they would have been charged as adults and still been serving prison terms today. When you get attacked, people will come to your defense, when I get attacked major corporations make donations to groups who advocate that people attack me again.
                    "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                    • #25
                      As a thought

                      Would it be sucky to, without raising voice, without using profanities, remaining relatively calm and professional, call into and email guest relations repeatedly demanding an explanation?
                      Would it be sucky to calmly ask "how can the company justify advocating my death? How can the company justify donating to an organization that actively promotes the murder of homosexuals? What could they possibly offer to make up for the fact that they advocate violence?"
                      Considering it is the job of someone in guest relations to explain company policy, that would seem a reasonable question to ask them.
                      And more importantly, every minute that they have guest relations employees answering calls about that donation is costing them time and money that they would have otherwise spent assisting paying customers and earning the company money, it hurts the corporation's bottom line.
                      "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                        Would it be sucky to, without raising voice, without using profanities, remaining relatively calm and professional, call into and email guest relations repeatedly demanding an explanation?
                        Would it be sucky to calmly ask "how can the company justify advocating my death? How can the company justify donating to an organization that actively promotes the murder of homosexuals? What could they possibly offer to make up for the fact that they advocate violence?"
                        Considering it is the job of someone in guest relations to explain company policy, that would seem a reasonable question to ask them.
                        And more importantly, every minute that they have guest relations employees answering calls about that donation is costing them time and money that they would have otherwise spent assisting paying customers and earning the company money, it hurts the corporation's bottom line.
                        You know, if this is what you had suggested to begin with, that would be one thing. This would not be sucky at all. This scenario doesn't having you wishing to ruin the lives of the families of people not involved in the decision making process.
                        Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


                        • #27
                          Smiley, once again, your pure and completely blind hatred of this issue is beyond logic, beyond rationality, beyond reason. You are part of the problem by sticking your fingers in your ears and going, "LA LA LA LA THEY HATE ME AND WANT ME TO DIE LA LA LA LA". I pity you, I truly do. These actions and this mindset must make your life so much harder to live than it already is.

                          All I can hope is that you cease to spread your own misery and unhappiness to people who have no control over this issue.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                            KnitShoni, the difference between you and me, is you go to the police and they take you seriously, I go to the police and I'm lucky if they recognize the fact that I'm even there.

                            When I was attacked in 6th grade, I was jumped by a group of four guys who were going to teach the fag a lesson. The pinned me and started hitting and kicking me and threatened to kill me, one of them had a baseball bat, so it was entirely possible that they could have. I was saved by a passing motorist who pulled up and blared their horn and scared them off. When I reported it to the police, I made the mistake of telling them that the group attacked me because I didn't act enough like a man. The police officer, who was a good Christian man, wrote it off as boys being boys with the implied "I hope you learned your lesson"
                            I will bet you my next paycheck if I had been black and they did it because they didn't like black people, they would have been charged as adults and still been serving prison terms today. When you get attacked, people will come to your defense, when I get attacked major corporations make donations to groups who advocate that people attack me again.
                            No, the difference is, you actually have to tell people you're gay in order for people to attack you.
                            Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


                            • #29
                              Note that he mentioned it happened because he didn't act enough like a "man". Many people are harassed or attacked (as far as I've seen or directly heard of) because they seem too feminine.


                              • #30
                                Lots of people get attacked for not acting the way people think they should. Black people get attacked for "acting white." That's how I spent every year of school from 4th grade on. I just don't understand how his being attacked makes it ok for him to hate, but everyone else is just supposed to get over his hatred.
                                Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.

