Originally posted by Greenday
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When I was taking theatre classes, however, they all had a VERY strict attendance policy. And, if you missed a class, you were not allowed to participate in a show that night. You HAVE to be there for an acting class except in extreme circumstances.
Originally posted by MaggieTheCat
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Some kids might also have great difficulty getting caught back up to their classmates, and then the teacher has to take extra time out of their schedule to help. I mean, if the parents are so laissez-faire about their child's education that they would pull them out of school for a trip - AND LIE ABOUT IT - why would they bother making sure the kid made up what they missed? If taking vacations whenever you feel like it means that much to you, home school your kid. Otherwise, realize that sacrifices have to be made for you child's education. I mean, your reply made it seem as if multiplication and spelling are unimportant, something that couldn't be further from the truth.