I've met fireheart, she's not overweight, I am and yet I'm stronger, fitter and more flexible than most healthy weight people.
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Petite passenger booted from Southwest flight
Originally posted by Nyoibo View PostI've met fireheart, she's not overweight, I am and yet I'm stronger, fitter and more flexible than most healthy weight people.
And I can also personally attest to that other statement. He came top in the two rounds I saw him fight in full kit.
Originally posted by Red Panda View PostThats absurd. You ask me I think if a passanger pays for one seat they get one seat.
If they are too fat to fit in one seat and they pay for one seat then they don't fly. Its not like you don't know that you are too gigantic to fit in a single seat. The trouble is there are fat people who think that not wanting to excersize is a disability or something and they should get extra treatment. I'd rather see the oppisite. Your too fat to take part in something you don't get accomidations, you get told you are too fat and should try not eating 20,000 calories worth of food per day.
What a fascinating opinion. Unfortunately for you:
"There is no protection under the law for weight class," said Clint David, an attorney based in Dallas, during a phone interview with 39 News. "Overweight people, underweight people do not have protection under the law."
It turns out that Southwest Airlines is perfectly within its rights.
"Southwest Airlines will probably make some sort of amends to her whether [it's] free flying; things of that nature," said David. "But to file a lawsuit, in my opinion, would be a dead loser and all you would be doing is running up fees and negative energy."
But that's the first time I've heard the victim-blaming "She wouldn't have been raped if she didn't wear a short skirt." argument used for fatphobia.Regards,
The Exiled, V.2.0
"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind."
- H. P. Lovecraft
BTW - I'm overweight (30-40 pounds) but you'll never hear me blaming anything other than a poor diet and laziness.
As for getting back OT - there has been no confirmation yet if the passenger who needed two seats paid for two seats or not. This is still the deal breaker for me - especially if they knew they needed two seats (flown before and needed it etc..).
Originally posted by ExiledV20 View PostThe large customer paid first, therefore had right of choice. *shrugs* Per the policy Southwest posts on their website, he who pays first chooses to give up a seat or not...
If they are too fat to fit in one seat and they pay for one seat then they don't fly. Its not like you don't know that you are too gigantic to fit in a single seat. The trouble is there are fat people who think that not wanting to excersize is a disability or something and they should get extra treatment. I'd rather see the oppisite. Your too fat to take part in something you don't get accomidations, you get told you are too fat and should try not eating 20,000 calories worth of food per day.
What a fascinating opinion. Unfortunately for you:
"There is no protection under the law for weight class," said Clint David, an attorney based in Dallas, during a phone interview with 39 News. "Overweight people, underweight people do not have protection under the law."
It turns out that Southwest Airlines is perfectly within its rights.
"Southwest Airlines will probably make some sort of amends to her whether [it's] free flying; things of that nature," said David. "But to file a lawsuit, in my opinion, would be a dead loser and all you would be doing is running up fees and negative energy."
But that's the first time I've heard the victim-blaming "She wouldn't have been raped if she didn't wear a short skirt." argument used for fatphobia.
The short skirt analogy doesn't work with morbidly obese people. Its more like saying "She wouldn't have gotten raped if she didn't take off her clothes and gotten in bed with a serial rapists."
Unless its a case where KFC keeps jumping into the person's mouth whenever they open it to talk and they can't figure out how to stop it.
Originally posted by LewisLegion View PostMy BF is bipolar and is on both depakote and lamictal...both of which cause weight gain. She excercises and eats healthy and moderately yet has still gained fifty pounds of weight simply because of her medication.
Originally posted by Red Panda View PostUnless its a case where KFC keeps jumping into the person's mouth whenever they open it to talk and they can't figure out how to stop it.
That's without even getting into the social causes of obesity or how BMI is one of the biggest crap measurements in existence, vilified by the majority of the medical industry. Or heck, without even getting into the research of infectobesity.
Frankly, your argument comes across as uninformed and trollish.Regards,
The Exiled, V.2.0
"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind."
- H. P. Lovecraft
Originally posted by Greenday View PostSo you are saying only 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people are overweight because of medical problems? .
Originally posted by Red Panda View PostI know medications and diseases can make you fat, but it doesn't make you gain 300 pounds. Eating Cadberry Eggs instead of cereal for breakfast does that.
Originally posted by ExiledV20 View Post
If they are too fat to fit in one seat and they pay for one seat then they don't fly. Its not like you don't know that you are too gigantic to fit in a single seat. The trouble is there are fat people who think that not wanting to excersize is a disability or something and they should get extra treatment.
Originally posted by ExiledV20 View PostYou choose to ignore the socio-economics of grocery buying .
