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  • Originally posted by blas87 View Post
    You should not actually be eating double or more because you are pregnant. I just watched a segment on the news today saying research is showing women who gain 50+ pounds while pregnant are more apt to have overweight babies and children, possibly overweight kids for life.
    Actually, there are people (me, for instance) who DO have to eat double just to have a healthy weight gain during their pregnancy. I HAD to gain at least 40 pounds to keep me and the baby healthy. Is this research talking gross or net weight gain?

    I never said pregnancy DOES make people fat, just that it COULD. My mother didn't get fat until after her 4th pregnancy.
    Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


    • I understand, I wasn't defending the fat-hating at all. I just thought it would be worth mentioning because I was watching the news while Fratching earlier.

      It was just something on my local news on NBC, stating women who gained more than 50 pounds while pregnant on average tended to have fat babies who turned into fat kids, etc. Not sure who they were watching or monitoring.

      My mom weighed 90 pounds before having me, was about 115 when I was born and bounced right back. My litte brother did make her fat, she gained nearly 50 pounds, he was a huge baby and she didn't even over-eat with him, and she wasn't able to lose the weight after him as easily as with me.

      And yet he's still the favorite child. *fist shake*

      I know of a lot of girls who use their pregnancy to excuse eating everything in site or gaining as much weight as possible. I don't think it's very smart, especially if you are heavy to start with.


      • Originally posted by Kheldarson View Post
        I submit Painter Peter Paul Reubens. A Flemish painter from the Renaissance period. Very few of his nudes are skinny and many look like they're getting towards the 300 lb range.

        So, if that's not an indication of a different standard of beauty than from today, I think you need to study some more history.

        As for current: Have an example

        I don't enjoy looking at nude paintings of giant women. I'm also not very attracted to guys who are balding. Besides, he is obviously not the wieght range I am talking about. Show me an attractive person who ways over 300 pounds. That is the challenge


        • No pictures of attractive big people eh? Also, 300lbs looks different on different people.

          Panda, Your attitude disgusts me.


          • That woman can't be 300 pounds. She's no size 4, but she cannot be 300 pounds.


            • She may not be 300, but I do believe she's over 200.


              Mod Warning: Above link is NSFW

              What about these women? Though I doubt any photo no matter how good is going to get Panda to give up her fat hate.
              Last edited by Boozy; 08-06-2010, 10:55 PM.


              • Why didn't you say so? I have some extra hip I'd love to get rid of, the gym isn't working and I can't afford and am scared of lipo.


                • Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                  Fat people are gross. Most people are too scared of offending someone to admit how they feel, but just take a look at porn or the media.
                  Nothing against pregancy, just the idea of fat people having sex.
                  Wow. Didn't know that the media was fact. Guess this means your a twilight fan, no wait, and OBSESSIVE twilight fan. Which are you? Edward or Jacob?

                  Speaking of twilight, most media shows that women, while they can be strong and effective, usually most rely on some form of male help, otherwise they'll never succed period. What men do you slave yourself for help?

                  Media shows that black people are lazy and stupid. Do you hold this view too?

                  Media shows that asians are highly intelligent and speak in broken english, but can also take on three different armies of monsters, while reciting an entire poem before they hit an evil creature.

                  What other media sterotypes do you belive in?

                  As for fat people having sex:
                  Why? means two less fat people attempting to eat you (Well, in your mind anyway). The fact that two people found love? (Or at least a fuck buddy) is always awesome period, you Sizism.
                  Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                  I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                  • MOD NOTE:

                    Just a reminder to keep it on topic, please.

                    Please avoid speculation about the identity of certain members. It shouldn't matter what someone's handle is on CS or how they got here. Focus on the arguments.

                    And if you truly believe that someone is a troll, don't respond. Given the sheer popularity of this thread, the mods have assumed that everyone participating is having fun. If you feel that you're being trolled, why continue to engage in the debate?

                    It's also worth noting that calling a member a "troll" can be considered a personal attack, which as you know is against the rules of this forum. If you're genuinely concerned about a post, please report it. Keep in mind, however, that "troll" does not necessarily equal "person with an unpopular opinion".

                    Carry on.


                    • Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                      She may not be 300, but I do believe she's over 200.


                      What about these women? Though I doubt any photo no matter how good is going to get Panda to give up her fat hate.
                      Gross fat rolls are gross.

                      Wow. Didn't know that the media was fact. Guess this means your a twilight fan, no wait, and OBSESSIVE twilight fan. Which are you? Edward or Jacob?

                      Speaking of twilight, most media shows that women, while they can be strong and effective, usually most rely on some form of male help, otherwise they'll never succed period. What men do you slave yourself for help?

                      Media shows that black people are lazy and stupid. Do you hold this view too?

                      Media shows that asians are highly intelligent and speak in broken english, but can also take on three different armies of monsters, while reciting an entire poem before they hit an evil creature.

                      What other media sterotypes do you belive in?
                      Its a stereotype that fat people are kept off tv and movies because they are unpleasent to look at? I don't think you know what stereotypes are.

                      As for fat people having sex:
                      Why? means two less fat people attempting to eat you (Well, in your mind anyway). The fact that two people found love? (Or at least a fuck buddy) is always awesome period, you Sizism.

                      Its not awesome to imagine.


                      • Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                        That woman can't be 300 pounds. She's no size 4, but she cannot be 300 pounds.
                        She looks about my size (although she has a more defined waist and carries the weight better than I do), and I'm around 210.


                        • Originally posted by Red Panda View Post

                          Its not awesome to imagine.

                          Then I have the most AWESOME and EASY advice for that!


                          There ya go!

                          Just don't view them as having sex!

                          Once you start, move on to a different dream! WOW! Shocking!
                          Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                          I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                          • Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                            I don't enjoy looking at nude paintings of giant women. I'm also not very attracted to guys who are balding. Besides, he is obviously not the wieght range I am talking about. Show me an attractive person who ways over 300 pounds. That is the challenge
                            I know the balding guy. He was about 360 last time I talked to him.
                            "The hero is the person who can act mindfully, out of conscience, when others are all conforming, or who can take the moral high road when others are standing by silently, allowing evil deeds to go unchallenged." — Philip Zimbardo
                            TUA Games & Fiction // Ponies


                            • Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                              Why didn't you say so? I have some extra hip I'd love to get rid of, the gym isn't working and I can't afford and am scared of lipo.
                              Blas, I've seen pics of you, and if I find out you got lipo I will come to Wisconsin and kick your scrawny ass.


                              • To answer the question on fat people being attractive, I can come up with a few celebrities who have weight issues and look amazing: Queen Latifah, Aretha Franklin, Christina Schmidt, Velvet D'Amour, Luenell I can't remember her last name...all of these are big women but also end up knowing how to show off what they do have so they look absolutely amazing.

                                Christina Schmidt also gets a special mention: for those who are unfamiliar, she was Terri in the first three sessions of Degrassi: the Next Generation, playing a character who had self-esteem and body image issues, but wound up working as a plus-size model. When she left the show, she became a model full-time.