Also, I alternate between working two jobs and working and going to school full time... I don't have time to exercise (beyond the walking that I do) and wouldn't have the money to afford a gym anyway.
So, apparently, I'm just lazy because I don't have the time or money to be healthier? The only thing I can cut back on is sleep, and doing with less sleep would, oh guess what, cause weight gain."I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand
Originally posted by ExiledV20 View PostAnd again you assume that it's a personal moral failing of the individual that causes morbid obesity. You choose to ignore presence of HFCS in most everything you buy, the use of preservatives and additives that contribute to weight gain, and the practices of factory farming in relation to growth hormone. You choose to ignore the socio-economics of grocery buying and the existence of "grocery deserts" as well as the increasing reliance of Western society on reliant on energy-dense, big-portion, fast-food meals. You choose to ignore the polymorphisms in various genes controlling appetite and metabolism that predispose to obesity when sufficient calories are present, especially when there is a leptin receptor deficiency. You choose to ignore hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, growth hormone deficiency, and the eating disorders: binge eating disorder and night eating syndrome. You choose to ignore how insulin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, steroids, certain anticonvulsants (phenytoin and valproate), pizotifen, and hormonal contraception cause obesity.
That's without even getting into the social causes of obesity or how BMI is one of the biggest crap measurements in existence, vilified by the majority of the medical industry. Or heck, without even getting into the research of infectobesity.
Frankly, your argument comes across as uninformed and trollish.
You say fat people aren't to blame for being fat and then name off a bunch of things they can control. I will give someone a pass is they have the disease that makes them gain 300 pounds that nobody can name, but for every one else it is their own fault they are fat.
If big portioned fast food are making you fat don't wave your hands in the air crying "What can I do" while making your fifth trip to Arby's that week, stop eating so much fast food.
If HFCS or preservatives in meat make you fat then buy meat that doesn't have them, or if you can't then buy less meat. I will make hamburger helper with half the amount of meat recomended. It saves money and the amount of meat in my diet.
As for "grocery deserts" thats pretty laughable. How could somebody help but be fat with the existance of desert. Are you suppose to expect them to not buy desert? Thats insane. Self control went extinct in 1973.
My problem with fat people is that they are the most self entitled people around. They want all kinds of exceptions and special treatment for a condition that they have full control over. Unless you have a medical condition there is no excuse for obesity, and even those with a medical condition rarely become the 400 pound monsters without alot of help from Sarah Lee.
There are all kinds of excuses for fat most of which can be countered by self control. The only one that makes any sense is the cost excuse which only makes sense if you don't actually pay attention to prices. Fast food is not cheaper then making food because you can make enough food for more then one meal. Premade foods aren't cheaper for the same reason. I can pay four dollars for a frozen meal or pay eight dollars for ingrediants and make five meals. Its only when the cost arguemtn and not knowing how to cook are combined that there is only the slightest bit of an excuse and even then the person simply needs to learn how to cook. So it stil lcomes down to a controlable factor.
I rarely eat. Eating fast food is faster for me. I can cook ok, but I don't have the energy or even focus to do it.
In anycase, I only eat every other day or so, so that's likely why I'm skinny as I am.Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But uh...my wife buys the pants so....yeah.
As for "grocery deserts" thats pretty laughable. How could somebody help but be fat with the existance of desert. Are you suppose to expect them to not buy desert? Thats insane. Self control went extinct in 1973.
This thread derailment hasn't turned into an attack on fat people. We all acknowledge that there are some medical conditions that make people gain weight. Hell, I have a problem with weight gain when I get hurt. My body is so conditioned with my exercise regimen that I can eat pretty much anything that I want. I can eat 4 super-sized meals from McD's a day if I wanted to. My heart and my stomach might not like it, but I'll stay looking fithowever, if I get hurt and can't exercise the way I normally do, I will gain 20 pounds within a week if I don't curb my diet. I'm currently 154 pounds and about 10% body fat. The last time I blew out my knee, I ballooned up to around 200 and about 23% body fat. it was not pretty.
But as I and others have pointed out, we know far too many people that whine and complain about having medical conditions but yet still eat enough for 4 people in a single meal or are eating constantly throughout the day.
Is this a thyroid condition or over eating?
CHSome People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.
Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Postcan't afford as many fresh vegitables and fruits as I should eat, and when I do buy fresh produce I have to have the non-organic stuff which isn't as nutricious.
That is a complete and total myth-
From the Mayo clinic-
Nutrition. No conclusive evidence shows that organic food is more nutritious than is conventionally grown food. And the USDA — even though it certifies organic food — doesn't claim that these products are safer or more nutritious.
heck penn and teller did an episode of bullshit about organic foods(99 cents at amazon.com unbox).
and one on GMO foods